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[Secretary VS CEO, Virginity, Pursuit] Cira had loved him with overwhelming passion, even almost paying with her life for love. However, from Morgan Vega's point of view, she was simply a tool that would never leave him. Deeply disappointed, she decided to end that relationship. Morgan didn't like that Cira was so calm, rational, and independent. One day, he managed to see the tenderness and softness in her, as well as the sparkling spark in her eyes. However, he was no longer the one who could enjoy all that. On Cira's wedding day, she sat on the bed, laughing as she watched the groom and groomsmen search for the hidden wedding shoes. In the midst of the joyful commotion, Morgan appeared. He knelt beside her feet, holding her delicate white ankle and helped her put on the shoes. His attitude was so humble that he seemed like a begging dog. He pleaded: "Don't marry him, please? Come with me, you were my girlfriend first..." *** I wanted to see the moon, but I saw your face instead. -Herodotus The protagonists of this story are not perfect characters. In previous periods, the protagonist, Morgan, did many things that hurt Cira, but after understanding what happened, he embarks on a difficult and persistent pursuit of Cira, with deep regret...

Chapter 1 A Painful Return

Chapter 1 After undergoing the dilation and curettage operation, she was taken out of the operating room. However, Cira Lopez still couldn't fully understand everything she had experienced. When had she gotten pregnant? And suddenly suffered a miscarriage? The nurse took her to the ward and asked her: - Bed 1703, patient Cira Lopez. Do you have any family with you? Cira simply stared at the pale white ceiling and immersed herself in her thoughts, not hearing the nurse's question.

The nurse repeated: - Cira Lopez, where are your family members? Another nurse, who was adjusting an IV, intervened: - I'll take care of the registration. When the ambulance arrived, she handed me her identification documents and her bank card, saying that we can take care of the registration and payments directly. It seems she doesn't have... Cira followed the nurse's words: - I don't have any family. The smell of disinfectant filled the air. She curled up slowly, experiencing deep sadness for losing her own baby. She took a deep breath, and as she exhaled, uncontrollable tears began to well up in her eyes. Yes, she no longer had her baby. The dilation and curettage operation had weakened her greatly. She spent three days alone in the hospital. On the fourth day, Morgan Vega finally called her: - Miss secretary, after so many days of unjust absence, have you had enough free time? If so, come to the West Palace. Through the phone line, voices celebrating and a sweet and immature woman's voice could be heard. Cira wanted to tell him that she was in the hospital. However, before she could speak, Morgan repeated: - Miss Cira Lopez. She knew he was getting angry, so she swallowed the words that were already in her throat. She quickly took a taxi and headed to the exclusive club indicated, without even having time to complete the hospital discharge procedures. She even finished applying makeup in the taxi. When she got out of the taxi, she applied lipstick as she walked towards the club's entrance. She asked a waiter who greeted her: - Where is Mr. Vega from the Celestial Cloud? The waiter looked up and was surprised by the woman's beauty. He remained motionless for three seconds before hastily responding: - He's in Salon A001, I'll take you there. Cira nodded slightly and followed him to the mentioned salon. She knocked on the door twice as a courtesy signal and then pushed the door open. As soon as she entered, she sensed a strong smell of alcohol that made her stomach churn. Before she could clearly see everyone in the salon, she heard the cold and lazy voice of a man: - Our Miss secretary, Cira Lopez, has finally arrived. She will drink with you all and then we'll let the newly graduated girls in. One of the customers burst into laughter and said: - Miss Cira, you're really obedient. Mr. Vega asked you to come and here you are directly. However, it seems that your boss is not fair. He doesn't want to get the new girls drunk, so he called you to come and drink. With just one look, Cira understood what had happened here. Her eyes landed on the girl sitting to the left of Morgan. Although Cira didn't know her, the girl knew who she was. She said apologetically: - Cira, I'm sorry... Before she could finish her words, Morgan interrupted her, saying: - You don't need to apologize. If it weren't for your unjustified absence, you should have been the one attending the dinner. Everyone could sense the unfair treatment in his tone. But being a cold and indifferent person, she had never defended anyone before. Cira looked at the girl. She was around twenty-two years old, her hair tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing a long dress, and in this noisy and chaotic place, she looked like a poor little bunny lost in a den of wolves. Her innocent expression could evoke a lot of compassion in people. Cira slightly pressed her lips and approached with a smile, saying: - Mr. Hernandez, why are you drinking again? Be careful with your liver health... As the chief secretary of the Celestial Cloud Group, Cira was a sociable person. With a few words, she easily changed the awkward situation. Although she still needed to have a few glasses of red wine to lighten the mood, the situation was already much better than before. However, Morgan hadn't said a word to defend her. Amidst the noise, Cira heard the man's masculine voice, softly saying: - Are you tired? I'll take you home first. Cira had never heard him speak in this gentle tone during the three years she had worked for him...

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