Amelia Blackwood is betrothed to the CEO of Goldie's company. A sworn enemy of hers. She dislikes him to the core. Not only is she his wife but also his employee. She works in his company as well. But one funny thing is that She loves his brother so dearly. She mistakes his brother for her betrothed but gets disheartened when she realises that He is her betrothed. She tries to make him let her go but he remains adamant in keeping. What is the reason for keeping her? Does the CEO truly love her or just wants to play her?
I had woke up this blissful morning grinning from ear to ear. I was expecting something good. I took my bath and settled down before my laptop.
I went through the emails as I had submitted an application to seven different companies for job.
I scrolled down to the email I sent to GOLDIE'S FIRM. Madison introduced me to this firm. According to her,It was a famous one and owned by one of the richest bachelors in Illinois.
I smiled broadly as I thought of Madison. She was a good friend even a great one. But, I didn't get the reason why my brother always talk ill of her.
My phone rang and I jumped in fright. I giggled happily when I saw the caller ID.
"Hello Sweetheart"My voice rang out sweetly. It was Jason–my boyfriend calling.
"What are you up to?"I asked him and laid on the bed.
"Nothing much babe"He replied,"Are you busy right now?".
"No"I chuckled,"Should I come over?!".
"Yeah, Right now"He replied quickly.
"Okay, I'm on my way".
"See you dear"He blew me kisses and hung up. I held the phone to my chest as I imagined my handsome boyfriend standing before.
"Silly!"I chuckled and smacked my cheek.
I wore something nice and of course sexy.
"Hold on a sec Amelia... Where are you off to?!"I heard kings ask. I turned around to watch him ogling at me.
"How do I look?"I asked him giving a spin.
"Perfect.... Irresistible"He said with a wink.
I giggled,"I'm off to see Jason. I might return tomorrow".
"Take care baby sis"I heard him yell.
I walked straight to Jason's suite. I didn't knock cos why should I?
My ears dropped. My feet shivered. My whole world began to swirl and twirl around me. I couldn't believe what both mt eyes were seeing.
Was this true?
Soft moans and groans were coming from his suite. I placed my ears gently on the door to the bedroom. It was Madison's voice. I could clearly make out her voice from thousand of voices.
I opened the door and walked in. Madison laid on my darling boyfriend.
"Amelia?!"Jason called in shock and pushed Madison off.
My eyes glistened with tears. My throat became parched all of a sudden. Different emotions; hate,anger,rage,distrust all sparked across my whole body.
"Screw you Jason-" I said with rage already welled up inside of me. I stared furiously at my so sweet boyfriend of four years. We have been together since college.
"And you too Madison" I said to the girl who was clinging to him. I could swear that I saw a wide smirk spread on her face. She was trying hard to hide it but I could clearly see it in the dimly lit room.
"Madison,I hate you for doing this" I spat angrily at her.
She clutchted onto the purple blanket which covered her shameless naked self. Jason laid next to her trying to get hold of any of his clothing.
"Amelia.. Ples..."
I shot him a spiteful look and he swallowed back his words.
Madison has been my childhood friend. She knew all my secrets and likes.
My eyes moved from Jason to Madison. I gave them one last spiteful look.
I stormed out of the suite furiously. My fist clenched tightly as I walked out through the doors of McLaren Hotel.
I stood under the scorching sun burning in anger. I flagged down a fast speeding cab.
"Number 26 Michael close" I told the taxi driver and quickly got in.
From the windows,I saw Jason run out of the hotel.
I can't believe he called me just for me to see this disgusting act. He had called earlier and I told him I was on my way.
And Madison. I never knew she could do such. She knew how much I loved Jason and even hoped to spend eternity with him. All my life,my topmost wish has been to spend my life with that one man who I found peace and joy with.
That man was Jason. He gave me peace of mind and I feel happy each time I am with him.
But now all those have been destroyed. I can never find a man who would tolerate my sassy attitude and give me peace and happiness.
No man.
I heaved and ran my hands through my hair.
I closed my eyes and just let everything fade away. I slowly slid into a short sleep.
"Ma'am-" I felt a little tap on my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the blurry environment.
It was past lunch time - I guess.
I paid the cab man and walked out.
The house was unusually quiet unlike other days when Kingsley would always have a friend or two come over.
I walked tiredly into the kitchen. I fixed myself brunch. I heard soft shuffles behind me.
I turned around to see Kingsley standing behind me in briefs.
"Kings,Throw some clothes on," I chided.
I preferred referring to me as Kings rather than Kingsley.
"Oh,Sis....You don't need to bother about that..."
"What if I had a friend with me?" I blushed as the oil on the pan made a sizzling sound.
"Oops,That would be bad..." He jested and walked in fully.
"Shameless!"I muttered with a chuckle.
"Where is your friend?".
My face turned sour as soon as he asked about that betrayer.
"She's fine wherever she is" I scoffed.
"Oh.... Is everything fine?" Kings asked me, peering into my face.
"Yeah....Everything's fine," I chuckled dryly.
I sensed that he didn't believe me as he still had his eyes on me.
"What?!" I asked him and he looked away.
After a while,he walked out.
My phone began to buzz. I traced its sound to my room.
I anxiously picked the call.
"Hello..." I said anxiously into the phone with my heart at a stop.
I was praying that it would be the company which I submitted my CV to.
"Hello" A voice called solemnly from the other end.
I remember that voice. It was familiar.
"Amelia....Hello.... Are you there?" He called anxiously.
"Yes" I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.
I made my way to the kitchen.
"Amelia.... I am sorry. I didn't plan all that. It was all Madison's plan. She lured me into doing that"He explained.
"It's fine".
That was the only response I could give at that moment.
" Are you sure it's fine?"Jason asked.
"Yeah...." I replied shakily. Tears were already welling up at the corner of my eyes.
I didn't want to cry but the tears were just there waiting to burst out at any moment.
I had felt so hurt seeing my best friend lying right there nake.d next to my boyfriend.
She was more than a friend to me. She was a friend and more. But she betrayed me and for what... A man.
I wasn't angry at Jason but I was really furious at Madison and I swore never to forgive her.
"So Are we cool?" Jason asked, jolting me out of the short reverie.
"Jason..." I drew a sharp breath,"We are done. It's over between us".
I felt a sharp sting on my chest as I said those words. Everything now spinned fast around me.
Jason had been my first love. He was the second male I had loved after my brother. The second male that could tolerate me. The second male that I found peace, happiness and joy in. The second male I loved with the whole of my heart.
There was dead silence at the other end. I heard a little sniff.
"Are you sure we can't maybe get back together again?" He asked tearily.
"Yeah,Jason.... I am done. You can have a great time with Madison" I said and hung up.
My breath was shaky for some time. I struggled to keep a steady breath as I tightened my grip on the sink.
My teeth clenched tightly as I struggled to avoid making a sound.
Tears were slowly descending down my eyes. I relished the beautiful moments I had with Jason. I was hurt and embittered.
"I knew it Amelia" I heard Kings behind me.
"Kings.... I didn't hear you come in" I sniffled and discreetly wiped my eyes.
"I always told you that Madison wasn't a nice person" He said again beside me.
I chuckled and turned to him,"That's a lie Kings....Maddy is a nice friend and a good person"I said in defense of Madison. My heart bled again.
"How do you feel after saying that?" Kings asked with the warmest smile ever.
Again,I was at the verge of letting them all out.
I didn't want to break down before Kings but my eyes betrayed me just like Madison.
It began to shower more than ever.
Kings wrapped his hands around my shaky shoulders.
"It is fine now Amelia my Lady" Kings said.
I chuckled. He called me Amelia My Lady just like our father always did.
We lost our father when we were seven and nine. Mother left us with an old aunt.
Although,She comes from time to time to visit. We haven't seen her for three years now.
"Thank you Kings"I looked up to him with a warm smile which he reciprocated.
I returned to preparing the little meal.
We had finished our meal and I walked into my room.
I turned on my laptop. The first notification that buzzed in was an email from a company which Madison introduced to me.
I sighed and clicked on the email.
The first sentence I read made me scream happily.
Kings came running to my room.
" Amelia....What's up?"He asked and looked around the room as though searching for a potential threat.
"I got the job.... I squealed and jumped excitedly on his body.
"Really,Am also happy for you.... Cry baby" He replied and twirled me around.
"Am not a cry baby...."My lips pursed and I began to tickle him.
He fell on the bed with me on him. I tickled him till he was rolling to the ground. Our laughter echoed across the little house.
I loved my brother. He was never too old to play and Laugh with me.
We laid side by side cracking up in laughter when the doorbell rang.
"I will get it"I say and rose to my feet.
Chapter 1 01
Chapter 2 02
Chapter 3 03
Chapter 4 04
Other books by Barbe