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The Moon Goddess's Mistake

The Moon Goddess's Mistake

Zoe Foster


Jenny was forced to marry the dying Mr. Grayson. The whole city of New York was waiting to see her end miserably. However, half a year later, Jenny cured Mr. Grayson and was soon spoiled by the Grayson family. She was the top-class disciple of the famous doctor, the top hacker, the racing driver, and the founder of the famous cosmetics brand which was popular all over the world. Shawn, the CEO of the multinational group. Allen, the director of the wizard. Andy, the master of E-sports. Three of them said the same words, "Jenny is our favorite junior sister!" The man, who was said to be cold and cruel, blocked Jenny in the corner and gnashed his teeth. "How many identities do you have? And how many of them that I didn't know yet?" Jenny smiled and kissed him on the lips, "There is one and will be the last one, it's Mrs. Grayson."

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

The year was 2003 and Luna Dea sat upon her throne, staff in hand and white, glimmering hair blowing in the light mountain breeze. She felt the familiar pangs and jolts in her immortal heart as the wolves on earth lived their lives, praying to her in their most crucial moments.

For the 112th time that day, Dea felt the feeling of a new birth-of a young werewolf about to enter the world. She felt her lips tug into a small smile, the way they usually did, at the thought of a new life. She focused her concentration intently on the glow that only she could see in order to search the future soul of the newcomer.

The Luna Dea had one of the most important jobs in the world of werewolves, and she had had the job since the beginning of time. For it was her job to pair mates-a unique and essential aspect of the werewolf world. Dea truly believed that there was no greater love or power that existed than the love that came with the mate bond. The mate bond, under Luna Dea's guidance, paired together two compatible souls for all eternity so that they would feel the utmost amount of love, respect, and desire for each other. The purpose was not only to procreate, but also to foster a world of love and peace.

Just as she had broken in to the soul of the unborn child, Dea was startled by the warm, glowing presence that she felt, for she had never felt it before. Squinting her crystal eyes slightly in concentration, she worked to decipher the codes of the soul. She almost fell from her throne at what she saw.

The female's soul was pure, so pure that it shown and resonated like no other. She saw kindness, resilience, care, rare beauty, and tranquility. Every good quality that she had ever experienced through other newborns seemed to have been blended together to form this one glowing person. For the first time in thousands of years, Dea wasn't sure what to do. She was shocked. This child was surely special, and she knew she needed to seek council.

"Atta, come to me, for I seek your council," Dea called out in a soft whisper. For Atta Deus was the god of creation. It was by his hand and at the hands of an unexplainable fate that wolves were created. In a few short seconds, Atta had appeared in front of Dea.

"You called, my queen?" Atta spoke gently.

"Yes, my deus, for I have seen something that I have never seen before."

"Tell me what you have seen."

"A soul, more pure and good than what I thought to be possible. What can be the meaning of this?" Atta gave her a knowing look.

"I know who it is that you speak of. When I was creating her, the fates intervened at a great level, somewhat uncontrollably. I could feel them, more so than usual. I know not what this means, but she is special. Perhaps it was even by accident that so many pieces came together so perfectly. But we know that she will do much good in the world."

"That she will, for I've seen a future of her helping and caring for others. What action should I take, my lord?"

"Pair her with another good soul, so that they may live in goodness together. In their unity, they will have a magnificent impact on the world."

"You're right. That seems to be the best action to take. I will choose carefully. Thank you, Atta, I deeply appreciate it." Atta smiled and reached for her hand which he kissed gently.

"Until next time, my lady." As Atta disappeared, Dea once again focused her thoughts on the girl. She searched the girl's heart which glowed with innocent curiosities and the desire to make things better. Just as she began to search outward for a match, her mind was bombarded with a powerful darkness.

Alaricus. She felt her lips frown at the protrusion of darkness. Alpha Alaricus had been designated to rule over the werewolves on earth as Alpha King. Though plagued by centuries worth of darkness, grief, and even evil, Alaricus was the most powerful wolf, and possibly even being, to have ever lived. The intrusion was caused by a bloody battle that she was now looking at in northern lands just south of Alaska. Alaricus and his men were ripping apart wolf by wolf for reasons unknown to Dea. It was some of the worst carnage she had ever seen. Dea felt her thoughts growing more intense at the thought of Alaricus's uncontrollable rage and the increasing amount of evilness that plagued his cold heart.

A rare feeling crossed Dea's mind perhaps as a result of the bloody wolves' heads rolling around on the ground or the tinted red grass underneath Alaricus's feet. She suddenly felt the pressing need to intervene. Focusing all of her power on the huge, dark, powerful brown wolf in her mind, she channeled the depths of her abilities.

The power of the moon goddess caused an overall sense of tranquility and even accusatory wrath to fall over the battlefield, even though it was specifically aimed at Alaricus. Many of the men stopped what they were doing, and even Alaricus, though he did not stop, seemed calmer and less rage-filled. She was satisfied with her success, for she could not tolerate any more deaths.

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