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Adina Monthe, a young woman of twenty-two, works as a part-time servant for the powerful Governor Thomson of the island of TIBATI, and as a volunteer tele-advisor for a charity association. Jason Mayers, the fiancée of Sabrina, the government's darling daughter, came to spend the holidays with her at the palace. An arrogant, ruthless man with a hard and firm look like a devil. One evening Adina receives a call from a stranger named Tom. A bruised man, captive of a pain from the past which eats him from the inside. He calls for help and will find in Adina an attentive ear and a faithful friend who will bring light back into his life. But at the sound of Jason Mayers' voice, Adina thinks she recognizes Tom's. How can two men who are so different have the same vocal tone? Maybe this is just a figment of his imagination! The young woman then decides to ignore the rules of the association and undertakes to physically meet Tom, her interlocutor.

Chapter 1 I am the most beautiful

Adina opened the door to the tiny apartment, and faced with the disorder of the room, she heaved a sigh of despair. She entered, closing the door behind her. In silence, she began to tidy the room, as usual her father had come home drunk and created this chaos.

In the room she shared with her younger sister Koni, the teenager slept soundly. A tender smile appeared on the young woman's face, she tenderly pulled the blanket up over her sister. She was very tired. Already this morning upon arriving at Governor Thomson's palace, the butler had announced to them the arrival the next day of the governor's beloved daughter with friends. So all day long, he had a big cleaning and Adina barely had a moment to breathe. In the evening, once at the association's headquarters, she had received more calls than usual and now all she wanted to do was take a shower and sleep. On her way to the bathroom at the end of the hall, she stopped in front of the open door to her father's bedroom, she heard him snoring. Exasperated, she closed the door gently so as not to wake him. After her shower, she dressed in her red pajamas, made herself some tea before getting into bed, and fell asleep immediately.

The shrill ringing of the alarm woke Adina from her deep sleep. To avoid waking up her still sleeping little sister, she stopped the infernal alarm clock and got up from her bed.

It was five o'clock in the morning and for the young girl, the day started as usual. Slowly, she left the bedroom and headed towards the small kitchen set up in a corner of the living room to prepare breakfast. She set the table, took inventory of the contents of the refrigerator. It was the end of the month the day before, and she had received her pay and today she was going shopping for the month that was beginning. She quickly took a shower and got dressed to go to work.

It was now six o'clock and she had forty-five minutes to arrive at the governor's palace and clock in. She sat close on Koni's bed and woke her up gently.

- Koni? My darling, you need to wake up. It's time for me to go to work and you to get out of bed.

- Mmmmmm.... Said the teenager, stretching lazily.

- Get up darling and go get ready for school. Breakfast is ready and please be careful not to wake up daddy okay?

- Okay, Adina. Said the teenager before getting out of her bed.

- Very good my dear. I'm going shopping on the way back from the palace; Do you need something?

- Yes, my list is right there! Koni gave him his list.

- Alright. Said Adina who kissed her younger sister on the cheek. See you later!

She added before running out of the room and out of the house. She took her bike and in less than half an hour, she had arrived at the entrance reserved for palace employees, she went through security, found herself in the changing rooms where she quickly changed and ran to present herself to the butler as all other staff for the day's meeting:

- Ladies and Gentlemen , as you know Miss Sabina Thomson is arriving today with two guests. We must do everything we can to ensure that their stay goes very well. Mr. The Governor wants his daughter and her entourage to be treated like kings. Miss Monthe you are now at Miss Sabina's service until her return. So you will stay four more hours for which you will be paid free of charge.

- But Mr Douglas, I can't... began the young woman.

- What? The butler cut her off abruptly, his gaze questioning.

- I would then be tired to work at the association. Adina replied.

- So, maybe you want to change and work full time at your association from now on?

Adina understood the old man's allusion. She could not lose her job at the palace because it was thanks to her salary that she could take care of her family and pay for school for Koni. She had no choice but to accept the new working conditions.

- Of course not Mr Douglas! I will adjust my working hours at the association. She replied resignedly.

- All in good time! Anyone else want to add anything?

The old man asked the group of people in front of him. No one dared to lift a finger. Everyone was afraid of losing their job.

- Alright. So as I was saying before being interrupted by Miss Monthe , we have a lot of work ahead of us and you Miss Monthe, you are going to be Miss Thomson's personal servant, go and check that her room is ready to welcome her. You will obey him with your finger and your eye. Make sure I don't get any complaints from him. Can I count on you Miss Monthe?

It was more of an order than a question.

- Yes Mr Douglas, you can count on me. I will make sure to be worthy of the trust you have placed in me.

- I like this better. Go to work, everyone, breakfast lunch should be served in thirty minutes!

Thus began the day at the palace.

Adina had gone up for the first time to the wing reserved for the private apartments of the governor's family. She found the room reserved for the princess of the house. The room was clean and tidy, Adina still made sure everything was in its place. Once finished up there, she went down to find the rest of the staff who had formed a guard of honor for the new arrivals who soon arrived.

A procession of six big black cars entered the palace in single file. Two of them stopped in front of the entrance to the palace and two young women got out of the first car. The beautiful golden-skinned African girl dressed in white leggings and a blue shirt and high heels was Sabina Thomson and the blonde clinging to her arm was her friend Blue. In the second car a handsome man came out, he was very tall, athletic physique, beautiful tanned skin, jet black hair. He was dressed in a Belgian-colored suit over a white shirt and polished black shoes. His presence seemed to hypnotize everyone, including Adina. She felt her heart race as soon as the stranger passed by her. It smelled so good that she almost collapsed, she took a deep breath and followed her colleagues who were carrying the suitcases to the different rooms.

She unpacked Sabrina's eight suitcases, and organized the clothes, shoes, bags and accessories in the dressing room. She had just finished tidying up when the door to the large bedroom opened to reveal Sabrina.

- Welcome Miss Thomson, I'm Adina. I will be at your service during your stay. Said Adina, bowing respectfully to her new boss.

- Oh! Are you the news Mr Douglas sent me? Sabrina asks arrogantly.

- Yes Miss, it is an honor to serve you.

- Where did the other slut go?

- I don't know who you're talking about Miss!

- Am I talking about my servant from last time?

- I'm sorry Miss, but I don't know her!

- How long have you been working here?

- Um... I've been working in the palace for three years, this is the first time I've been assigned to the big house. Adina replied.

- I see! What was your name again?

- Adina Miss.

- Hum! How old are you ?

- twenty-one years old, twenty-two in a few months Miss.

- You know that you are pretty ?

- Uh...! Do you find Miss? Asked Adina stuttering.

- Oh because you don't think you're beautiful, right?

- No Miss! I find that I am an ordinary person. You are a special person, you are very beautiful, elegant and cultured. Nothing to do with me Miss. Adina replied with deep embarrassment.

- It's good that you think like that! I am the most beautiful and it must stay that way, never forget it. Well I'm going to shower and change. My friends and I are going to walk around the palace before lunch. You are my servant, two important things you need to know: One, don't be far from me so that I don't have to scream to get you, nor too close to me that it bothers me, and two, don't never throw shade in any sense of the word, okay?

- Okay Miss.

- Alright. Said Sabrina satisfied, before entering her bathroom.

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