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Rejected And Unforgivable

Rejected And Unforgivable

Harper Murphy


"Amelia Murphy, you will pay what the Murphy family owes me!" The only thought that occupies Jasper Turner's mind when he threw Amelia Murphy into a mental hospital just to torture and humilate her. Two years later, he married her in order to add more miseries in her life, "Why do you want to marry me now?" She asked him in a teary voice. He stared at her blankly, shook his head in disbelief and then said, "Don't be delusional, It's just another way to make your life more miserable." Although he had always hated her, he had never allowed anyone to hurt her except himself.Amelia Murphy endured everything and kept searching for the evidence that will prove the whole Murphy family innocent. Later, after so many hurdles she finally found the evidence of their innocence and threw them on Jasper Turner's face. Her patience had already left her long back. She took a deep sigh when she got the flashes of her husband's torturous behavior in front of her watery eyes. With hunched shoulders and defeated voice she told him, "I didn't owe you anything Mr. Jasper. I never did." At that moment Jasper realized that Amelia was much more than a mere revenge to him. He didn't know when she became his whole world. The thought of her leaving him was not less than a nightmare to him. "Amelia, forgive me. I beg you, my love!" He whispered in her ear and then continued." Don't leave me, I won't be able to live without you." Listening to his plea, she gave a hurtful laugh, " Do you think I will believe any of your words now?" "Amelia.." He started but she showed him her palm and then mumbled," None of your theraterical drama will work on me, Jasper Turner." "Just believe me one last time. Give me one last chance, please." He folded his hands in front of her. The moment she turned to leave, his words stopped her in her tracks, " Do you want our children to grow up without their father?"

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

Talisa's POV

I walked into my room right after taking a shower only to see my mother digging though something.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing of your business." She snapped.

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh shut up" She snapped again.

I walked closer to get a better look. My eyes widened at what she was doing.

"What are you doing? That's my money!" I exclaimed; trying to get my wallet out of her hand

"I said shut up! Your money is my money anyways. I raised you for 17 years and you can't even think to spare your own mother a couple of dollars?" She asked.

"But you always take my money; and it's never a little bit. I work hard for that money, mother." I said; softly.

"I don't care!" She shouted. "Now, I'll be back later tonight, alright?" She asked.

"Where are you going?" I pushed, still not receiving any answer.

"Again, none of your business." She said and stormed out of my room.

There was only one place that my mother always goes to, and that was the bar.

I just sighed and locked my bedroom door so I could change. After putting my pajamas on, I opened up my room to go make dinner for my parents but then was stopped by my father standing by my doorway.

"I-I-I was just going down to make dinner." I said

"And while you're at it; clean our bedrooms and rake the front yard. "He ordered.

"Yes sir" I nodded.

"I am not your fucking alpha; do not call me sir; I am your father, therefore, you call me father. Understood?" He said and grabbed my chin roughly.

"Yes" I muttered out; nodding.

"Very well, now go." He said and slapped my cheek so that my head snapped to the side.

I lightly brushed passed him and speed-walked downstairs into the kitchen. I paid not mind to his actions. I've gotten used to the casual slap across the face or the daily scolding. I used to hate my life, I still do, but this is what it is and I can't change that. I figured that accepting life for what it is would make time here more bearable. I turned the stove on and got ingredients and quickly made a pot of spaghetti and meatballs. After, I obeyed my fathers' rules and went outside to rake the front yard.

"Hey loser! Doing slave work again?" A random guy shouted at me from the dirt path and his friends laugh along with him.

I just rolled my eyes and continued raking the leaves.

"You missed a spot!" He shouted as him and his friends once again laughed at me.

I just kept ignoring them and thank god they shut up and left me alone after that, finally leaving the path.

We all lived in homes but since we are all werewolves we had to live in the woods. It's basically like living on a normal street except there are dirt roads and paths instead. There was the pack house that the alpha and his family and close friends of them lived in. The pack house was like a mansion. It was like 3 stories high, had dozens of bedrooms, and had almost anything you'd ever dreamed of in it. Must be nice.

Then there were the regular houses that me and everyone else lived in. Faris Ford, is soon to be alpha and is pretty easy on the eyes but yet a dickhead at its finest. Everyone worshiped the ground him and his family walked on. His family has been leading our pack for generation upon generations. I wouldn't be surprised if one day they would create their own religion for everyone to waste precious years of their lives on. They were nice people when they wanted to be, but besides that, our pack alright, but I only say that because I've heard of worse.

Ever since I was a little girl, everyone liked everyone, well, except me. Everyone hates me and to this day I cannot understand why. Girls have no reason to be jealous of me because everything about them is twice fold than me. Most she-wolves are the most gorgeous things ever created, as for me? I wish I could say the same. Are they bitchy? Hell yeah but gorgeous and I hate to admit it. Every guy here is designed like a god. Not all of their faces are attractive per se but their bodies are. Most of us are skinny and curvy. But there are a couple of girls who are a little overweight and then very overweight but I don't judge them.

After I finally finished raking the lawn, I went back inside to clean my parents' bedroom. As soon as I walked in there, I quickly covered my eyes as I saw my father, naked, trying to get dressed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouted at me while putting his boxers on.

"I-I'm sorry but you told me to clean your bedroom, sir-- I mean father." I stuttered; afraid of what he was going to do to me.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" He still shouted, walking towards me.

My heart started to pick up pace as I saw the expression on his face.

Anger. Evil. Pure evil.

"I'm sorry" I said lowly.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Did you see anything?!" He shouted.

Uh, well this is embarrassing.

"N-no" I responded.

"Liar!" He said and slapped me right across my cheek.

I winced and cupped my cheek at the stinging sensation I felt because of it.

"No, please! I really didn't, father, I swear." I said.

I really didn't see anything though. Maybe his ass but that's it but I sure as hell was not going to tell him that.

He narrowed his eyes at me before pushing me out of his way to walk down the stairs.

"I want my bedroom cleaned in 20 minutes. If not... Well you know what happens." He stared me in the eyes with a cruel look in his eyes before turned back around and heading to the kitchen.

I sighed in relief as I walked into their bedroom and a nasty smell pierced through my nose.

These people are disgusting.

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