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Lorain Empire

Lorain Empire



Staring at the noisy crowd who came to watch her get beheaded she scoffed. She could see the excitement written all over their faces. Was it not yesterday these people praised her for being a kind and gentle empress but then again humans are so fickle. She saw him... he disguised himself with a cloak and was surrounded by guards who were undercover, she would never mistake him for another person after all he was the man she married for twelve years. Did she regret it? Yes she did but what could she do about it, the damage was done. She knew he was happy he was here to watch her final moments. She gulped as the hefty man forced her to kneel. This was it...she knew she would die soon but she never knew that it would be such an humiliating death. She looked up in the sky and wailed. The crowd was surprised, she could hear them discussing how she had run mad in her final moments but she didn't care ..she stopped praying a long time ago but now she prayed God will help her take revenge that was her last thought before her head got separated from her body.

Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1


This is not just another historical fantasy fiction, it might be what happened years ago but probably in an alternate realm. This story takes place In the capital of Lorain one of the most striving empire on earth, Aritol. Witness the rise of how this empire became the most striving empire on earth through the perspective of a woman....and probably a man too.

Chapter 1

Isla's pov

"This is to real to be unrealistic"

I gazed into the mirror as I pinched my cheeks for the umpteenth time..and it hurt.

"I can't believe I'm alive" I said gazing at my neck which was perfectly intact "did I go back in time?".

I stared at the necklace which lay on my neck, it was gifted to me by my brother on my eighteenth birthday and when I wedded my husband a year later I removed it.

The thought of that man sickens me.

" Thank you lordddd" I screamed dancing around my luxurious room.

"My lady" a voices called in disbelief. With my hands up in the air I instantly paused, i turned around to find my personal maid staring at me like I've gone bongos.

Clearing my throat I turned around and smothered my purple gown.

"Stop looking at me like that I've not gone mad ayra ...at least not yet" I said.

Ayra smiled as she presented my shoes, I instantly looked at my legs and realized I've been wearing socks all along them then something clicked.

I was never the type to wear gowns at least not until I became the empress, wearing a gown especially a corset is a punishment to me. "Ayra what's the occasion today?".

"You are to discuss the details of your engagement with the third prince my lady" Ayra replied as she wore my purple heels.

I sighed as I looked up "when did I turn eighteen Ayra?".

"Two days ago my lady...is anything wrong?" Ayra asked clearly not suspicious of anything.

"Nothing Ayra, is my brother ready yet?"

"No my lady but once he's ready I'll let you know".

"Okay...you may be excused" I said massaging my forehead.

Ayra walked to the door then she suddenly turned around "by the way my lady you look lovely today" then she left.

I smiled at her compliment, Ayra has been my maid for five years , we are the same age. She doesn't talk much but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about me.

I sat down on my chair as I looked at the pen and paper on my desk. I had to document everything that happened to me for the past ten years and ways to avoid them. I instantly looked at my hands as I remembered something. Since I went back in time would my powers be the same or would it be how it was back then.

I instantly unleashed my powers.

"Yes" I was at phase 42, the phase I was at when I was still the ruler.

In this world there exist different types of supernatural creatures exists. Vampires, faes, angel demon, elementals, healers, witches and many more. we all have our own Kingdom and empires, for example the Lorain Empire consists of elementals.

We have fire , water, earth, air and space. Space is the rarest of elementals and anyone who has that element will instantly have an high standing.

We have different phases from phase one to phase 100 even though the last time someone entered phase 80 was a thousand years ago.

Enough of the history talk. I grabbed the quill pen and began to write the story of my life.

I was In love with the third prince ever since I was 13. I got married to him whenI clocked ninteen. He has six brothers and a sister, the first prince is an outcast, his mother was the former empress and my aunt. She died when he was eight , the day of her funeral he got tossed into the military, he won many wars and became a general and a prince but nobody liked him. Rumors state that he's bloodthirsty and a villain. I also witnessed that my self.

Twelve years from now he will only be the surviving prince.

The second prince is nothing to write home about, he died..was murdered by my ex husband. The fourth prince was as cunning as a fox..a brilliant man but he also died, the fifth prince lived a solitary life outside the palace but he was murdered. The sixth prince is a child but he was poisoned. Then there's the only princess, people think she's a nobody because she doesn't have elemental powers but the truth is she has a special type of flame called the nebula. It could burn anyone and anything, she can not be messed with. She is a manic. Everyone in the palace feared her including her own father.

The third prince my ex husband murdered his father and his brothers except the first prince and married me because I am the Grand Duke's sister.

He pretended to love me but dropped the act a year, what a fool I was. A woman named Monica came during my second year as the empress, she is a foreigner. He loved her dearly so she became his concubine, his most favored concubine. While I did all the work , she was servicing him on his bed most of the time.

Together they poisoned me with Agil. A deadly flower that allows women to become barren. My brother the grand duke found out about it , he tried to use it to rebel against the king...he was found dead in the morning.

While I wallowed in sorrow because I couldn't give birth she gave birth...twice.

After twelve years when I said I couldn't take it anymore he framed me as the traitor who gave information to the kagali kingdom and that's why they had an advantage in the war.

Dropping the quilt pen, I let the ink dry then folded the paper. I stored it in my drawer the locked It with a key.

There's was no way I could marry Arman, for it meant I would repeat my fate all over again and I won't take revenge either.

I just want a peaceful life, because I'm the grand duke most beloved sister I will be forced to marry one of them because of the immense support my brother would provide.

If I want to survive I must not marry any of the prince. I nod again ..I mustn't marry any of those men

But little did Isla know that she was going to do exactly opposite of what she said just now.

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