Those who insulted me, who deceived me, who hurt me, I will pay back to them! Although I am young and frivolous, I know this is a winner-take-all world!
"Earth to Edna." My friend Keri said waving a hand in my face. I grunted my response. "If 'f' at 'x' is equal to 'g' at 'x' then are equations equal?" We were helping each other study for our test next period in math in the school library during our free period.
I looked at her with a panicked expression as I was unsure of the answer. "Yes." She didn't respond so I quickly changed my answer "No." This time I received a sceptical look. "Ugh, I don't know."
"Man Edna, you're going to be taking junior year over again if this keeps up." She stated, I wanted to object but I had nothing to back myself up.
"Maybe my English will be adequate enough to fill out a job application for McDonald's, and then I can drop out of school."
"Doubt it." Connor, my other friend, interrupted as he came back from signing out some books. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. The bell rang and I sunk in my chair with a groan. "Come on, might as well get it over with." Connor said pulling me up as Keri handed me my bag.
We made our way out of the library only to walk smack dab in the middle of the notorious group of populars. Our future alpha Mark, was amongst them along with his future beta their girlfriends, as well as the alpha of the Red River pack, Jonathan and his beta also with their girlfriends and a couple of other guys with their girls. The moment was complete chaos. They started shouted at us to move out of the way. I quickly back pedalled till my back hit the lockers and I was free of those huge brutes. I looked around in a panic for my friends. I ended up making eye contact with Ferdi Godwin, Jonathan's beta, his gaze sent my heart beating twice as fast as normal and I couldn't break the contact. What was this? I felt drawn to him. Oh crap, no not him anyone but him...and Mark and Jonathan.
"Edna!" I heard my name being called it was all it took to break me from the trance like contact between Ferdi and I. "Edna what's wrong now? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Keri said.
I turned my head to look at her then at Connor they both had on concerned expressions. I readjusted my bag on my shoulder, "I think I found my mate." I told them as I strode off towards class. Connor had another class to attend to but Keri followed me.
"Who is it?" She pushed but I brushed her off not wanting to share just yet. "Awe please Edna, I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Because you don't tell anything to anyone besides Connor and me. Besides I'm not sure if it's really him or not." I was saved by Mr. Harper handing us our test as we walked into class and were told to get started. We were allowed to leave once we finished the test so we didn't disturb others and to my luck I finished before Keri so I could still avoid her questions for a while longer. To my even greater luck and surprise I would later find out that I got eighty percent on the test, without cheating might I add.
I went to my locker first to get my books for class after lunch. Once again I ran into my alpha, only this time it was just him âa rare sight, his friends must still be in class.
"Well if it isn't Miss Edna Hartley." He said with a cute smirk he used to reel girls in like a fish on a hook, I'd grown immune to it, not that he ever used it on my of course. I rolled my eyes as I exchanged books from my locker and school bag.
"Hey, Mark." I replied in fake enthusiasm.
"What a weird way to treat your alpha." He commented leaning up against the locker next to mine, I glanced quickly at his actions then returned to the contents of my bag. "What's wrong Hartley?" He asked.
This confused me, "What? Why?"
"Well you dropped your frown." He said bending over and picking something off the ground he then he pretended to place the invisible object around my mouth, I clued it to what he was doing and a small giggle escaped my lips and a smile plastered my lips. Unfortunately he had a look of victory on his face and then I clue in to his true intentions and my frown returned.
"Mark Fischer, your tricks will not work on me." I claimed.
He had a mischievous look in his eyes and a genuine smile, "You have to admit it almost worked." He said with a wink.
"No." I retorted, "I will not admit it. Wouldn't your mate be mad at you for flirting with other girls?"
"I don't have a mate yet. What about you, wouldn't your mate be mad if you were falling for other boys' tricks? " He inquired.
"Again, I didn't fall for your trick." I growled.
"But your mate would be mad?" He pushed.
"You would have to ask him." I answered finally shutting my locker.
"Okay who is it?"
"It's-" I stopped, "Wait what?" I said trying to avoid the oncoming subject.
"Don't avoid it Edna. I could always use my alpha power over you and make you tell me." He pointed out.
"But that would be abusing your power." Thank god, Keri had arrived just as the bell rang for lunch. "Bye Mark." I said again with fake enthusiasm. I heard him chuckle as passed him on our way to the cafeteria.
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Chapter 31
Chapter 32 Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Chapter 36
Chapter 37 Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Chapter 38
Chapter 39 Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Chapter 40