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Secret Affair With The Young Master

Secret Affair With The Young Master

Amy Freya


Alice Smit, lost her father at the age of eighteen. Her mother borrowed money from the loan shark to play a bet. She lost it, and when the loan shark came, they demanded to take Alice if they could not pay up. Alice decided to work as a maid in the powerful MacPherson's house. One day MacPherson's only son, Carson, came home drunk, Alice and Carson, ended up in a one-night stand. Soon they started dating secretly. What will happen when Alice tells Carson she is pregnant? What happens when a random man , with convincing evidence, claims to be the father of Alice's child? Will love triumph or will it be replaced with extreme hatred and revenge?

Chapter 1 The Arrogant Man

Alice pov

"Alice, go and serve Mr. Carson tea in the garden. Make two cups. He has a visitor.

"Yes, Miss Grace," I sat up. I have been lying quietly in my quarters and resting when the head maid, Grace, came. I grumbled and got up from bed; I was about to get a nice sleep before Grace came. She could have sent anybody else; I thought, the other maids were not busy. It was clear she was purposely targeting me.

I went and prepared the tea while mumbling. When I was done, I brought the tea to the garden where Sir Carson was staying.

Carson was the only son of my boss, MacPherson. The MacPhersons were a very powerful family. They're wealthy and well-connected in the government and military. The MacPhersons were a huge family, and they had five girls with their nephews and cousins visiting now and then.

I heard from the other maids that serving in the MacPhersons' family wasn't easy. The children look down on us and don't talk to us with good manners.

Tomorrow will make it the first month I started working as a maid in the MacPherson family. I was very excited about the salary. The MacPherson family pays their workers very well, which was one of the reasons why I decided to work here.

When I reached the garden, I became nervous. This was the first time I would be interacting with Carson. Over the one month I was here, Carson had traveled and only returned today. From what I heard from the other maids, Carson was bad-tempered, arrogant, and hated clumsy people.

In the garden, a man was sitting calmly and talking with a woman who was sitting opposite him. The girl's eyes sparkled now and then, and she looked like he was flattering her. Alice's eyes settled on the man who was very handsome and well-built. The clothes he was wearing were probably branded judging by their qualities.

"Sir, here's your tea," I said. The girl looked at me in displeasure. She was blonde-haired and wore thick makeup. Her clothes were from a famous brand, but they weren't decent; she was half-naked with her cleavages showing.

The lady tried to shoo me off. "Pour the tea and go; you are interrupting us," she said angrily. She was a bit arrogant and felt angry that I interrupted them.

I ignored her and started pouring the tea; in the process, My fingers trembled as I balanced the precarious tea tray, and a small bit of the tea poured on the girl's clothes.


She yelled "You clumsy oaf!" in a startlingly vulnerable tone. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" I tried to apologize, but my voice trailed off. Do you know how much I bought these clothes? You can't afford it even if you save up for ten years," she cursed. I touched my burning cheeks and winced in pain. I felt very bitter; it was just a very small amount that poured on her. It doesn't warrant this slap.

"Hey, why did you hit her like that?" Carson scolded.

"Can't you see what she did to me?"

"You could have just scolded her; we don't hit people here," he said angrily.

"I am sorry," she pretended to be unhappy, acting cute.

"And you," Carson said, facing me, "you have to be careful; you should stop being clumsy. Next time such a thing happens, you are going to hate me. Do you understand?"

I stammered an apology, but the words died in my throat.

"Now go!" He ordered; I bowed and left the garden; I was so angry; this was the first time anyone would slap me. In my father's house, I was pampered; my father used to be well off, and no one would dare raise their hand on me. My parents had taken good care of me and her siblings until he was murdered. That was when my life changed. My father's boss claimed that my father had been stealing the company's funds and had seized our assets.

My mother resorted to drinking and betting and borrowed from a loan shark. They started demanding she pay them or they would take her daughter.

That was why I decided to work for the MacPherson family. So I can raise enough money to repay the loan and also help pay my siblings' tuition fees.

I went back to my room. "Why are you looking like this Alice?" Clara asked. She was also a maid and had been in the MacPherson family for a year now.

"Oh, it's nothing. I got sand in my eyes," I lied and went to the wardrobe. It was getting late, so I decided to wash up before going to sleep.

"Come on Alice, stop lying, tell me the truth; you look like someone who has been crying. Do you think I am a three-year-old you can deceive anyhow?" She insisted.

"There's nothing wrong; it's just that I was slapped."

"What! Who slapped you? It's not the head maid, right? If it's her, you have to report to Mrs. MacPherson. She is a good woman and is very upright; she wouldn't hesitate to punish even the head maid."

"No, it's not her," she replied.

"Oh, who is it then?"

"It's the lady with Mr. Carson," I answered.

"That bitch Angela,don't mind her; she thinks she is the future madam of the house but she is just daydreaming."

"Oh, you seem to know her."

"Yes, I heard about her while eavesdropping on the conversation between the MacPhersons' girls. Carson loves her so much, even though his parents disapprove of their relationship.

"I even heard her family had some financial issues recently and they lost lots of money."

"That's why she is latching onto Master Carson like a cow flea; she wants to marry into the MacPherson family since that's the only way she can help her family. What a gold digger."

"Don't speak like that; she is just trying to help her family."

"Why are you even defending her? Didn't she hurt you?"

"I know, it's just that she reminds me of myself."

"Don't compare yourself to that bitch; you aren't anything like her," Clara insisted.

"Okay, I have heard you; I want to bathe now; it's getting late." I dragged myself to the washroom, slid inside the bathtub and felt relaxed. I had been working throughout the morning and hadn't rested a bit.

The next day, I woke up early in the morning as usual. I started my morning chores. As usual, Grace gave me extra work. Throughout the day, I tried to avoid Carson. I don't like him one bit, especially after what happened yesterday, but fate had something different for me.

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