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Unveiling the Alpha's Curse: Alexander's Curse

Unveiling the Alpha's Curse: Alexander's Curse

Gaza Gadima


Anna, don't ever believe that you will get anything from me other than hate. I don't require a partner. I don't need this weak, pitiful tie to survive," he shouted, snatching a handful of my hair and hurling me roughly into the bed. In front of his threatening eyes, I was naked and defenseless. "Alexander please don't do this..." "The only reason I bought you at that auction was so I could use you to tame my wolf. You are nothing more than a good that I will use for pleasure every day and night. And it is the first day of your hellish life." "Please don't..." I pleaded with him, but nothing I said moved him. I retreated till my body collided with the headboard, but he hauled me by my ankles, tore off my panties, and discarded it. I believed I would finally find happiness—that is, someone who would love me—when fate placed me in my mate's arms at the auction after my parents sold me to auctioneers because I was a wolf-less she-wolf. But I had fallen into yet another horror. The notorious "cursed Alpha," Alexander, murdered his own father. He was dreaded by all, his savage acts unrestrained, and he lacked empathy. His life's work was to thrive on the suffering of others. What was worse, though, was what he did to me. He took advantage of my innocence, mistreated me, sexually assaulted me every night, severely injured me, and left me wanting only to get out of his cage—that is, until I discovered what his curse was. Book 2 will be released shortly.

Chapter 1 ~The Sale

~The Sale

I was hauled outside and thrown upon the stage by the soldiers. As my forehead struck the uneven wooden platform that had formerly been used to sell innumerable females just like me, fresh blood spurted through my contusions and a metallic odour filled my nostrils. All across the place, there was a flurry of applause and cheers. My body was draped in a ripped red dress that barely covered my skin, and the filthy people waiting around raked my body with their hungry gaze. I choked back a sob as I drew my hands close to my body to shield myself from the beasts' staring gaze. I was repulsed. I wanted to die because I was so pitiful and feeble. But because I had yet to encounter something worse than death itself, I had no idea that death was in any way close to me. "So here's another fresh piece," My legs were about to give out when the auctioneer grabbed a hold of my hair and made me stand up. "So this is our lovely...Anna," The creature started talking, and just the sound of his voice made me shudder with revulsion throughout my body: "Beauty with grace." He took hold of my jaw and forcefully lifted my face to turn me towards the throng. All of the people in the crowd had dark, lust-filled eyes; not a single one of them displayed even the slightest hint of mercy. "So soft and flavorful that you can crush her in your bed every night and still there be more of her." He laughed. The animals in front of me began to laugh loudly at this. Beneath their lustful looks and flesh, they were hiding devils and their sinister plans, which is what drove them to today's sale. They were here to take advantage of girls like us who are defenceless and benefit from it. "But don't worry, she's fresh as a newly ripe fruit just like her age," The auctioneer spoke once more, and the weight of his words made me cry even harder. With my bad luck, what else could I do but cry? Nothing. "A virgin, wolf less she-wolf," He continued, and suddenly there was a cacophony of whistles across the space, and I felt like someone was slapping my cheek. Wolf less: The suffering that led me to my current predicament. My parents' thirst for money caused them to sell me as some kind of good to these monsters, which is why I never experienced their love and ended up here. And here I was, a mere breath away from being again, amidst these famished monsters. I wasn't without wolves... I could sense her, her feelings, her strengths, but my inability to move was the only thing that trapped me in this nightmare. I am not a wolf, even though I have a wolf. "So the bidding starts at Twenty thousand euros..." The MC interrupted, saying, "Twenty thousand?Someone?" "Thirty Thousand," lifted his paddle to one bidder. My heart began to race after hearing the sound. More tears streamed down my cheeks as I closed my eyes. The pain of a weak she-wolf in front of a mob of monsters who were there to take advantage of her helplessness due to their wealth—the same wealth whose selfishness made my parents sell me like some crap—felt like the world was laughing at my tragedy. The MC said in a nice voice, "Thirty thousand," and his eyes sparkled with happiness. "Thirty-One? Someone?" "Thirty-five thousand," stated a different bidder amidst the assembly. My heart rate increased. I was encircled by the dismay more and more. I refused to be bought or sold. I prayed to myself that this nightmare would end somehow. However, it didn't. since it was the situation as it was. "Hundred and five thousand! Anyone up to forty thousand? For this fresh flower, do we have forty thousand dollars?" "Sixty Thousands." The sound of the paddle was accompanied by another voice coming from the audience. "Gentlemen, the stakes have been raised! sixty thousand!" His voice carried a tangible sense of wonder, "Sixty-One thousand? Someone?" "One million!" Abruptly, a voice arose from the throng, bringing silence to both the area and my spirit. Unaware of it, a chill went down my spine. My eyes grew eager to see the person who was speaking in such a seductive manner, and a strange sensation spread throughout my entire body as though a layer of heat had been firmly pressed into it. But the guy was invisible to me. The throng was too large. MC's gaze was clouded with hesitation, as though he was debating a choice that could endanger his life. And among the bidders, there was a noticeable hesitation as well. I didn't know who the individual was, but everyone else here did. "One, one million. Who wants to place a higher bid?" His tone faltered. Fear was the reason why there was no paddle rise, not the amount of money. The MC started to say something, but then there was a loud bang, and the same voice repeated itself, "Two Million Euros." The words were stifled beneath a subdued threat, whispered with fury. "Sold!" The MC made the announcement right away. "Sold to...Alpha Alexander" he said, his eyes darkening with terror. Hearing the name I had never heard before sent a shudder down my spine once more. Alexander... My wolfish instincts surged at the mention of the name. An explosive rush, a surging tide of unfathomable feelings. I was confused as I couldn't make sense of anything that was going on. Everything happened so quickly. Suddenly, my heavy train of thinking was broken by the sound of footfall. Tears welling up in my eyes, I saw him make his way up onto the stage toward me. For an instant my heart ceased to beat. My pupils dilated as I watched him with my mouth agape as the beautiful aroma filled my senses. It was my mate, with a perfectly sculpted face that left me speechless, angelic complexion, a ruler's aura, and heavenly blue eyes that peered straight into my soul. I was taken aback. His very presence mesmerised me and brought my entire universe to a complete stop. His eyes, however, were otherworldly and frigid in a way that I could not help but notice in the midst of the commotion. Despite this, I was hoping for some kind of response from him to let me know that he had noticed me, but he offered me none. Rather, he did not bother to give me another look as he made his way to the stage. Following him was a different individual who gave the MC a suitcase containing what appeared to be the payment. "Count it if you wish," said the man. "Not at all. You don’t have to count; it works. She can be taken immediately by Alpha. The MC's comments were hurried and screamed with fear and worry." My companion then said, "Nice to see, you have the intelligence to save your life," with no emotion in either of his eyes or voice. When he first touched my hand, I felt sparks fly through my skin and my heartbeat quickened, but there was no change in the coldness I sensed from him. "I am taking my good, my beta will fill in the formalities," he said. He pulled me along with him as they left the stage and made their way directly to his car. His grip was extravagantly hard, lacking any compassion. The driver unlocked the car door and just tossed me in like a rag doll before getting inside. "Mansion." After telling the driver, he shut the door. For once, he did not glance at me. I was at a loss for words since I couldn't figure out why my friend was acting so strangely toward me and as if I didn't matter. I had no idea what had caused me to conceal my face in the corner with my hands wrapped around my knees while tears were streaming down my cheeks. We were still not able to see the driver's view, even with the car's security system in place. I wished to remain invisible. I desired to disappear somewhere and never return. Perhaps it was the guilt that came from not having a wolf. After the vehicle's engine began to sound, some time went by. Abruptly, I took a breath and heard a low growl that could only belong to my partner. I felt a strong tug at my hand and fell into the top of his lap before I could glance up at him. I let out a loud gasp of surprise, and the closeness made me feel strange. However, that feeling quickly disappeared when he tore my dress in half with his hands, leaving me covering my exposed breasts with my hands. The scent of the area and people I was kept with sickened him so much that he tossed away my clothes. "I never wanted a mate, but I had never thought it would turn out to be this pathetic." His words were venomous as he spat, "Fucking miserable." I was crying even harder, but he didn't seem to be at all bothered. Taking hold of my hair tightly, he angled my head so that he could see my eyes and said, "Pay close attention to what I'm saying. Don't assume that I've bought you because of this mate bond thing. You don't matter to me at all." There was nothing except hatred hidden in the coldness of his gaze. Because I took you out of hell, you are mistaken if you believe that this would be a fairytale. And make up your mind that you are accompanying me to my house as a slave rather than a partner." The moment I saw the hatred in his eyes, all of my expectations were dashed. I was going to be destroyed by the gloom; there was no hint of the tenderness or love I had hoped to encounter. "Got it?" He clamped a hard grasp around my jaw. My throat began to dry up with a cry, but I pushed myself to nod in response to what he said. "Good." Throwing his blazer at me, he pulled me back where I had been sitting and said, "Cover yourself before we get there." My heart ached so much that I had just seen myself lose my mate, my final hope. How could I possibly hold him responsible? The girl whose own parents didn't want her—how could he want her? I covered myself with his blazer and pulled my attention away from him, holding onto all of my tears and screams. I peered out the window's glass pane, thinking the darkness would swallow me whole.

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