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Choke Me Please

Choke Me Please



How long she can tolerate all kind of abuse and harsh treatment from her own family. If writing will help her to ease all pain and save her from sadness, then why writing will also bring bad omen to her pitiful life. Can Adelrina resist it all, or she will embrace it all and let the faith do the rest. "I can't stay on this life anymore. I just want to end all of this sufferings. I am tired. Choke me, please?"

Chapter 1 Prologue

I just want to write all of my frustrations in my life, why I had to end in this situation?

I thought I already knew what is the worst thing that can happen on my life, but there is something intense that I never thought would come.

"Son, stop writing. Just work while you study," I imitated how Mama said earlier.

They want me to stop what I love to do, because they say I won't earn anything from it. It's funny, they are supposed to encourage me. But it ended up discouraging me to stop what I want.

This scene is not new to me, and I find it unfair. They favor my younger brother more, because he is an honor student and studies at science high school.

Drew had everything she wished for, all my needs were in her. I also want to adjust for him, even if he is just more in the pocket.

One time, Mama took my phone which they gave to Drew, because they said they were classmates and they all had phones and he didn't have one, since I was the eldest, they said I would make a sacrifice.

I worked hard to earn money and buy my laptop and phone, and the worst thing is that I was jealous and I didn't even give it to my brother, so I ended up sacrificing my laptop for him.

And now, they want me to stop and just work for myself, freaking selfish people around me, it's suffocating.

I closed my eyes tightly and calmed myself again and again, if only I could go shopping with my family. I did it a long time ago.

"Just right it, and everything is gonna be alright." I put the phone down on the study table and now my head is spinning.

I stretch my arms and hands before finding a comfortable spot for me while writing a new story that is my new project now.

I lick my lips and remembering some scenes that I saw on my dreams lately. His handsome face, he is huffing above me. Smiling and showing his seductive smile.

I can't help but to let my wild fingers do what it wants.

I bite my lips and close my eyes, this sensation is making me calm after a fight.

I play with my clit and cover my mouth, to stop my moans.

I am about to cum when I feel that someone is watching me now, I frown and look in the mirror, someone is standing there. His eyes are looking at me now, I start panicking and the anxiety in my chest now spreads throughout my system.

I close the curtain and my chest feels tight. I hit the floor and blinked hard. Tangina, let's see if there is something else.

I rushed back to the chair and leaned back, put on my glasses and started typing.

"Adelrina, answer!" My bedroom door was banging and I grabbed a pillow, buried my face in it and screamed, it was really annoying!

It was only for a moment and I stood up, opened the door and now Mama's face was angry, she looked at what I was doing and looked in front of me.

"You'll waste your time writing later. We already ate, wash the plate and wash your brother's uniform, it's a week tomorrow." Mama turned her back and I was about to close the door when she appeared again.

"The food is running out, just buy it outside. You have money, don't you?" I was stunned by what Mama told me.

"You didn't come with us, you ran out." He left and entered his and Papa's room.

I look at the ceiling of my room and close my eyes, hug my knees and sing my favorite song.

Fuck this family, heartless people.

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