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The Billionaireā€™s Dilemma

The Billionaire's Dilemma

Anna Grace Smith


Lana Gray, a struggling journalist for Forbes Magazine, faces devastation when a downturn in the Magazine's economy jeopardizes her Job and she shockingly discovers her six-year old daughter, Bailey has cancer. A chance to save her career emerges when she gets assigned to write a front-page piece on Julian Hayes, a captivating billionaire making waves in the business world. To Lana's astonishment, Julian is the man she had a one night stand with seven years ago, leading to her daughter's birth. But, will she be able to confront the man that left her with more than she hoped for? Read on to find out what Lana will do when she realizes nothing she knows is truly as it is and finds herself torn between the man she now knows and the real father of her child.

Chapter 1 The Glitch


I stare at the bright screen of my laptop hoping whatever this email that just dropped from Matthew, my Editor in chief, the Boss boss of Forbes Magazine, is spam. He probably got his gadgets stolen or something... Yes! That's it. I should go to mourn with him about it. Tell him some psycho was sending treacherous emails to his employees.

But I take a peep just a little above my laptop, and the commotion in front of me makes me realize that this is real. These unmoving black letters that were typed in a Calibri font size 16? 11? I wouldn't know. Matt is always full of surprises...and shit, were very real.

I press one of the keyboard keys to stop the laptop from sleeping and read the email again.

"From: Matthew Rivers, Forbes Mag.

To: me

Due to the recent massive "glitch" in the Magazine's economy, which I believe you're all aware of...

A meeting was set up and the outcome was quite...ah! Stifling. And so, it's with utter regret that I inform you that there would be a cutoff of staff starting from next week, the 20th of February.

Yours sympathetically,

Matthew Rivers,

Forbes Magazine."

Yours sympathetically? Is he even for real? I shut the laptop off and take a quick glance at Greta's see-through glass office. She seems pretty calm to me. No doubt she was part of the meeting that had set this whole thing up. I put my feet back into my tight 4 inch heels that I kicked off sometime earlier when I arrived and marched into Greta's office to get some answers.


Greta's sharp menacing gray eyes pin me down but does nothing to scare me off. Our whole "let's act like we don't love each other so much and be professional at work" pact isn't going to work out today.

I stare at her tall frame seated on the black leather chair for a bit. Her blond hair was packed in her infamous tight bun that could one day, pull off and leave her bald. Greta is one of those women that look nasty and wicked. Everyone is afraid of her. Well, except me... She's like a mother to me. Ever since she saw me break down at the ladies room seven years ago, she's treated me like her child.

"For how long have you known about this?" I ask, going straight to the point.

"Known About what?"

"Oh Greta! You know what I'm talking about..."

"Or not."

"The email..."

"Right! I didn't realize that Facebook sends updates to other Humans on their emails too. I felt so... special. Hmm" she says sarcasm drippings off her words.

I stare down at Greta with resigned eyes hoping she'll catch up with the fact that this is a very serious matter.

"Fine! You can either sit or keep standing there like a clown." she sighs, pulling off her sage green glasses and leaning her back on the chair.

"So obviously, you barged into my office because of Mattew's cut off letter."


"And if I'm correct, which I believe I am. you're scared that you'd be part of the people getting... cut."

"Yes." I nod shifting slightly on the seat.

"Well, Lana, you have to understand that I was equally shocked when Matthew agreed to go along with that whole "leaving people unemployed" idea."

"I wish... I wish I could really say he's stupid for going down that road but, we all know the state at which the Magazine is in, and if something fast isn't done, we'll have no other choice than to close down."

"Can't they just find other solutions to the problem tho? Take out loans, partner with another publishing house?!" I ask throwing my hands above my head.

"I can't lose my Job right now G... The rent, Bailey's fees, feeding, bills! I don't have any other source of income. This is all I have!!!"

"Lana, you'll be fine. You know I'm always here to help you and besides, who says you're going to be part of the people getting cut?"

"There's something called intuition Greta, that shit is real. And I can feel it... I really might lose my job."

"Well, stop fussing. I'll see what I can do. I promise you'll be alright. I'll try and talk to Matthew."

"Thank you G!! I owe you my life..." I start

"Hush! This is nothing. Think of it as a ticket to Bailey's heart... that one is a lot to deal with." Greta says the grimace on her face is hard to miss, making me laugh.

"Oh and remember Dean?" she asks, going off topic probably to lighten me up.

"Your long lost sister's cousin that's studying abroad that you've been trying to set me up with?"

"You remember all the details, I'm starting to suspect that he's grown on you."

"No thank you G. I'm not interested in starting up anything with anyone right now. I've got a lot to deal with."

"You're thirty two. When will you ever have the time Lana? When you hit forty seven like me? Or when Bailey grows up without a father figure and starts asking questions?"

"Um... probably when I turn fifty and gray hairs pop out on my chin. And besides, you're so cool Greta! I probably would love to remain a spinster like you. Forever." I say taunting her with a straight face.

"Don't you dare!"

I laugh and stand making my way to her metal framed doors, only pausing when I place my hands on the handle to say,

"Oh! and Greta, please stop setting me up with every man you set eyes on. Especially my neighbor! It's quite weird if you ask me..."

"But Ethan seems like a fine candidate I'm sure he's good in bed too."

"Ughh... That's enough! And it's not Ethan for the hundredth time. It's Elliott!" I exclaim knowing Greta deliberately miscalls his name every time just to spite me.

"Ethan, Elliott, no difference to me." She shrugged.

"Bye Greta!" I say closing the door behind me not waiting to hear anymore remarks from her.


I was heading over to the dispenser to drink some water when my phone vibrates in the pocket of my pants. I try to ignore it, but it rings again, forcing me to pick up. There was no caller ID which was weird.

"Yes, this is Bailey's mum." I say to the woman at the other end of the call.

"What? No!"

"She fainted?!!"

"Okay. I'll be on my way as soon as possible." I turn the phone off and take a deep breath.

"This day just keeps getting worse"

I pack my stuff up before informing Greta that I'll be leaving early to go check up on Bailey at school. She got all concerned but I promised everything will be fine.

I take the bus and that's probably the worst decision right now, but I can't afford to go bankrupt from paying an Uber fare in this City. New York would be the death of me someday.

Bailey's school calls me again and informs me about the change of her location. I drop from the bus and take another one heading towards the hospital completely worried.

I look out the window, nervously picking at my nails, and hoping my daughter would be fine, that I would be fine...

I reach the hospital and immediately head over to the emergency room.

"Excuse me please, I'm here for Bailey Gray? She was rushed in a few hours ago." I say to the elderly looking nurse at the reception who smiles at me a bit.

"Over there." she says, pointing at the pediatrics ward to the right.

"Ask for doctor Bumblebee. He wants to speak with you."

I nod and head over to the ward bracing myself for whatever that's going to happen.

"Miss Flinch?" I say after recognizing Bailey's home room teacher seated beside one of the beds

"Ms Lana..." she says, rising up immediately. I see Bailey's small sleeping form on the bed and move towards her. She looks very tired. Her brows are furrowed and her face tight like she is in pain. Something in my chest constricts, so I turn and look at Miss Flinch instead.

"What happened?" I ask

"She fainted in class all of a sudden... but she's been complaining of fatigue for some weeks now which I'm guessing is the cause?"

"Fatigue? Bailey hasn't told me anything about her feeling tired at home." I say confused. Or maybe she has and I wasn't paying any attention.

"But how can a six year old complain about fatigue when she doesn't do any work?"

"That's why I need to speak to you in my office Ms Gray."

I turn and look at the owner of the voice. A man probably in his fifties stood a few feet away. I'm guessing that's Doctor Bumblebee...

Miss Flinch stayed with Bailey while I followed him to his office.

"Please sit." he says motioning to the chair in front of me.

I look around and notice the playful interior of his office making me relax a bit.

"So, I'm just going to go over the tests we took after Bailey was rushed in earlier..." he starts quickly glancing at me before going through a couple of papers from a blue file on his desk.

I nod my head and give him a tight smile, bracing myself for the worst possible outcome. Most of the results came out negative, bringing me a little relief, but it's short lived because, the next thing he says almost takes the life out of me...

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