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Davis was an unpredictable Heir to a prestigious brand, who was nonchalant about his potential and goals to be exercised as the CEO, until he got caught up in undeniable love with Anabelle. Anabelle was an amazing woman who did all she could to make Davis prolific with being a lover and a CEO. Will the love last? Will Davis become the next CEO of the fashion brand? Will he still be in love with Anabelle? Let's keep our hopes high as we unveil the truth in each chapters.

Chapter 1 The Edwin's party

The Edwin's party was the talked of the town, this is conglutination of different fashion VVIP'S. There were lots and lots of trendy and classic styles showed off during the red carpet session.

Mr Edwin Davis the Heir to D'S HAUTE COUTURE fashion brand which has been absolutely a fantastic fashion brand known all over the nations for their elegant style over the years.

Mr Edwin Davis is the only child to the Edwin's.He is a tall, attractive and a charming modern fashion influencer. He had loved fashion since he was a child, he grew up with his parents who were Fashion designers and CEO'S of D'S HAUTE COUTURE, an exquisite fashion brand in the world.

Although, Mr Edwin Ken , the founder of D'S HAUTE COUTURE only lived for a while, his wife Mrs Edwin Davina took over from her husband.

The party was one of a kind, only fashion influencer,models and top listed photographers were invited for the launching of a new signature piece the D'S HAUTE COUTURE designed.Davis was non- chalant about the company's growth, he only influences a design for more followers and to get more attention from women who are gullible enough to fall for his tricks.

Mrs Davina was not pleased with Davis attitude, so she knew she needed a person who will take over in her son's stead, being the only child and the only Heir, his mother was not pleased with his attitude.

She had always wanted a woman who is powerful and influential to take over the D'S HAUTE COUTURE, so she finally reached out to few of her friends who advised her to get her son married.

After a while , she pondered on it and she finally concluded on getting her son married to a fashion designer or a fashion model.

At the party, Mrs Davina met with her friend who came all the way from England to London for the design launch.Mrs Greg Jasmine is a well known fashion blogger known for her job well done and she is married to Mr Greg Moses an Engineer who is always interested in fashion shows. The models had showcase the designs and the meeting was to come to an end soon.Mrs Davina appreciated the presence of Mrs Jasmine,while they were still discussing, Davis walked in with a glass of red wine , and he made a sound with the glass.

"Alright everyone, ermmm.... it's good to have you all here, as you all can see and know....it's an honour to welcome you all, just so you know it's not my birthday" Davis said, everyone laughed and he continued " D'S HAUTE COUTURE has been an exceptional fashion brand that gives the world a better representation of class and honour through fits and designs, we really appreciate your support to the brand, we say thank you" then everyone cheered him up with loud sounding clap echoing all over the hall.

The party was over, after all pleasantries, Mrs Davina decided it was time to call off duty for the day. She was on a ride with her son, after a long silence, a nice flow of air and the sound of birds at night during the journey, she decided to break the enormous silence. Mrs Davina proceeded" Hey Davis", " hey" Davis replied, she continued( she continued the speech but in an aggressive manner)" what was that show off right there, you could not give an appropriate speech? I told Marie to prepare you a speech, you choose to do what yooo.. you think is right, innit?", " mum, chill, I did because I can't be all babysitted to be told what to present, the people lived my speech mum and they applauded me for it ma" Davis answered, Mrs Davina became so furious that she uncontrollably hit him on his face with a loud, resounding sound , Davis could feel his ears banging so hard,He didn't know how to react to that. They both acted dumb till they got home.

On getting home she furiously began, " Davis I dare not let you take over this company, I'm tired of you always......" Davis walked out on her and slummed the door, she screamed" Davis I'm going take you to a therapist, maybe then you realise all of this nonsense you are acting up on me, you want to ruin me....nnn? You want to ruin the Edwins"...Daaaavissss. she cried for a while and went to take her shower, then she slept off.

Davis on the other hand, went inside , his heart was burdened , he just hurt his mother, he hated it when he hurt his mother.He stood still for a while and thought to himself, " AM I not good enough?, I'm trying to influence for this same brand, does my mother not see all of my efforts and contributions?...ohh no I hate me...I hate me.....". After a while he set out, he took his newly acquired Roll Royles keys , he went out for a drink.

Getting to the bar, he just sat there soliloquizing on the issue he had with his mother, a few moments later, the bar tender called him out of his thoughts"sir....sir....sir..., hello sir", suddenly he realised he was been called" ...ohh...hey man, just whiskey please" he drank and drank and drank until he was full.

After he was filled up with the alcoholic liquor, he set our to go home but he could not lift his limb and his foot felt so heavy.He just had to drunkenly get himself a room.Just on his way to room 346 VVIP he saw a room tagged 246 VVIP, without second thought he went into the room and fell asleep on the floor, Oh just so complicating for the Heir to D'S HAUTE COUTURE.

Just then Miss Greg walked in from the bathroom and met a mysterious angelic man lying in her logde, she was astonished but at the same time starring at the pleasing body of this mysterious man. After a long stare she decided to help him up to the fluffy bed, he still didn't wake up even at that, she moved him to the left-sided of the bed and lay at the righthand side of the bed. Miss Greg slept off after a long stare and crush on the mysterious man.

Very early in the morning Miss Greg woke up(yawning so loud from the bed) , she was shocked not to see the mysterious man in the room, just then she had to make a conclusion that she was just fantasising about this man, then she just felt like he just missed his way and she got back to bed.Davis left the room without a second to think of him sleeping close to a woman he doesn't know, he rushed into his car and drove off to home, while in his car he was imagining how he got there, who the woman was and how could she be that beautiful. After soliloquizing on these , he smiled and said, although I like her but still I don't know her, he just had to take her off his mind.

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Chapter 1 The Edwin's party
