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The Alpha's Regret

The Alpha's Regret

Isabella Lopez


After two years of marriage, Jason suddenly filed for divorce. He said, "She's back. Let's get a divorce. You can ask for whatever you want." Two years of marriage can not replace his ex-girlfriend. Sarah didn't make a fuss. She agreed and put forward her own conditions. "I want your most expensive supercar." "OK." "Villa in the suburbs." "Fine." "Split billions of money you made in two years of marriage." "???"

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

My name is Ellie Marshall. I'm the daughter of Paea and Katherine Marshall, Beta of the Sunset Pack. I have a twin brother named Corey and a younger brother named Daniel.

My twin is the future beta of the pack. His friend Javier is the soon to be alpha. He has a younger sister who's the same age as me and Corey but for some reason she hates me, and since she's the alpha's daughter everyone hates me too including my mate who just so happens to be Javier and he just so happened to reject me the first day he recognized me as his mate.

All my friends turned against me just to get her approval, proves how loyal they are, note the sarcasm. All I have left are my brothers. Corey doesn't care what others say, he loves me and he's the only one that stood by me while others bullied me and accused me of something I didn't do.

Daniel is too young to realize what's going on, but he always reminds me every night that I'm his favorite sibling which would always get Corey in a mood because everyone knows how much Corey adores Daniel. but the thought makes me go to sleep with a smile on my face.

That is until the next day of course when I wake up and the bullying continues. Every single day there would always be at least 5 injured people who Corey has beaten up for teasing me. I always told him to stop but that would always make him bash more people so I simply gave up.

I honestly don't know why people tease me I mean before Elena (Javier's younger sister) made her hate towards me obvious, guys would always be around me asking me out and girls would always be friendly with me. Elena would also have guys and girls around her trying to get her attention so she shouldn't be jealous if that's why she hates me. She obviously has nothing to be jealous of now, as no guy would even look my way, well, except for Luke. Luke's the only person who didn't turn on me, he's now my best friend. Apart from Javier and Corey, Luke is one of the hottest guys in the pack. Luke has tan skin and a broad muscly figure. He has black hair and blue eyes while Corey has dark brown hair, green eyes.

Javier on the other hand has blonde hair that he always has to flip out of his light brown eyes. He wasn't as built like Corey and Luke, but he definitely had a great body which girls would drool over. Corey and I are were fraternal twins but we had extremely similar features, so I obviously have long dark brown hair that falls to my waist, green eyes and curves in all the right places. Elena on the other hand has blonde shoulder length hair and blue eyes that she inherits from her father, Alpha Caleb while Javier got his eye colour from his mother, Luna Hannah.

Elena started to hate me when we started high school. We were never really close but she would always be friendly towards me until the first day of high school.

*2 years ago*

As Corey and I reached our high school 'Gamma NewSigh High' as usual, people started giving me the evils. Everyone I would walk past would look at me and then quickly turn around and whisper things.

I turned to my brother and he was just as confused as I was. "Corey is there something on me?" I asked, he just shook his head no and glared at anyone who looked at me in a bad way.

"I'm surprised you even showed up to school you traitor!" I turned around to see who was talking to me and it was one of my friends Sylvia.

"What are you on about Sylvia?" I asked clueless because honestly I was clueless, what the hell is going on?

"Seriously Ellie don't" I gave her a confused look. "Don't act all innocent because we all know what you did to Elena, the alpha's daughter."

"What did I do to her?" I asked, what is she going on about?

"Don't play dumb Ellie, Elena told the whole pack about what you did during the holidays, how you set her up to go to the Theta nu theta Pack saying they wanted a truce with our pack when they didn't. As soon as Elena set foot on their territory they attacked her. Luckily for her Alpha strength she pushed them all off and ran back to our territory. I can't believe you would take jealousy this far Ellie, i can't believe I even considered being your friend."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. "Sylvia do you even hear yourself right now?! I would never do that to someone, how can you accuse me of doing such things. And when was I meant to talk with the Theta nu theta pack and plan this whole lie up huh?"

She looked at me and then behind me and her glare hardened. "I don't know Ellie but all I know is that you're a traitor and you're working with the Theta nu theta pack. Your father should be disappointed in you."

Oh hell to the no! Who does she think she is bringing my dad into this? "Listen here Sylvia you don't know my dad ok! He would never believe this lie over me, so he has nothing to be disappointed in." Sylvia just flipped me off and walked towards her roll call class. My brother just hugged me and told me he believed me and everything will be alright.

That was until Javier and Elena marched up to us and broke us up. Javier turned towards me and slapped me across the face. As soon as his hands touched mine I felt electrical sparks all over myself and my wolf spoke to me. She screamed 'MATE'.

Oh great what a nice way to meet your mate, note the sarcasm.

A low growl left Corey's mouth. I looked over at him and he was about to shift right there. Even though this is a werewolf school I couldn't have him shifting because 1, he'll rip his clothes and 2 he didn't bring any spare clothes. Elena told him to calm down and even though she's not the future Alpha she still has alpha blood so Corey had no choice but to submit to her. His eyes stayed glued on his friend who just slapped me. If looks could kill, I'm sure Javier would be six feet under.

I looked back at Javier my so called mate. Who in their right mind would slap their mate? He looked really shocked. He stood there looking at me with regret written across his face until Elena spoke up. "How could you Ellie, I've been nothing but friendly to you and you just turn around and stab me in the back like that." Corey and I snapped our head towards her. She had bruises everywhere.

"Elena I did nothing to you, I didn't set you up and I never told you to go to the theta nu theta Pack!" I told her. Why would she even make that lie up and how the hell did she get all those bruises?

"Then explain to me Ellie, why do I have all these bruises on me huh, I obviously didn't do this to myself so just stop denying it. You're a traitor." She screamed back. Man is she such a good actress.

"Look Elena I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know anyone from the theta nu theta Pack and I don't even know-" I was interrupted by Javier

"ENOUGH! Ellie we all know what you did so drop it, Elena is kind enough not to tell our parents about your little plan so just admit it !" He yelled at me and another growl left Corey's mouth. "Elena, Corey leave I need to talk to Ellie alone." Just thinking about me and Javier being alone sent shivers up my spine. Corey went to protest but Javier used his alpha tone this time. "NOW!" they both left but Corey was pissed that he punched the wall and left a massive hole in it.

I tried to escape but Javier grabbed my hand and then another group of sparks ran through me. "I said I needed to talk to you." He said and I couldn't help but shiver when he said my name. How do I even know if he is my mate I'm still 13 unless he turned 16.

"Javier?" he shivered when I spoke. Nice to know I have that effect on him. He just looked at me so I continued. "Did you just turn 16?" he nodded his head. My eyes widened, this means he is my mate. "We're mates!" I said with glee and he nodded his head but he didn't seem as happy as I was. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

He let go of my arm and the warmth his hand provided me was replaced with coldness. He placed his hands in his pockets and sighed. He then looked me straight in the eye. "Ellie what you did to my sister is disrespectful, I can't have a mate who disrespects and hates my sister-"

"I didn't do it I swear Javier I didn't set her up" I tried to reassure him but he just shook his head.

"No Ellie I have to do this. I Javier Graham reject you Ellie Marshall as my mate." As those words left his mouth my wolf was howling in pain from the rejection of her mate. Tears were running down my eyes.

"Javier Graham you will regret this day!" I said as the tears ran down my face. I ran out of the school as fast as I could and shifted into my greyish white wolf and ran back home.

By the next day, I know that it wasn't the only bad thing that my class had to pair up with Javier's PE class, what was worse is that he walked into class with his arm over some blonde chick. They came and sat at the only table that was available, which was the table next to me. The blonde chick must have thought that Javier was a chair as she sat on his lap. Stupid, stupid girl. I was about to say something but a paper was thrown at my head.

I picked the paper up and unfolded it. Oh great another traitor note. I ripped the paper into pieces thinking that was the only one but more notes were being thrown at me. Each note had something mean written on It, it either said traitor or jealous bit*h. they kept coming one after another. Tears started running down my face and I looked over at Javier to see if he even cared. Well my idea was really off because there he was... smooching the blond chicks face off. My wolf howled in pain and more tears ran down my face.'why would he do this to us?' my wolf Caroline asked me. it was so painful to hear her so hurt.

"Because he believes everyone else over us, because he's a jerk" I replied to her. She didn't say anything but you could her whining and calling out to her mate.

After I fixed myself up I walked out and it was recess. Wow I've been crying for the past two subjects. I went to go look for Corey but ended up bumping into Elena. Just my luck. "Watch where your walking traitor!" she screamed and everyone stopped and looked at us. "I can't believe you would do this to me, I've never done anything to you and you nearly got me killed." She said as she wiped her tears away. Wow she is a great actress. Everyone glared at me and started pushing me around. Sylvia pushed me and I would've fell to the floor but strong arms caught me. Since I couldn't feel any sparks I knew it wasn't Javier. I turned around to see who caught me and it was an amazingly hot guy. 'Not as hot as our mate' my wolf said, I rolled my eyes at her and continued to admire this Greek god in front of me.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I got out of his hold cause if I was in his arms any longer I would probably faint. I ran and ignored the stares I got.

I got outside and walked to an empty table. The guy that caught me ran up to me sat next to me.

"Hey I'm Luke, what's your name?" gosh even his voice was hot.

"Ellie, Ellie Marshall." I replied, thank goodness my voice wasn't shaky or that would've been embarrassing. "Look Luke, umm if you want to keep your reputation up you shouldn't hang around me. I'll just drag you down." I told him truthfully.

"Ellie wow I knew you were the beta's daughter but I never thought you'd be this funny. I don't care about reputation or popularity I care about personality. Out of all the girls in this school your probably the least stuck up one." Wowza that was deep. I started to blush and I don't know why. He started to laugh and I blushed even more.

"Friends?" he asked with his hand held out towards me.

I smiled and took his hand and nodded. "Friends."

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