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In the celestial realms, a fallen Angel named Stephen had been assigned a sacred purpose. He was tasked with guiding and protecting humans, listening to their prayers, and ensuring their well-being. Stephen possessed immense power and radiated an otherworldly aura, embodying divine grace. However, deep within him, a sense of restlessness and curiosity stirred, planting the seeds of discontent.

Chapter 1 A True life story

In the midst of contemplating my next writing project, a knock on my door shattered my focus. I opened it to find a breathtakingly handsome man standing there, his beauty almost surreal. Questions raced through my mind as to how he found me, uninvited yet captivating.

Stephen, as he introduced himself, allayed my fears, claiming he was not there to harm me but to share the tale of his earthly existence and the reason behind his radiant aura. Intrigued and slightly unnerved, I allowed him to continue.

As Stephen spoke of his imminent departure from this world and his true home in "The realm," tears glistened in his eyes, shimmering like liquid diamonds. I couldn't fathom the depth of his emotions or the mysteries surrounding his presence.

The shock deepened as Stephen revealed intimate details about my life, including my name and the journey of faith that led me to doubt. His words struck a chord, unraveling memories and questions I had long buried.

When he confessed to being an angel of God, I couldn't help but scoff, until he effortlessly ascended, hovering in the air with a celestial glow. My laughter turned to awe as I witnessed the impossible before my eyes.

"Do you believe now?" Stephen's voice echoed, and I nodded, speechless yet curious about his purpose here.

Stephen instructed me to document his story, to share with the world the reason behind his tears and his presence in my life. Without hesitation, I retrieved my laptop, eager to capture the divine encounter unfolding before me.

As Stephen recounted his ancient origins, his role as a servant to a higher power, and the events that led him to this moment, I typed furiously, every keystroke tingling with the weight of a celestial revelation.

"Why are you here? Why the tears?" I ventured, eager for answers.

"You will write as I instruct, so the truth may be known," Stephen replied cryptically, his eyes holding secrets of ages past.

With determination and excitement, I immersed myself in writing, channeling the divine narrative Stephen had entrusted to me, a tale that would transcend the ordinary and reveal the extraordinary.

Chapter One

In the early hours of the heavenly realm, I, Stephanus, was summoned by my master amidst the other angels who were watching over the earth. I bowed before the Most High, overwhelmed by the magnificence of His presence. He spoke to me, "Go, Stephanus, unto Jean Marshall. She is a precious child of mine whom you shall protect from the forces of darkness."

It was a routine assignment for me, as I had been created to defend the people of my master from evil. Jean was different, though. Her resilience and courage had caught the attention of the celestial realms, and now, forces of darkness sought her.

Descending from the heavens during the earthly night, I observed Jean through the window of her apartment. She was a vision of beauty, and despite the hardships she had faced, her spirit remained unbroken. At twenty-six, she kept her heart guarded, reserving it for the man of her dreams.

As dawn broke, I eagerly anticipated our first interaction. Jean worked at the Royal Star restaurant, her charm drawing in customers like moths to a flame. It struck me how my master's power had led me to Nigeria, a country often overlooked by the world but holding its own beauty and significance.

Seated at a table in the restaurant, I waited for Jean to approach. When she did, her smile was as radiant as the sun. I ordered the best meal they had, though I had no appetite.

"Thank you for the meal," I said with a smile as Jean served me.

"It's my pleasure to serve you," she replied, her voice warm and friendly.

Introducing myself as Stephanus but preferring Stephen, I asked for her name. Jean, slightly reserved, revealed her identity, and we shook hands. There was a calmness in her touch, something she herself found unusual.

As Jean excused herself to attend to other customers, I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. When she returned, I mustered the courage to ask if I could walk her home after her shift. She hesitated but agreed, her discomfort apparent.

When the clock struck 10:00 pm, signaling the end of her shift, I was waiting outside. Startling her unintentionally, I apologized for the scare and explained my presence.

"It's you!" Jean exclaimed, relief washing over her features.

"I was waiting for you," I confessed, wanting to ensure her safety on the way home.

Throughout the walk, we exchanged few words, but there was a comfort in our silence. Upon reaching her doorstep, Jean thanked me, surprised by my gentleness.

"You didn't touch your food," she pointed out before bidding me goodnight.

"I wasn't hungry," I reassured her with a smile, though the truth was far more complex.

As I left her premises, I couldn't shake off the feeling that this assignment would be unlike any other, for Jean had already begun to weave her way into my immortal existence.

She entered her apartment, leaving me standing there, a being without a home to return to. The heavenly realm was my abode, and my mission in the earthly realm was to safeguard its inhabitants. I followed her into her room, watching over her as she slept peacefully. The next morning, I positioned myself at her workplace, anticipating her arrival.

As I waited, a young woman approached me with a friendly smile.

"Hello handsome," she greeted.

"Hey," I responded casually.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her eyes filled with a hint of desire.

I could sense her intentions, but my focus was on Jean. Excusing myself politely, I inquired about Jean's absence from the counter staff. Learning that she wasn't scheduled to work that day, I left abruptly, ignoring the lingering gaze of the young woman named Sarah.

Arriving at Jean's doorstep, I knocked but received no response. Using my celestial abilities, I scanned her apartment for any signs of danger. Finding it empty, I pondered how to locate her without possessing a phone or her contact information.

Ascending to the clouds, I surveyed the human world below, calling out Jean's name in search of her. Finally, I spotted her among friends at a cinema, accompanied by a man I suspected was her lover and her best friend, Jennifer.

Observing them from afar, I grew frustrated witnessing the deception unfolding before Jean's eyes. Her supposed lover was also involved with Jennifer, who feigned friendship while betraying her trust.

Descending back to earth, I positioned myself outside Jean's home, waiting for her return. When she arrived with Jackson, her lover, I felt compelled to confront him about his deceit.

"Do you think I didn't see what happened?" I challenged Jackson, leaving Jean bewildered.

Jackson dismissed my accusation as a trivial matter, but his uneasy gaze hinted at guilt. As he left, I questioned Jean about her relationship with him.

"Is he your lover?" I probed.

Jean hesitated, unsure about her feelings towards Jackson. Despite her uncertainty, she defended him, believing him to be a good person.

Frustrated by Jean's blindness to Jackson's infidelity, I left her to contemplate her choices. Aware of my limitations as a celestial being, I refrained from interfering directly.

However, fate had other plans. A sudden gust of wind drew my attention back to Jackson's apartment. Entering unseen, I witnessed a gruesome sight-both Jackson and Jennifer lay lifeless on the bed, a tragic end to their illicit affair.

Shocked by the turn of events, I retreated silently, contemplating the consequences of human desires gone awry.

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