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Sarah's Veil

Sarah finds herself trapped in a contract marriage with charles, a young proud billionaire who seeks to take his father's place as owner of Richardson Inc. and keep the company in his family lineage. Charles inavertedly falls inlove with her. Unknown to Sarah, charles had already started planning to wed her, as he thought she could be his missing piece. Just as Sarah beigns to mirror Charles feelings, she is then confronted by her past love. Will she go back to her past or continue in her new found love with Charles? What will charles do when he finds out her heart belonged to another?



Richardson Incorporated.

Dressed in a blue silk top and a black skirt, Sarah walks into her office, straight to her work station.

She searched her work desk for files she had brought in earlier, right before her eyes meets a portrait of a woman sitting on the right edge of her work desk.

Her expression changed on looking at the picture.

Gently stroking the silver wooden portrait that bore the picture of her mother.

"Love you mom," she said with a warm smile on her face, as the light illuminating the room shone on her oily cheeks.

She begins typing on the computer, her female colleagues can be seen seated in another office adjacent to Sarah's.

With a side eye, Sarah quickly catches a glance of her co-workers, with their mouths moving close to each other as their eyes were fixed at her direction.

"She's back today with her self righteous attitude," one of the ladies who looked older than the other said, with an expression looking like she just ate a spoilt candy, showing how much she despised Sarah.

The hatred and jealousy towards Sarah was mostly among the female staffs of the company, all except for one.

Her work ethic was well acknowledge in the company by the managers and other staffs, hence the reception she always got from the two ladies

"I always wonder what exactly makes the boss so happy with her," the younger looking lady said, mirroring the same expression as her colleague.

"Don't worry about her, it's only a matter of time before her true nature is revealed," the older lady responded, as they observed Sarah from behind.

Just as the two gossips were at their normal routine, a young lady creeps up behind them, sticking her head in-between theirs, waiting for the right moment before making her presence known.

"Maybe she's just better than you two," she said.

The two ladies suddenly surprised, shocked to their core as the third figure that eavesdropped on their conversation finally reveals herself.

"If it isn't the saint's body guard," one of the gossips who looked older said with a contempt look on her face.

"You can say that again, now get to work!" She responded, dismissing the two ladies, as one of them left to her work station.

Walking into Sarah's office.

"Stella, Did you really have to do that?" Sarah asked.

"Uhm.. Obviously," she replied, with a careless expression, just before she took a seat across Sarah's.

"Besides the fact that I'm looking out for you, those two have been poking their nose in other people's business,"

"You are a piece of work, you know that right?" Sarah hinted at Stella with a smile on her face.

"I know," Stella replied, as they both laugh at each other.

Stella happened to be the only female staff in the office who wasn't jealous of Sarah, who was like a sister to her, whom she shared her secrets and ventures.

"Daniel you need to come up with an idea quick. If the board finds out that I lied to them, they will take the company without thinking twice."

Charles said, as he eagerly seeks his personal assistance's brilliant mind.

"How do you suppose I do that Sir?" He asked, with a confused look

"The board could be here any moment from now, you need to help me out" Charles hinted, in an attempt to make Daniel understand the urgent state of the matter.

His eyes deemed as he bit his bottom lip, trying to fabricate a solution for Charles.

"This is your area of expertise Daniel, surely you have got an idea lurking somewhere in that brain of yours," Charles tried teasing Daniel into coming up with a plan.

"I think I might be able to help, but I'm not sure if you will like the idea." Daniel said.

"How bad could it possibly be?"

Charles responded, with the stench of curiosity covering his face, as to what the solution could be.

"Marry one of the ladies in the company," he said.


Charles exclaimed, with his eyebrows twitching against each other. He could not believe what Daniel had just suggested

"You don't have to legally marry one, just hire any of them to play the role until we are able to sort this out," Daniel responded, trying to convince Charles that it could be their only option.

Charles held a look of disbelieve, thinking about this new idea as he walked back and forth the room continuously.

"I can't do it Daniel, almost all the ladies here want me. Any chance they get with me could lead to implicating myself."

Charles said, trying to wave away the possibility of actually giving in to the idea.

"How about the girl you are always admiring?" Daniel asked.

He had been admiring Sarah not just for her dedication to work but also for her beauty and personality.

"I mean, she seems like a nice girl and I'm a hundred percent certain she will take the offer," Daniel added.

"Even if I offer her the job, what makes you so sure she will want to do it?" Charles asked.

"There is a reason why she works so hard, I believe that this offer will help her achieve that goal faster,"

Daniel responded in a calm voice.

"Fine, she is our last option, I'll ask her," Charles replied.

Rushing out of the room, Charles footsteps moving quickly ahead of each other. His face carried a look of urgency, eager to reach Sarah's office.

Stopping at the doorstep of her office. Charles stares at Sarah in a very unsettling manner.

Sarah shocked to see Charles in her office asked.

"Is everything alright, Sir."

She responded, thinking of the possible reasons why Charles would be in a hurry to meet her.

"I am her to make you an offer you can't refuse," he said.

"How do you know I won't refuse your offer, sir," her expression showed curiosity.

Leaning forward from his seat, in a gesture to draw himself closer to Sarah.

"Be my wife."

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