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The billionaire and his sweet maid

The billionaire and his sweet maid



Inside the room, she helped him to the bed, but he stumbled and the two fell on top of the bed with Nathan on top of her. She tried to push him away, her face was burning hot. But he remained unmoving and didn't even budge. He raised his head and looked at her. "I didn't know you are this beautiful, Olivia," he said, staring at her body. It was then that Olivia realized she was wearing only lingerie. 'Wait, did he just call her by name? How did he know her name?' Nathan's voice woke her from her thoughts. "Why is it that I never realized that you are this beautiful?" He muttered. She tried pushing him again. This time he grabbed her hands and started leaning closer. 'What's he doing? Oh my God, what is he doing?' she was scared and tried to free her hands from his, she realized how helpless she was. Nathan's hand was very strong. He planted his lips on hers. Immediately, all strength left her body, her struggle started becoming weak. Nathan kissed her deeply, his hands went around her body as the kiss intensified. She felt a passion like she never felt before. Slowly, she fell to pleasure. In the next moment, Nathan's hand moved skillfully to her vagina. Her eyes bulged, and she tried to protest. He sealed her lips with his mouth; the sounds of moaning and cloth tearing continued into the night. Early the next morning, Olivia woke up. She was feeling pains all over her body. She looked at the bed and saw the small stains of blood. 'So it really happened?' she thought. Her first time was gone just like that, and she didn't know how to feel.

Chapter 1 One

Slap! Slap! Two hot slaps rang across Olivia's face.

"What are you doing, you lazy maid? Are you not supposed to be working?" Judith, the head maid yelled at her.

"I've been sick, Miss Judith. I'm not feeling well," Olivia stammered with tears running down her cheeks.

"What business of mine is it and why should I care?" Judith snapped. "Go and serve Young Master Brooks tea in the garden. Make two cups because he has a visitor."

"Yes, Miss Judith," Olivia replied weakly. She had been resting in bed due to a fever when Judith stormed in.

Olivia grumbled and reluctantly got up and went to the kitchen to prepare the tea.

Judith could have sent another maid to serve Young master Nathan because they weren't busy but It seemed Judith was clearly singling her out.

After finishing the tea, Olivia carried it to the garden where Young master Nathan was staying.

Nathan was Mr. Brooks' only son, and the Brooks were a wealthy and powerful family with connections in government and the military.

Serving them wasn't an easy job, because the Brooks' children often treated maids poorly and without respect and manners.

When Olivia was eighteen, her dad was killed, and his employers blamed him for something and took all their property.

Her mom got really sad and started drinking. Then she borrowed money from a loan shark to gamble, but she lost.

When the loan shark came to collect their money, she couldn't not pay up and they threatened to arrest the whole family and use them as slaves.

So Olivia had to leave her home and start working as a maid for the rich Brooks family to save enough money to pay up the loan and also take care of her mom and other siblings.

Tomorrow would mark Olivia's one-month anniversary as a maid for the Brooks. She was excited about the good pay, which was why she had taken the job.

When Olivia got to the garden, she felt really nervous. It was her first time meeting Nathan.

She'd been working here for a month, but Nathan had been away until today. The other maids said he was grumpy and hated clumsy people. But they also said he treated everyone fairly, as long as they didn't annoy him.

In the garden, a man sat calmly talking to a woman. The girl seemed to be flattering him, her eyes sparkling now and then.

Olivia looked at the man, handsome with a strong jaw and broad shoulders. His clothes looked expensive.

"Good evening, Young Master, Nathan... Good evening, Ma." Olivia greeted them but they ignored her and continued with their discussion.

"Here's your tea, Sir," Olivia said, interrupting them again.

The girl glared at her. She had red hair, thick makeup, and wore revealing clothes from a famous brand.

"Pour the tea and go! You're interrupting us," the girl snapped angrily. She seemed to think highly of herself and believed she had a chance with Nathan.

Olivia ignored her and started pouring the tea, but she accidentally spilled some on the girl's clothes.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Three hot slaps landed on her cheeks. The same place that Miss Judith, the head maid had left her mark.

"How dare you! Do you know how much these clothes cost?" the girl cursed, angry.

Olivia's cheeks burned with pain. It was just a tiny bit of tea, nothing worth getting slapped over.

"Why did you hit her?" Nathan scolded the girl.

"Can't you see what she did to me?" the girl argued.

"You should've just scolded her, we don't hit people here," Nathan said angrily.

"I'm sorry," the girl said, pretending to be apologetic. "It was my reflex."

"And you," Nathan turned to Olivia, "you need to be more careful. If this happens again, you won't like the consequences. Understand?"

Olivia nodded.

"Now go," Nathan ordered.

Feeling hurt, Olivia left the garden. It was not the first time anyone had slapped her here. Everyone slapped her, and humiliated her.

But it was different when her father was alive. At her father's house, she'd been pampered. Her family used to be well-off and happy until her father was killed.

When Olivia got back to her room, Daisy, another maid and her friend, noticed her sad face.

"Why do you look like that, Olivia?" Daisy asked. She'd been working for the Brooks for almost two years now.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just got some sand in my eyes," Olivia lied, heading to the wardrobe to freshen up before bed.

"Come on, Olivia, stop lying. You look like you've been crying. You think I'm a little kid you can fool?" Daisy insisted.

"There's really nothing wrong, I just got slapped."

"What! Who slapped you? Was it the head maid? If it was her, you should tell Mrs. Brooks. She's fair and wouldn't let the head maid get away with it."

"No, it wasn't her," Olivia replied.

"Then who was it?"

"It was that woman with Mr. Nathan," Olivia said.

"That Rose girl, ugh. She thinks she'll be the lady of the house, but she's just dreaming," Daisy scoffed.

"Oh, you know her?"

"Yeah, I heard about her from listening in on the Brooks' girls. They said she's a gold digger. Her family was kinda rich, and they have some connection to the Brooks'. But they've had money troubles lately and they lost a bunch of cash," Daisy explained.

"That's why she's clinging to Master Nathan like a tick on a dog. She wants to marry into the Brooks' to help her family. What a gold digger."

"Don't talk like that. She was just trying to help her family."

"Why are you defending her? Didn't she hurt you?"

"I know, it's just that she reminded me of myself."

"Don't compare yourself to that mean lady. You're nothing like her," Daisy insisted.

"Okay, I hear you. I want to take a bath now. It's getting late." Olivia dragged herself to the bathroom and slipped into the bathtub, feeling relaxed. She'd been working hard all morning despite being sick and now all she just needed was a break.

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