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The womanizer

The womanizer



"ugh, shit" I heard a deafening grunt in my boss's office. Btw, I'm Shizana Shenein Martinez I'm 23 years old and a pretty kind woman, I've been with this company for three years and I've been hearing for three years tooā€“ "Ugh, make me more pleasureā€“ oh, ahhā€“ faster" the woman moaned again. So let's have a time like thatā€“ "Your so wet" a man with a husky voice said. Yoc, because of the irritation I quickly finished my paper works, I knocked three times before just placing the papers in front of his office. I left the building and waited for a ride, I've been waiting for almost thirty minutes when someone fake coughed behind me, it's my boss "Ahem.. are you gonna go home?" he asked. I nodded and smiled a little bit so as not to be awkward. "Ahmm.. waiting for your boyfriend?" he asked again. I shook my head "I don't do boyfriend's" I honestly said. "What the heck.." he said in a shocking tone "i put up with it for almost three years and then now I will know that you don't do boyfriend's, oh, holy crap" I looked at him in surprise "uhmm.. why sir - where are you taking me" I couldn't finish my question as he pulled me. We got to the parking lot but before we could get to my boss's car, he leaned me against whose car and kissed me hard. I pushed him hard but he was too strong, he held my waist and pressed on his body, I smell his manly scent and I feel the hard feeling around my stomach. I can't resist every movement of his lips on me is crazy, when I stopped pushing him, his kiss became slow, I didn't know that I was starting to kiss back. I felt the left hand crawling to the back of my neck and the right hand caressing my butt. ______________________

Chapter 1 1

Before I could catch my breath, he let go of the kiss but I could still feel his hand on my seat

"S-sir.." I stammered

"Soon.. i will gonna make.. you moan so loud.. until you cant.. breathe" he said panting

I pushed him again but he didn't let go

"A-ahmm.. I-I'm going home.. I-I" I said shyly

"I'm not done yet honey" he said and gave me a passionate kiss

His tongue ender to my mouth, he played with my tongue, he grabbed my two hands and placed them on his shoulders, his kiss became deeper as I moaned softly

"Moan my name my love" he said weakly between the kisses

I tightened my grip on his shoulder because his right hand moved towards my mountain-like chest, his left hand crawled towards my womanhood but before everything went deeper he let go

"I don't want to do that thing here in the parking lot, I'm going to break you up" he said and picked me up as a newly wed.

I was ashamed to look away

"Don't be shy honey, you'll get used to it soon" he said with a smile on his lips


The Next Day..

I don't know why I joined this company after the shame of being in the parking lot

I'm not his 'Girl's' who after talking to someone will just leave, I'm not a one night stand

"Good night, did you hear anything" said my friend she is Shane my best friend

"What else" I said in front and stood up, before I knocked on sir's office I took a deep breath

I knocked three times before I opened the door, when I opened the door I saw my boss staring at nothing and holding his lips together

I chuckled before speaking "Sir, Mr. Sushon is waiting for you"

He immediately looked at me and I could see the lust in his eyes

He stood up immediately and I thought he was going to wash but he came to me and suddenly kissed me

First in the parking lot, now here at the office, I might really lose my V card, help!

________________As the shock of his sudden advance registered, my mind raced, trying to find a way to handle the situation. His lips pressed against mine, and I could feel his urgency, his desire. But underneath the rush of sensations, a voice inside me screamed for control, for boundaries.

"Sir, please," I managed to gasp, trying to push him away gently. But his grip on me remained firm, his passion undeterred.

"I can't resist you," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. "You drive me wild."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I knew I couldn't let this continue. Gathering my resolve, I pushed against him with all my strength, finally breaking free from his embrace.

"I have to go," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. "This isn't right."

He looked at me with a mixture of frustration and longing, but eventually relented, releasing me from his grasp.

"Until next time, then," he said with a smirk, his eyes still burning with desire.

As I hurried out of his office, my heart raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, desire, and a gnawing sense of unease warred within me. What had I gotten myself into? And how could I navigate this precarious situation without losing myself in the process?

The next day dawned with a heavy weight on my shoulders, the memory of his insistent kisses lingering like a bitter taste in my mouth. As I stepped into the office, every corner seemed to hold a reminder of our encounter ā€“ the parking lot where it began, his office where it escalated. I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a web of his making.

My friend Shane's concerned gaze met mine as I entered, her eyes silently questioning the turmoil written across my face. I offered a weak smile, not wanting to burden her with the truth of my inner turmoil. But as I prepared to face another day in this toxic environment, I knew I couldn't keep pretending that everything was fine.

Summoning every ounce of courage I possessed, I approached his office, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of dread. With trembling hands, I knocked on the door, steeling myself for whatever lay on the other side. As the door swung open, revealing his imposing figure, a sense of defiance surged within me.

"Sir, Mr. Sushon is waiting for you," I said, my voice steady despite the chaos raging within me.

But before I could utter another word, his eyes locked with mine, and I saw the hunger burning within them. In an instant, he closed the distance between us, his lips capturing mine in a possessive kiss that stole my breath away.

Caught off guard once again, I struggled against his embrace, the weight of his desire pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. Yet even as I fought to break free, a part of me couldn't deny the thrill of his touch, the intoxicating allure of his presence.

As he finally released me, a sense of resignation settled over me like a heavy fog. This was my reality now ā€“ a constant battle between my principles and my desires, between the need to resist and the temptation to surrender. And as I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder how long I could keep this delicate balance before everything came crashing down around me.

The echoes of his touch lingered in the air, haunting me like a ghost as I navigated through the mundane tasks of the workday. Each passing moment felt like a countdown to the next inevitable encounter, a dance of temptation and resistance that left me feeling both exhilarated and terrified.

With each passing day, the boundaries between us blurred even further, his presence becoming a constant shadow looming over me. Yet amidst the chaos of his advances, a flicker of defiance ignited within me ā€“ a determination to reclaim control over my own destiny.

As I stood before his office once again, the weight of my decision heavy on my shoulders, I knew that I couldn't continue down this treacherous path any longer. With trembling hands, I knocked on the door, steeling myself for the confrontation that lay ahead.

"Sir, Mr. Sushon is waiting for you," I said, my voice betraying none of the turmoil raging within me.

But instead of the anticipated advance, a moment of clarity washed over me as I met his gaze head-on. No longer would I allow myself to be a pawn in his twisted game of desire ā€“ I was stronger than that.

With a newfound sense of resolve, I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving behind the suffocating embrace of his office and the toxic allure of his touch. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt a glimmer of hope ā€“ a belief that I could carve out a future for myself free from the chains of his manipulation.

And as I stepped into the uncertain embrace of the unknown, I knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. But with each step forward, I vowed to reclaim my voice, my agency, and my dignity ā€“ no longer a victim, but a survivor ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the sun rose on another day, I found myself grappling with the aftermath of our forbidden encounter. The memory of his touch lingered like a bittersweet melody, tempting me with its seductive allure yet leaving me feeling hollow and empty.

With each passing moment, the weight of my silence grew heavier, a suffocating blanket that threatened to consume me whole. I longed to break free from the shackles of his desire, to reclaim the autonomy that had been stolen from me in the heat of the moment.

Summoning every ounce of courage I possessed, I made my way to his office, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of uncertainty. As I stood before him, the air thick with tension, I knew that I couldn't continue down this perilous path any longer.

"Sir, Mr. Sushon is waiting for you," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

But as his eyes met mine, I saw the flicker of recognition pass through them, a silent acknowledgment of the boundaries that had been crossed. In that moment, a sense of liberation washed over me, a newfound clarity that banished the shadows of doubt from my mind.

Turning on my heel, I walked away from his office, leaving behind the tangled web of desire and deceit that threatened to ensnare me. With each step forward, I felt a renewed sense of purpose, a commitment to forging my own path free from the chains of his manipulation.

And as I stepped out into the light of a new day, I knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges. But with each obstacle I faced, I vowed to stand tall and resolute, a beacon of strength in a world shrouded in darkness.

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Other books by Keshaa

Seducing the Multi Millionaire

Seducing the Multi Millionaire



I'm a woman on a mission... "Can you be the father of my children?" "Do you have children?" "Not yet, do you want us to make a way now?" "You lost your mind, huh?" "I lost it when I first laid my eyes on you." He laughed at my stupidity. Alright, go... Just laugh and get excited because I'm about to take you on a roller coaster ride. "But you know what I want to lose next?" He stopped laughing, but a smile remained on his lips. "What?", he asked with curiosity evident on his face but his attention was still focused on his laptop. "My virginity.", I answered directly. Yes, I'm a woman on a mission. And my mission is to seduce this virgin millionaire. ā€”ā€” Charlotte Devin Vanidestine, a 28-year-old retired celebrity who rose to stardom at a very young age of 15. After cutting herself out of the entertainment industry, Charlotte only wants one thingā€” to get pregnant and to be a mother. But because of what she believed to be a curse from her family; where she won't be able to get married anymore if she can't find a man to marry before 25, now that she's past that age, nothing seems to go well in her way. And then there goes a fortune teller who told her that she still has a chance and in order to stop the curse she needs to get impregnated by a virgin, a distinctive man the fortune teller described. Zacharias Ford Silvius, on the other hand, a hottie millionaire whose dream is of numerous women. Despite being the total ideal type of these women, Zach remained a virgin and someone who has never dated anyone before because of a past wound that no one can seem to cure. Charlotte happened to meet Zach who strangely matches all the descriptions the fortune teller told her. And there start the series of pursuits to get the stone-cold heart of a virgin. Now that Charlotte found the man she wanted, nothing can stop her from "Seducing the Virgin Millionaire".

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