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WRITTEN BY MO_THE_BLUEE BLURB /SYNOPSIS Karma, she wears STRENGTH and DARKNESS equally well The girl has always been half heaven and half hell, she has a goddess blue eyes,a dark grin a mess of gorgeous chaos,her eyes present the evidence She makes the underworld go through hell and heaven making you Lost Her smirk means death "I will be brutal"is her vision "I am everything you can't control"is her motto, the queen who rules the DARKNESS the angelic badass To the wolf he is a lycanthrope, to the vampire he is a hybrid, to human he is an immortal HE, the DANGER who is not afraid of danger, one of the most powerful breed to ever exist The Don of the Mafia world, whose existence was a danger it self The two seems apart but are meant to be together Can fate be changed or destiny be reversed Let's find out

Chapter 1 PAY BACK


As the wall clock was ticking as a time bomb, karma walk towards her with a pistol "you know what this is right"she asked puffing my cigarette smoke to her eyes making her cough

"Su....re, I... kn.ow you won't kill mee the karma I know won't kill me "

"Shut it The karma you once knew is died just when you get to hell greet the devil for me "I said placing the silencer at the tip of the gun,finishing her

"Next time don't wake a sleeping lion "I walked out to the driveway with my perfect disguise of blue hoodie and baggy trousers

Starting the engine of my car, I head towards the Mall

Located at the center of the City, linked with plazas that belongs to the building,the Mall stood elegantly among the buildings painted sky blue making it weird they never knew it owner is weird

Outside the Mall was the advertising billboards of different brands and products displaying but what caught my attention was the hygiene products for women

Pulling my hood well over my head, I entered the mall only meet some girls creating a scene

"Get me your manager"a lady ranted

"Chillax girl"another lady said beside her

As the whole thing was going on, the sales girls were just looked scared as if they saw some ghost

"What wrong "I asked curtly

"They requested to use the POS system since they don't have cash with them but we clearly stated that accept payment in cash for today "one of the sales girls said

"Why can't you explain "

"We tried to but been who they are they felt offended "she answered

Walking closer to the them"did they explain to you "I asked icily

"And who are you ask me such question when despite who I am, you really are bold"Myst said

Recognizing her as the first daughter of Luca grey,the country's business tycoon and the second daughter Aquila, I finally understood that they lack manners and decided to deal with them later as I have knack for dealing with brats

Steps could be heard approaching us and I knew immediately that it's was the Manager's

Time to predict their fate for them,a young man came to view with their reaction I guess they were expecting a ugly figure

"Nabger, I need this douches bags disposed"I said

They were shocked noticing that I addressed the manager by name

"Yes ma'am "the guy answered firmly

"I needed them restricted from my Mall,all the goods bought should be returned"I smirked as I knew the Mall befitting their status is the next city and that really is energy waste

"What how dare you*****"Aquila said flabbergasted

"Remember this face"I said popping out my face out of the hood

Securities came and told them to move respecting themselves they complied

"Give the list of hygiene products for women interested in looking for ambassador that will be my debut in two months time, I need the list in five minutes time"she demanded

"Yes ma, I will"he answered jittery

As soon as she was out of earshot,he turned to the sales girls who are still confused about the situation and asked "I hope you didn't do anything stupid" not waiting for their reply turn toward the direction she passed through


Sitting on the chair at the Manager's office, I brought out a stick of cigarette and my blue lighter putting some light into it, I start to smoke and make some phone calls dialing a private number,he picked on the second ring despite the fact that he knew I hate waiting

"You really have some guts Nathan, knowing fully well of how I can finish your ragazza {girl In Italian}

"Don't you ******* her darkness "he said angrily

"Then fulfil your part of the deal or I finish you instead you have only two hours left and it starts now "I replied disconnecting the call

Even I knew that I won't touch anyone expect him and became marvel about how money make people greedy, Nathan marker one of the my Mafia family has become drown in greed that he decided to abscond with million dollars and fame me but little did he know that lion's don't play with rats

Checking the time,it state Ten Am, I will wait for two hours after I done as the host and I will become the guest, been a Sunday was really nice to pacify my hands

The door opened,Nabger entered and handed me some documents containing the list of body lotions, towels, spray and sanitary pads but what Caught my interest was the sanitary pads section "dig deeper on this part, I have to go"standing up I said "keep it up"and walked out

It's almost twelve Pm and yet nothing time to go pray , I drove off to the hotel section getting my card to the suite and decide to bring out some black bags from the wardrobe,set off to dressing room picking out my black nun dress sets which consist of black veil,coif,short sleeve strap gown,high knee boots all black , pulling out my hoodie revealing my ocean blue hair, I removed the contact lens showing my sapphire blue eyes , changing my clothes with the veil covering my hair, replacing my eyes with black contact lens I brought out some black bracelets with four waist hoisters and two lap hoisters wearing them, I pulled up the mattress and took the sniper rifle and pistol into their bags concealing them and took a silencer

All ready to go pray , changing my car to a black Camry to avoid attention and to also blend with my wears, I made a phone call "burn down his villa In Milan"I commanded and hit the road


Five minutes later

"Done Boss"I received a message time for the bastard to call

"Why darkness, why"he asked sounding frustrated

"What did I"I asked feigning innocence

"Don't pretend you Mafia"he said accusingly

"No one messes with me Darkness and go freely ,I repeat no one so be my host will you

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Chapter 1 PAY BACK
