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Authoress C


Riley stared at the annoying face of her rival. Is the goddess playing a joke on her or what? How could the very person she hates and wants to leave the pack for be her mate? She never thought in a million years that her destined mate, whom she has been dying to meet, was her rival, her nemesis. What was she going to do? Without thinking, Riley blurted, "I, Riley Sheer, reject-" "Don't even think of it," Rylan growled and glared. Rylan's hot breath fanned her face. He held her firmly. With his deep and alluring voice, he said, "I'm not letting you go. You are mine." He could feel her struggling weakly. "My rival, my mate, mine alone."

Chapter 1 My Mate

Riley Point Of View

"Riley! It's time for training!" I frown, covering my head with the duvet. "Aren't you going to go to the pack party?" My mom's voice came again. My door was locked, so she could only yell from outside. "Ah, you are clocking eighteen years, young lady. Is this how lazy you'll be once you get mated?"

Mate! I sprang up immediately. Of course, today is the day! "I'm up!" I yelled back. I quickly went to the bathroom. Finally, after years of waiting, I'll finally be able to meet my mate.

All unmated females find their mate once they are eighteen years of age, and if their mate isn't part of the pack, they are allowed to leave in search of them. Females want to find their mate so that they will be loved and to love, but I was different. I wanted to find my mate in order to leave this pack.

As an Omega, which is the weakest wolf in the pack, my parents had to be workers at our Alpha's palace. That is the only vital role for an omega. However, my parents got favored by the Alpha and his Luna. Everything would have been okay if the Alpha's son, who will be our future Alpha, was not a brat.

I got dressed, wearing my training clothes. I fixed my hair. I was excited. The Alpha's son is the reason I badly want to leave this pack. Since the day I knew him, he was always disturbing my precious life. He was my nemesis, always after me, my misfortune. I could not tolerate his attitude and wicked behavior towards me. So I decided to fight him with every little prank, insult, trouble he caused me. I gave him double. Little by little, we became rivals, always fighting and hating each other.

There was no peace for me. I couldn't lead a normal life like every Omega. Apart from Lisa, I couldn't make any friends. Some were envious of my family relationship with the Alpha and hated me, while others stayed clear of me because they were afraid to get on their future Alpha's bad side. Everyone assumed that when the Alpha's son becomes our ruler, he would definitely kill me or worse. But whatever he will do to me when he rules, it will definitely not be to my liking.

I look at myself in the mirror. I hope to find a foreign mate so I could leave this pack before he actually becomes the ruler. Me and my mate would travel around the world. We could visit any pack of our choice. I would be free. I pray every full moon that the goddess will mate me to a foreign Omega rather than an Omega of this pack. As an Omega, it is more likely for your mate to also be an Omega. Sixty percent out of a hundred Omegas are mated to an Omega, forty-nine percent to a beta, and one percent to an Alpha. Though I haven't yet heard or seen any Omega that got mated to an Alpha. We are too weak for Alphas and often looked down upon.

I was confident that at the pack party, where different packs come to dwell with us and make a pact, I would find my foreign mate. I hope it also isn't a beta. They stick to their Alpha like glue, and I don't think I'll be able to handle it. I have been enduring the way my parents stick to our Alpha. I don't want the same thing for my mate. Anyway, it is destined that I mate a foreign. My eighteenth birthday fell on the same day our pack party starts. It is definitely not a coincidence. It is fate!

I left my room and made my way out. "Aren't you gonna eat your meal?" My mom shouted at me. "Don't worry, Mama, I'll probably grab a snack on my way to training." I shut the door behind me. I jogged happily to the training ground. I stopped at the entrance and wiped off the sweat from my face. The huge signboard at the top read "OMEGAS TRAINING GROUND." Yep, we can't train like the betas or Alphas, so our Alpha gave us a training ground. In that way, we can defend ourselves, even if it's not much.

I stepped into the hall. "Riley Sheer!" I heard a roar from my trainer. He hates me, the fact my parents are favored by the Alpha. It makes his blood boil. I roll my eyes. The middle-aged man walked to me. "You must really think because your parents are close to the Alpha, you can do whatever you want," he gritted. "Definitely not, Sir, does it seem like that?" He glared at me. "What time is it?" "Well... I wouldn't know since I have no means to check the time. I left my phone at home." I smiled a little bit, making him more pissed. "You..." I yawned. "I think it's still quite early, considering I'm still yawning." I smirked. "How dare you! You spoilt..." "Arrogant, rude, and daring child," I helped him complete his statement. "I know, Sir, you've said it many times, over and over again." "Go ahead with your attitude. Once the next Alpha is appointed, you won't be able to speak like you do now." I feigned a gasp. "Are you perhaps wishing the Alpha death?" I asked. "No... no... the Alpha must not be dead before his heir becomes the ruler." "Oh my, you are wishing for our enemies to defeat us." "That's isn't..." he sighed. "It's useless talking to you, go and join the others." "Thank you very much, Sir." I smiled and joined the training. Mission complete.

Lisa waved at me. I went to meet her. "Hello, Birthday girl," she whispered. I smiled. "I'll be finding my mate today." I announced the good news. "Really?!" "Hey, No talking!" the trainer scolded. We remained silent till the end of the session. I looked around and frowned. We are done with training for today, yet the Alpha's son hasn't shown his disgusting face. He always comes in the middle of the session to humiliate me. And when he doesn't come, that means he has something worse that he is going to do to me. I better be prepared. I hope he doesn't tamper with me finding my mate today.

"Wow, so very soon, you will be mated," Lisa said to me as we walked home. "Yep, I'm gonna look my best today at the pack party," I happily said. "Once you see your mate, you will be leaving, right?" Lisa pouted. I nodded. "I'm gonna miss you." I laughed. "Don't worry, I'll always be in contact."

I wore a black gown and did some makeup. I combed my hair. I won't lie; I'm nervous. I am very nervous. After all those years of waiting and planning, today will put a seal on it all. I breathed in and out. "Let's do this, Riley!" I encouraged myself. I took my bag and went to meet Lisa, who was waiting for me. We went to the pack party together. It was crowded; you could instantly detect the foreign smell that surrounds the party, the smell that is mixed with different packs. It made my inner wolf frown. This is actually my first time coming to the pack party. I don't really go because I know the Alpha's son will be here. I always stay at home and have a bit of peace. Lisa was quick to mingle. As another wolf took her from me, she quickly winked at me and mouthed a good luck.

I was literally shaking out of nervousness. The music was so loud that it was making me more nervous. I have to get rid of this feeling and try to find my mate. I went to the bar in the party and drank some alcohol to cool off my nervousness.

"Hey," a young guy approached me. He smelled foreign, precisely garlic mixed with some flower scent. Wow, did I just notice my sense of smell has increased? I quickly searched for my inner wolf. "Alyssa, what's going on?" I asked her. She didn't reply. I frowned. She's always quiet and only speaks when it's important or in a full moon. "I haven't seen you here before," the guy said loud enough for me to hear. I stared at him. He was cute, though, and would probably be an Omega, but he wasn't the one. He is probably in this party to hook up with some girls. I was here for my mate. I ignored him and left the bar.

I just kept walking around the guys and girls that were dancing or making out. I didn't know this party was like this. So many people making out with a foreign wolf. I detected a nice smell, so I followed it. I saw a guy standing at a corner. He wasn't my mate, I know, but I couldn't resist the urge to talk to him. "You smell nice," I said to him. He ignored me. Was this a payback by the goddess for shunning that guy, or maybe the heavy music clouded my voice? So I said again loudly, "You. Smell. Nice." He looked at me, and I swore I almost screamed 'you are so handsome dude'. His blue eyes sparkled with annoyance, his lips parted, and he muttered something, but I couldn't hear. "What?" I asked. "Get the fuck away from me," he said rudely.

I should feel angry for his words or maybe walk away, but instead, I laughed. The drink was finally taking effect on me, or did I just notice I'm a little drunk? "Oh, you're so funny," I laughed. He shook his head. I walked closer to him. "I think I like you." "Get away from me, you're obviously drunk," he frowned. "You're cute," I chuckled. "I love your eyes; it's beautiful." "What?" he looked startled. "Your eyes are pretty." He scoffed. "People hate my eyes, you don't need to lie." I sniffed him. "Ohh, you're a foreigner. Well, I don't know about where you came from, but to me, your eyes are pretty."

I felt like throwing up. I didn't want to throw up on him or in this party; it would be too embarrassing. I ran out of the party. I could hear him call me back, but I rushed out and vomited. I felt like shit and I've not yet found my mate. I was drunk and wasted; today was a disaster. I want to go home...

What is this smell?... My inner wolf immediately purred. All drunkenness was gone, like I was remote-controlled. I followed the smell; it smelled of muskflower and Lily of the valley. I could feel Alyssa's presence. I know she is sensing it.

I followed the smell to the corner of the building that the pack party was held. I saw a figure of a guy; he leaned on the building, he was smoking. "Mate," I and Alyssa said, it made my voice sound supernatural. I went closer. "Mate," Alyssa said. I inhaled his scent; my heart beat rapidly. He turned to face me. "Shit," he cursed. I just stood transfixed. What the fuck? What's going on? I shake my head. No goddess, not him!

I stared at the annoying face of my rival, the Alpha's son. Is the goddess playing a joke on me or what? How could the very person I hate and want to leave the pack for be my mate? Anger, hatred was what I felt for this man, nothing else. Even Alyssa was a little disappointed by it. He was our nemesis; we can't accept him. We would rather go through the pain of rejecting a mate than to be mated to him. Determined to cancel the bond, I said, "I, Riley Sheer, reject..."

"Don't even think about it," Rylan growled and glared.

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Other books by Authoress C

Her Stupid Husband

Her Stupid Husband



Do you take Asher Williams as your lawfully wedded husband" the priest asked me I bit my lips and look over to my Dad who had an expressionless face , my step mom glared at me I scoff "yes" He turn to the handsome man by my side, I must admit although I don't want to get married , this man is so handsome with beautiful eyes , thin lips, tall, with abs I drool "and do you take Cheryl Kingsley as your lawfully wedded wife?" I snapped from my thoughts and waited for his reply Part of me hope he would say no and stop the wedding and part of me hope he would say yes "Yes" he replied The priest smiled "you may kiss your bride" He turn to look at me and frown " No" I could hear a chuckle from my step mom "Kissing girls is bad" he said I raise a brow WTF , what is wrong with him? An elderly woman rush to the alter and whisper something into his ears He stare at me I was becoming impatient , what a disgrace I held him and force my lips on his I felt a force push me from him I fell hitting my ass on the ground, it didn't hurt much because of the thickness of the wedding gown He pushed me! Me! I wanted to stand up and give him a piece of my mind but looking at the congregation, their mocking smile , I couldn't , I felt so embarrassed thank goodness the only people invited were friends and family But still,all those girls that look at me like an untouchable goddess I felt like crying , I bit my lips and remained on the ground pretending I've lost consciousness and hoping the ground would open up and swallow me **️

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