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"You're my fated MATE...." I told him. "Look here, you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept you as my mate and You're not worthy to be my Luna". Drake growled. " I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna". I could feel my heart breaking and my wolf howling in pain. *********************************** Aurora Demarte a beauty riddled hidden from deep within has been rejected and is left with nothing but the hunting echoes of her mate's words "You are not worthy to be my Luna." With the supernatural world turned against her, Aurora broke the forbidden law and renounced her wolf becoming human. To adjust to her new life amongst the humans with the pregnancy of her mate due to a one-night stand, where she discovers a dark mystery within the very people she trusts. In a journey of self-discovery, Aurora must choose whether to assume her true identity to become the very thing her kind fears the most - A HUNTER or remain in the shadows and be the HUNTED.

Chapter 1 Third person's POV

Centuries ago

"There is no hope for us," said the silver-haired woman. "We have lost too many of our kind, and the humans have gained too much power. If we continue this fight, we will lose everything."

The other Lunar elders murmured in agreement, their faces grave. They had all seen the consequences of the war on their people, and they knew the risks of continuing the fight. But one elder spoke up.

"But we are the strongest of wolfkind, blessed by the moon goddess, our powers are beyond limitless," he said. "We have defeated the werewolves who tried to overthrow us. Why should we believe that the hunters and rogues are any different? We have not lost yet - we still have the chance to win."

In the throne room, Ra, the Queen of the Lunar Blood Wolves sat high upon her golden throne surveying the elder Lunar wolves gathered before her. Their faces were lined with worry and concern, as they deliberated over a difficult decision. Ra's expression was stern and weighty, but her eyes held a glint of cunning, power, and shrewdness.

As the lunar elders debated, Ra pondered over her thoughts, weighing the options before her. At last, she spoke, and her words rang out like a thunderclap.

"We go dark," Ra concluded.

The elders fell silent at the queen's words, absorbing the weight of the statement.

After a moment, This response caused an uproar amongst LUNAR ELDERS. They are running away from ordinary humans, it's absurd.

"Quiet" Ra roared, her voice shaking the entire throne room, Her powers limitless, eyes glowing silver, and white hair shining brightly. She took a calm breath, controlling her wolf.

"The werewolves were not like the hunters and rogues," she said. "They did not have the same knowledge the hunters have now. If we continue to fight, we will lose more than just our people. We will lose our home, our history, and our future."

The room fell silent as the gravity of her words sank in. Finally, the silver-haired queen spoke again.

"We've lost almost all of our families, friends, and numbers to this war. we've all but gone almost extinct. We cannot continue this fight because we've lost before we can even start another" Ra spoke solemnly, a tear finding its way down her rosy cheeks.

"We were betrayed by one of our own who exposed our most sacred secret, exposing our only weakness. That weakness has been mastered by both the hunters and rogues. We dare take a last fight, we risk the existence of our kind." Ra continued.

"Running away will be cowardly," an older silvered-hair elder said through gritted teeth.

Ra looked pointedly at him "We must leave NOW" her voice ringing in finality, her eyes glowing silver, leaving no room for negotiation. "We cannot risk any more losses. We must lay low for now and protect ourselves"

Everyone nodded, and they began to prepare for the journey ahead.

A deafening crash shook The throne room as something large collided with it.

Everyone screamed as the walls trembled, and dust and rocks fell from the ceiling. Ra raised her hands, and a shimmering shield appeared around them, protecting everyone from the falling debris.

Three Lunar Blood Warrior guards burst into the throne room. "Your majesty, we're under attack. The hunters have found us". The chief guard said, his voice trembling and Fear was imminent on his face.

"They've breached our border! We won't be able to hold them for long. Their army is advancing, we must flee at once" he continued, shouting in panic.

Everyone looked at Queen Ra, their eyes full of fear and uncertainty. But she stood tall, her eyes filled with determination and resolve.

"Call everyone, we leave immediately" Ra commanded. "Are there no rogues?" She asked the chief guard, turning in his direction.

"Not at all, but they're thousands of hunters only," he replied.

Ra turned towards her throne, her flowery gown disobeying the laws of gravity as the wind slowly blew it, spreading and exposing its intricate beauty.

Ra concentrated their powers drawing upon the last of her waning strength and opened a large vortex. It is a bright black-purple color with numerous symbols embedded within it.

"Order everyone to pass through, NOW". Ra said with sweat running down her forehead.

All Lunar wolves fled into the vortex knowing full well the might of the hunters and their loss if they managed to engage in a battle.

The door to the throne room broke open as thousands of hunters ran through. Their hands held a large blue colored spear.

Almost all the Lunars' had passed through the vortex.

The hunters threw each of their spears but they were all blocked by white shields created by the three lunar warrior guards.

A spear slid through the shield, piercing Ra in the back. She let out a choked cry, falling to the ground and coughing up blood.

The vortex weakened before closing completely as Her power supply impeded closing the vortex entirely.

The remaining Lunar wolves were individually pierced and slaughtered by the blue spears immediately diminishing their numbers to zero.

The chief hunter walked directly to Ra. "You have lost. You cannot defeat the humans." He said to her, an evil smirk making its way onto his face. "I have the strength of a thousand men, my army dominates your throne now. You are but a single woman, waiting for her death"

Ra choked out blood from her mouth, laced with a blue substance. "I am more than just a woman," she said. "I am the guardian of the Lunar bloodline"

The hunter laughed, "Your bloodline lay dead beneath my feet. Look around and manifest the power of the dark lord" he smiled victoriously.

"No, it isn't" she replied with the last of her strength. "As long as the chosen Ilaria still lay foot in this land, the lunar blood shall conquer" Ra choked, but a ghost of a smile crept its way onto her lips.

"I'll find who that is and kill them. We'll find the remaining of your kind and kill them all, I'll make sure of that. Then the werewolves are next to go extinct" the hunter threatened, lifting the spear to deliver a final blow.

But at that moment, Ra summoned all of her remaining powers. There was a flash of light, and when it faded, the chief of the hunter found himself alone.

"Where did she go?" The Captain Hunter bellowed in rage.

"She must have teleported to another dimension," one of the hunters said, his voice laced with worry.

"Inform the dark one about these, tell him it's done". Chief Hunter said

"Yes sir" a hunter replied walking out of the once clean throne room now filled with nothing but dead bodies of wolves.

"And we must find a way to follow those lunar wolves. We must not rest until all of them are found and destroyed." He said, his face contorted in fury.

Captain Hunter looked around at the after-effect of what he caused and smiled to himself.

The only sound that remained was the slow dripping of blood, echoing through the halls like a funeral dirge.

The smell of death, the reeking scent of blood, and the corpses upon corpses of the Lunar wolves- it was a horrific sight to behold.

"It's not over yet," he said while leaving the throne room.


Three large orbs were held by the escaped elder blood Lunars; they held each of the three children of Ra. Cocooned in an orb to protect them until the time was right for their birth.

The elder walked to the chosen couple, giving them the orbs.

"Protect this with your life, for the destiny and fate of the Lunar wolves lies with them". He said to them,

The couple both bowed to his authority, "yes elder wolf" Mrs. Demarte said, collecting the orb.

Both of the couple disappeared in a flash of light.

"Now we must protect the last of us. We must ascend" The elder said his last word before a flash of light enveloped the entire LUNAR COLONY.

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