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Sold to the Abandoned Billionaire Husband

Sold to the Abandoned Billionaire Husband

P.P. Jing


"A slave like you shouldn't call my name. Now, address me properly."  "Yes, m-master."  It has been three years since Serena Laurel-De Silva left her husband after witnessing him having an affair with his ex-fiancée. Even though their marriage was just a contract, she loved Ezekiel De Silva and was deeply hurt. That's why she decided to be with another man who promised her love while carrying Ezekiel's child inside her womb.  But she never expected to fall into a dangerous situation with her new partner and end up in the black market, where she could have been sold to anyone. The worst part of her life was finding out that the person who bought her was none other than her abandoned husband, Ezekiel.  "Why did you leave me three years ago? Do you know the hell I've been living all this time without you?! How could you have a child with him?!" He drunkenly yelled at her, crying in pain. After repeatedly breaking her heart in the past and now enslaving her, why is he acting like he still cares for her? Why is Ezekiel behaving as if she is the one who made a big mistake by leaving him?

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

"Veteran actress Serena Laurel marries full-time businessman and billionaire Ezekiel De Silva!"

As I stared at the old newspaper headline and our wedding photo, tears couldn't help but fall from my eyes.

It has been three years since I left him, ever since I witnessed his betrayal.

In the three years of our married life, all I felt was pain and resentment towards him, all because I loved him.

But my life with him was far better than my life with Brantley. Especially now that he has sold me to the black market to be feasted upon by wealthy people from different countries.

"Damn it! I've retouched your makeup so many times! Why are you still crying, you wench?! Do you really want no one to buy you?!"

"S-Sorry, ma'am."

I quickly wiped away my tears as Madam Ging scolded me angrily. I threw away the newspaper and adjusted my posture.

From behind, she faced me with a sneer. "I've been telling you, you wouldn't want no one to buy you in full, Jia. If the auction starts and no foreigner shows interest in your appearance, human traffickers will kill you to sell your organs one by one!"

I shuddered at her words and tried to forcefully wipe away the tears in my eyes. I searched for the small, broken mirror to fix my makeup.

I can't die! I would rather have someone buy me and then find a way to escape later!

"Let me do it, let me! You're just ruining your appearance, Xiao Jia!" Despite her anger and harshness, she started fixing me up again.

They know me here in China as Jia. For three years, Brantley and I have been secretly living here as different people. But it didn't turn out well, and I fell into this kind of place.

I interacted with the pitiful people imprisoned in slavery and human traffickers. Some people with no looks or proper body shape were immediately taken to another place to do unspeakable things.

While people like me, whom they considered slave women, were being prepared to be presented on stage,.

"If it were up to me, they should have put you in prostitution," she smirked, sending shivers down my spine. "But because of your beauty, they'll surely earn more money from the bidding alone! You look like a celebrity!"

I swallowed hard. I would rather be sold to one person than be passed around by different men as a prostitute! I know it's impossible to escape once I end up in that kind of place. But I still have a chance to escape before whoever buys me takes me away!

That's how relieved I felt when none of them recognized me as the famous actress Serena Laurel. Even though Madam Ging knows we're compatriots, she doesn't care, perhaps because she's used to seeing people like me. She has no mercy!

"Oh, there! The show is about to start. Come with me."


"Next to be auctioned is-the bride!" The host announced enthusiastically. "The bidding starts at fifty thousand dollars!"

The curtain blocking my view was suddenly pulled up, causing my heart to race with nervousness and fear.

Blinding lights shone on me, and I couldn't help but close my eyes tightly. Despite the trembling in my legs, I stood tall at the center of the stage.

I have to be sold, no matter what!

I could feel my hands shaking as I held the small bouquet of wedding flowers. And the white gown I was wearing sparkled with beauty, as if I were a complete bride. That was the chosen "theme" for me to fetch a higher price.

"Nonsense! It's worth one hundred thousand dollars! Just look at how gorgeous it is!" The voice of an old man echoed in the surroundings.

Finally adjusting my vision to the lights, I saw people looking up at me.

Most of them were men, while the women were busy flirting with men, including an old man who seemed to stare at me like a dog.

It's funny how he regarded me not as a lowly person but as an object of immense value.

"One hundred thousand dollars; surely there's someone who wishes to go higher than that!"

"Two hundred thousand dollars."

"Three hundred thou-"

"Five hundred thousand dollars!"

Different voices of men, different accents, all from different nationalities, all gathered tonight in the black market to blatantly showcase their money.

Gradually, my emotions faded. What did I do to deserve this?

All my life, I did nothing but follow my mother's orders-to become an actress, to be exposed to the camera at a young age, to not finish my studies, and to marry early for money. I followed all of that!

I only rebelled once to give my heart a break, but this is where it led me.

It's as if the world has a grudge against me to make me experience all of this.

But even so, I won't let myself be completely destroyed!

I need to leave this place and escape!

"One million dollars!" A man in a blue suit yelled. I looked at him because of the amount he bid.

He had a playful smirk on his lips. His eyes flickered as he looked at me with intense desire. He ran his fingers through his small mustache on his face while comfortably leaning back on the black, soft chair, surrounded by women.

He looked attractive with his fair olive skin and thick black hair. But then again, a person who goes to the black market to buy people is equivalent to the devil.

I've heard many stories about people being sold to different "owners." Some become sex slaves, forced to do dirty work, or even tortured and killed.

None of the stories I heard before ever had a happy ending. But I wouldn't let that happen to me as well.

"One million dollars! Going once? Going twice?" The host became more excited as he was about to hit the hammer against the flat wood.

I closed my eyes tightly, thinking that that man would be my new "owner" from now on. I swallowed my saliva and waited for them to finally close the bid.

"Ten fucking million dollars."

I trembled at that chilling, deep voice.

I could feel the coldness in the air and the deafening silence inside. It was as if an angel passed through that silence before the noise started again.

I was stunned. My heart, which was silent just a moment ago, was now pounding violently. My hands and feet turned cold. I almost lost my balance in the high heels I was wearing as my knees trembled.

His familiar voice...

His familiar voice...

It can't be that...

I tightly closed my eyes, overwhelmed by fear. In the three years we were together... That voice is not easily forgotten. But it can't be! He can't be here.

"Fifteen million!" I heard the man in the blue suit's voice again. For some unknown reason, I was rooting for him!

Please, close the bid!

The men inside became more excited, laughing in amazement, and let the two voices dominate the bidding. It seemed like chaos had erupted since that voice spoke.

Even though my every breath trembled, I gathered my courage and slowly opened my eyes to search for that man.

My attention was fixed on the man at the center of the back of the venue. His position was even higher than the stage where I stood.

There was a single chair there that I knew was empty earlier. But now, he was seated there, seemingly taller than anyone else present.

"F-Fifteen million it is-" The host, who was engrossed in the amount of money, was interrupted when that man stood up abruptly.

"Fifty fucking million," he exclaimed sharply and descended the short staircase slowly.

My breathing grew heavier as I watched him step into the spotlight to reveal himself.

All eyes were on him now, but as I knew him, it seemed like he didn't care about them, as if the only thing he could see was me.

I blinked several times, accompanied by the trickle of my tears. My knees felt weak, knowing they could give way at any moment.

I let go of the flower I was holding and took three steps back.

His cold and intense way of staring at me three years ago-I was seeing it again now.

The man I ran away from because of the pain I felt from him... is now right in front of me.

"Close the bidding." His voice sounded so authoritative, and his sharp gaze never left my face. "No one wants her more than me."

"Y-Yes, yes!" The host finally struck the hammer against the wooden surface in full admiration.

A thunderous applause filled the room. I was completely deafened, with nothing else in sight except for the husband I left behind.

"E-Ezekiel..." I weakly whispered his name.

There's no denying that his appearance is outstanding. But because he has that look on his face, he screams danger, which makes people want to run away from him as fast as they can.

He walked so much closer to me that I had to take a few steps back to escape, but his big hand caught my wrist forcefully!

I gasped, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, as malevolent eyes stared at him.

But his eyes showed no trace of any emotion. The corner of his lips slowly rose, and I was filled with a chilling fascination as he looked at me.

"A slave like you shouldn't call my name. Now, address me properly."


My husband, the man I escaped from three years ago when I caught him in bed with someone else...

Why does he want me back just to experience the same thing I experienced with our marriage, or even worse?

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Sold to the Abandoned Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE



Chapter 2 Loveless Marriage



Chapter 3 His Rated-R Desire



Chapter 4 A Substitute



Chapter 5 Disastrous Night Out



Chapter 6 Scandal



Chapter 7 He's Cheating



Chapter 8 Pregnant



Chapter 9 Carrying his child



Chapter 10 Escaped but Caught



Chapter 11 Burning Pleasure



Chapter 12 Escape Plan



Chapter 13 Master



Chapter 14 Back to his mansion



Chapter 15 Bullies in the mansion



Chapter 16 Start of the abuse



Chapter 17 Cruel Ways



Chapter 18 Dinner



Chapter 19 Punishment



Chapter 20 Stealing



Chapter 21 Forced in Bed



Chapter 22 Unwelcomed Guest



Chapter 23 Serena meets Raquel again



Chapter 24 Please, be gentle



Chapter 25 The New Gardener



Chapter 26 Unwanted Child



Chapter 27 Danilo's Agenda



Chapter 28 Suspicions



Chapter 29 Trauma



Chapter 30 Planning



Chapter 31 Escaping



Chapter 32 Doomed



Chapter 33 Like me



Chapter 34 Chocolate of pleasure



Chapter 35 Chocolate of pleasure (2)



Chapter 36 Mother-in-law



Chapter 37 Drown out of passion



Chapter 38 Visit



Chapter 39 Feud



Chapter 40 The Misunderstanding
