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OWNING HER: Second Chance With A Vow

OWNING HER: Second Chance With A Vow



Eva's heart shattered when the man she loved, Brandon, left her for Kate, a model picked by his mother for marriage. She also faced humiliations and scorn from his family members. And just when she thought, she was alone in her crumbling world, a wealthy, handsome billionaire Carlos came into her life with an offer she couldn't refuse. As they struck a deal-a marriage lasting only a year. Eva saw an opportunity for revenge, while Carlos, sought a companion to appease his dying old grandfather who refused to give him the inheritance except he marries and the deadline was his deathbed which happened to be so close. What starts up as a transactional arrangement soon grew into something more passionate. Eva found herself entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. Despite her best efforts to resist, she couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards Carlos, nor could she ignore the lingering ache for Brandon again. Their memories together. And when Eva dared to believe in a future with Carlos, her past came crashing back with a vengeance. Brandon, consumed by jealousy and regrets, swore to reclaim what he had lost even while still married to Kate; setting the stage for a showdown of love, lust, and betrayal. Who will win? Life is a game after all.



When fate plays a fast one on you, do not be quick to respond.

Everything begins with one mistake, just one!

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurry and disoriented. I looked around, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The soft beeping of machines and the sterile smell in the air quickly indicated to me that I was in a hospital. Panic washed over me, my heart racing as I realized I had no memory of how I ended up here.

'But I left the house for work this morning!,' I thought to myself, still trying to make sense of my reality.

With a pounding headache, I attempted to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my head, causing me to wince and lay back down. Confusion gripping my mind, I desperately tried to recall any events leading up to my waking up in this unfamiliar place. But my memories remained elusive, leaving me feeling even more helpless and bewildered.

Just as I was grappling with my situation, the door of the hospital room swung open, and a doctor walked in, his white coat pristine and his face lined with concern. My eyes lit up as I saw him approaching my bed, smiling at me as he did, his relief palpable.

"Hey," he said, his voice calm and gentle as he introduced himself. "You're awake already," he added.

"Who are you?," I asked, even though I already knew. "And why am I here? I should be at work," I swiftly added.

"I'm Doctor Raymond," he introduced himself. "You had been involved in a car accident."

"A car accident? But how come of that?," I asked, not sure I heard him. I don't remember anything of that sort.

"Yes. You were brought in by a stranger. He said, he will return later to check up on you." He went on to explain to me how lucky I was to have survived, but cautioned that I had sustained a head injury, which was the cause of my pain and disorientation. "But don't worry, you'll be fine before you know it," he offered me some scant consolation.

"Thank you," I managed to string the words together, still in shock.

How could I leave home for work and end up as the doctor's patient?

As the doctor finished checking my temperature and assured me that I was stable, my anxiety grew. I felt an overwhelming sense of vulnerability, not knowing what I had lost. Quickly, I scanned the place, in search of my bag, which contained my lunch and a few valuables, but I couldn't find.

"Anything, Miss?," he asked me, having observed my countenance.

"Did the stranger give you any bag?," I quizzed him. "Never mind!," I swiftly added before he could speak.

"I'll see you later," he said, as he got set to leave the room. Just as he was about to, the door swung open once again, revealing my friend, Susie, who rushed in upon seeing me.

"Oh, Eva!," she said, as she sat by my side, holding my hand. Her eyes widened with a mix of concern and relief as she saw me; her voice trembled as she spoke, her words laced with worry. "What happened to you?," she quizzed further, barely catching her breath. Barely waiting for me to speak, she turned to the doctor and said, "Thank you for keeping her alive."

He just nodded and exited the room, leaving me alone with Susie, who I was sure was going to bombard me with series of unending questions.

But I guess I was wrong about my friend this time!

The room fell into a solemn silence, broken only by the soft beeping of the machines monitoring my vital signs. We locked eyes, our connection palpable. It felt like she taking time to construct her words.

"What happened to you, Eva?," she finally broke the silence.

My heart raced as I recounted my horrifying morning experience as I lay on my bedside in the hospital room. My friend had come to visit me as soon as she got wind of what had happened to me.

It was just like every other day...

"For the regular daily, you know that. But mum had fallen ill and when I found out, I immediately rushed to go get her drugs from the neighboring store. It took longer than normal attending to her, and that cost me a lot of time to get set for work," I paused, as if waiting for her to speak.

"I'm sorry about that. What happened after that?," she urged me on.

"Without any further delay, I boarded the next train to work, my mind was so occupied with worries as I had no other choice but leave mum. Every ticking second on the train felt like an eternity. You know that feeling when late for work?" I asked and she nodded. "Finally, the train stopped and everyone kept pushing me around since the crowd was much." I paused.

"Tough," she said.

"Little did I know that fate had a cruel twist in store for me. I got to the street close to my work place. No transport fare so I had to trek. Honestly my mind was still clouded with thoughts of mum. Then, the next few moments, I was on the floor and sight was blur. I don't know what happened after that, but I woke up finding myself here. The doctor said, I got involved in a car accident."

"I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Thank God it didn't cause much harm to you."

"How did you find out about the accident?," I immediately asked her, my curiosity heightening.

"Someone called me."


Just then, our conversation was interrupted by the creaking sound of the door giving way. As it swung open, a sliver of light spilled into the room, revealing a young man stepping gracefully inside.

He exuded an aura of captivating charm. His dark raven hair was stylishly disheveled, framing his chiseled features and piercing azure eyes. He stood tall, with a confident yet gentle demeanor that nearly swept both Susie and I off our feet.

Mate, he looked every inch like a demigod!

It was just impossible to take your eyes off him!

As he approached us, a warm smile stretched across his face, revealing a row of pearly white teeth. In his hand, he held a bouquet of flowers, their vibrant colors accentuating the otherwise sterile hospital room. The bouquet boasted a variety of blooms, from delicate pink roses whispering romance to cheerful sunflowers radiating a sense of hope. It was a breathtaking arrangement, assembled with meticulous care.

Stopping right in front of me, he extended the bouquet toward me, his eyes locked on mine.

"Hey, I'm glad you're awake," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of relief and genuine concern. With a gentle gesture, he placed the flowers in my fragile hands, allowing me to soak in their fragrance and beauty.

Still taken aback by the sudden appearance of this captivating stranger and the extraordinary gesture, I stole a glance at Susie, who looked as surprised as I was. At that moment, I couldn't help but voice my puzzled thoughts. "Who are you, and how did you know my name?," I asked, my voice trembling with curiosity and awe.

"Oh, forgive me, ladies," he replied with a slight nod, understanding the confusion he had caused. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Brandon, and I'm the one who accidentally hit you." His voice carried a mix of humility and remorse, contrasting with his stunning appearance. "I'm really sorry about it. I got so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't see you."

Rather than erupting in anger or demanding answers, a peculiar silence filled the air as I found myself momentarily lost for words. I couldn't tear my gaze away from his face, painted with a mixture of regret, sympathy, and an engaging vulnerability.

Brandon? That name is a worthy companion for his appearance.

Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, my thoughts were momentarily silenced, only to be brought back to reality by Brandon's next words. "I shall return for you later today," he said gently, as if respecting the fragility of the situation. With one final warm smile, he took a step back, turned on his heels, and gracefully walked away, leaving Susie and I in a state of wonder and intrigue.

Our eyes followed his retreating figure, leaving us with an inexplicable sense of admiration and curiosity lingering in the air.

"He must be the stranger that called me," Susie managed to speak. But I didn't say a word. "Hey, are you okay?," she asked, looking confused.

How can I be!?

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