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Destined to Mate the Lycan King

Destined to Mate the Lycan King

Ava Cooper


I was cheated on my wedding day. In order to retaliate, I took the initiative to marry my ex-fiance's Uncle, Lucas. I thought that the relationship between me and Lucas Harris was just a relationship based on mutual benefits, but what I didn't expect was- In Lucas Harris' eyes, I was just a victim, a substitute, determined to leave, and I was pregnant with Lucas Harris' baby...

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

"No, daddy!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as his body fell.

I glared at those amber-brown eyes, glowing with such rage that I almost stopped in my tracks. Almost. I shifted and sprinted towards him, my teeth bared and my eyes wide with a thirst for revenge. I lunged and dug my teeth into the flesh of his forearm, satisfied when I heard the crunch of his bone. He didn't even flinch, grunt, or anything. He didn't show any signs of pain. With ease, he threw me off of his arm and into a large rock. He only stood there, watching me with deadly eyes, waiting for my next attack. I didn't charge this time, I only sat on my hunches and watched him. I know my eyes reflected my hatred for this unknown man, but I didn't care. My heart ached at the realization that my father was gone, dead. All because of this heartless murderer. I'm going to play him at his own game. I'm not going to give him what he wants. He wants me to attack him, to see if I'll be stupid enough to try again, but I'm smarter than that. I continued to bare my teeth, warning him to stay back. "You're a smart one, pup." He stated calmly. I growled louder, but didn't make any sign of movement. "Seems like our playtime is done here. Good night, miss."

He then shifted into a wolf that had beautiful dark brown fur, those amber-brown eyes studied me before he disappeared into the shadows. I sat there for a few minutes to make sure he was actually gone. I then shifted back and ran over to my father's limp form. I cried silently as I cradled him to my chest, my father is gone. The only family member that I had left is gone. I cried harder; first my mom, then my sister, and now my father. Why? Why do I lose everyone I love? I then glared at the vacant spot where that stranger used to be. I let out a growl, a silent promise that I'll gain my revenge. He did this. He killed my father for goddess knows what and I'm going to make sure he loses everything he has ever loved. This beast will regret this night. I'll make sure of that.

I snapped my eyes open, cussing at the tear stains that were damp on my pillow. I sat up and stared at the wall, that same empty feeling weighing down on me. I could barely function without breaking down, mourning the loss of my only family member. A week has passed since his death and that thirst for revenge never died out, it was the only thing keeping me from taking myself away from this hell hole. Everywhere I looked it reminded me of my family, of the people I loved with all my heart. I smiled sadly as memories of our joy played through my mind, helping my wolf and I calm down. After sitting on my bed for a while I scurried to my bathroom to freshen up. I relaxed as the warm water washed over my aching body, my muscles tight from the day's work yesterday. No one from the pack ever offered to help me since my father passed away, they would only give me pity filled looks before walking away. I swallowed down the anger rising up through my chest, they aren't the ones that caused this though. He is. That monster who killed him in front of me, the man who snapped my father's neck like it was nothing. He killed him out of enjoyment, to entertain himself from whatever boring life he leads. I know it wasn't for what he had yelled at my father for; my father didn't come back with any food the night he was gone. I dried myself off before changing and walking outside to take care of the animals, they were the other reason I'm still here. I can't abandon them, no matter how much I just want to disappear. I fed the hens, the pigs, the cows, and then the horses. I smiled at my father's large draft horse, his kind hearted eyes looking at me with confusion.

"I know boy, my father isn't the one caring for you today. He will no longer be around." I whispered gently, stroking his neck. "I wish he was though."

After they were all fed and taken care of I checked on the crops, ignoring the sun's heat as it wrapped around me. My sweaty hair stuck to my face, drops of sweat raced down my face and dripped onto the ground. My shirt was soaked with sweat as hours of tending to the crops started to get to me; how did my father do this every day? I forced myself to keep going, my father was the reason the poor folk in the pack were fed. Once all the grown crops were picked I cleaned them off and started to deliver them to the poor pack members. I ignored the teasing from the other teens, they just acted like fools. I highly doubt they would be all smiles and jokes if their families were taken away from them. They don't understand how I feel and I hope they never do. No one deserves this, except that cold-hearted killer of course. I smiled as the final family grabbed the food, accepting their thankfulness before continuing my journey back home. I walked calmly through the woods, careful to dodge the path of that dreadful night. I took a deep breath before letting it out, helping my wolf to calm down. She wanted to shift and so did I, but with all the work to be done I didn't have enough time. By the end of the day I was far too exhausted to go for a nice run. I returned to my house to see the palace guards standing at my door, their muscles showing through their thin shirts. I silently walked up to them and cleared my throat, causing the two men to spin around. "Are you Arabella Slane?" the taller, blue-eyed, man asked.

I nodded, "Yes, sir."

"You are to be taken to the castle's dungeons." he stated before grabbing my wrists.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What for? I didn't do anything!" "Your father cannot fulfill his punishment, therefor, you shall." the second explained.

I growled and stared to struggle, trying to free myself from the man's painful grip. My basket dropped onto the ground and was smashed by his large boots. I snarled and snapped at him, trying to get away from them both. I froze when a sharp pain went through my neck as one of them injected me with something.

My vision blurred before going completely dark and all my senses shut off.

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