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In Love With Marc Angelo

In Love With Marc Angelo



Valorie loves watching basketball, and his friends are varsity players. She wants to date varsity players too but not her friends! Until she sees a man she falls in love with at first sight, Marc Angelo. He fell in love with it even more when he found out it was a varsity player. "You will be mine." he whispered smiling. He entered the university he attended and shouted his feelings for it. She succeeded because she got his attention. He was happy because they became close to each other but the pity he felt was also replaced by sadness and pain in his chest when he found out.... "You are just a bet, a rebound." Will he give up or just become a martyr?

Chapter 1 Our friend

Chapter 1

Third Person

"Go! Whoah! You're going to get better. What's up with the other team, you've already lost our stoning! Whoah!"

Valorie was stunned and surprised when Tyra suddenly pulled her to sit down.

"What's up Tyra, you see I'm cheering." he complained.

"It's an earache Val, and look people. You look bad."

"I'll interfere with them."

"You hate Kyler."

"What am I doing?"

"How can people not look down on you? Even Kyler is from your chini-cheer team."

Valorie smiled guiltily, she looked at her friends who were staring at her intently.

"Sorry." he said with a laugh and a peace sign. "I'm just kidding."

"Your voice is still dominant. It has been heard all the way to the other side."

"You are Tyra."

"It's true."

"What happened?" asked Kayla who had just arrived. "Just who?"

"Of course Kyler." Val said proudly.

"Yes, Kyler, but that one is different." said Tyra.

"That was just a while ago, but now of course I'm back to my original stone." it said with a wink. "It's because the one on the other side is going to be happy."

"Aren't our friends handsome?"

"Of course I'll look for someone else, their faces are so boring. They're the only ones I always look at- Ouch!" Val groaned. Because he received kutos from Tyra.

"Go ahead, let's see if they can hear you."

"Okay, I'll shut up. Let's watch. Go Kyler! Go Troy! Go Ken! Whoah! You can do it!" he shouted. He doesn't care if the person next to him is deaf.

Val didn't know how many minutes he had been screaming, his throat hurt but he still didn't stop.

"I'm getting famous." he said as they left the court.

"Who told you to scream so loud?" said Kennedy.

"It's my way to show my support to you. You don't want that?"

"Did you really support us?" Troy asked with raised eyebrows.

Val hooked her hand on Troy and Kennedy's arm. "Of course you guys, that was just a prank. To distract your opponents."

"They are loved even more."

"Asus, my babies are sulking. Don't worry, I will never change you."

"There are your handsome chini-cheers." Kyler promised.

Val immediately turned around. "Where?" he excitedly looked for the boys. "Ouch! It hurts!" he shouted as Ken and Troy squeezed both of his cheeks. "There you are!" he said bitterly and approached Kayla and Tyra who walked first.

"Where are we?" Kyler asked.

"You should free us because you won." Kayla said smiling.

"Alright." consent of the men.

"Too bad I can't be with you." said Val.


"I have to go home, I-I just have to do something that my parents asked me to do." he lied. He actually wanted to go home and sleep. He didn't sleep because of what happened at their house last night.

"Maybe you want to follow those?" Troy promised. It refers to those they fought against.

"No ah! Go ahead, I'll go ahead of you. Just let me go tomorrow."

"No one to pick you up?"

"No, I'm just a taxi. Our family driver isn't here, he's on vacation. Alright, I'm going home." he said goodbye and immediately boarded the taxi that stopped right in front of them.

He wants to go with his friends but he needs to rest and has something to fix. But Skya prayed that everything would be fine when she got home.


I breathed heavily when I entered the house. I sat down and looked up at nanny Tinay. The one who took care of me since childhood.

"None of them come home yet, nanny?" I will ask.

It shook its head. "Are you hungry, you want me to cook you something to eat, go upstairs-."

"Not anymore, nanny. I'm still full. I'm going to rest." I said, headed for the stairs and went up. I walked towards my room but I stopped in front of my parents' room.

I smiled bitterly.

I entered my room. I lay down, closed my eyes and my tears started to fall, which I immediately wiped away.

I got up and looked around my room. I have a big room, a big house. There's a car....but I'll take those if the people who live here aren't happy together?

Where did my parents go? Maybe my mommy is gambling again, dad is definitely with his girl! My family is not a perfect family that everyone thinks! I don't know if everything will be fine.

Our family used to be fine if it wasn't for a woman who appeared and said that my father was a jerk, which was true because my daddy confessed. That's when my parents started fighting, they even separated, but they got back together because they didn't want to break up our family. I would rather just separate them because there is no change in their marriage. You're just hurting yourself, emotionally and physically! They almost killed each other last night if I hadn't come.

I got up and left the room. I'll just take a breather, I'll just take a walk outside. I don't want to go to my friends because I can't hide my feelings now, I don't want them to worry.

I looked at the court where many people were playing and watching. I'll just take a nap to relieve my stress.

I watched the players one by one, they were okay. There are looks but it's not my type. Until my eyes landed on a tall man, the most handsome of all and with a beautiful body.

A guy passes the ball here and throws the ball and shoot! Enter! Well, he's not just handsome, he's also good. That's not tsamba because the ball enters one after the other every time he handles it.

Who is this man?

Looks like I have a new target!

I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I was about to approach him but a man came here, they talked and they left in a hurry. I would have chased after them but they seemed to disappear like a bubble.


I want to meet him!

I approached a player and asked who it was.

"Oh it's Gelo."


"That's all we know of his name. He's not from here. He just comes here to play. All I know is that he's a varsity player."

"Is he here often?"

"Every Thursday and Saturday only."

I smiled.

I will go here on Saturday.

Still Valorie

"Where have you been?" mommy greeted me with a question.

I looked at the time. It's 10pm, because I was interested in sightseeing.

"You said you came home early but you left too. Where are you from?"

"Just getting some air."

"What time is it, do you have a boyfriend Val?"

I sighed. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"You should put your studies first. If possible, never get married."

I was secretly tormented. "I assure you that even if I get married, I will be happy, we will be happy."

"Don't dream, it won't happen."

"Not all men are cheaters." I said. "Did dad go home?"

"Wait for it to come home."

"When will you get along?"

"That will never happen again." he said and went to the phone because someone was calling.

I just shook my head and left him.

There is no hope for this family to be okay.

"Oh come home, I thought you wouldn't come home."

I leaned back in my seat and turned to mommy who had just entered the kitchen.

"I'm going home because this is my home." said daddy. He didn't look back at mommy, he just continued eating.

Mommy sat down. "I thought you were going to live in your closet forever."

I closed my eyes.

They will start again.

"You should be the only one who didn't go home. You should have stayed in the gambling house."

"At least at the casino, unlike the others there who have families who are still women."

"It would be better if it wasn't my money that you are wasting on your vice. At least I am not spending money on my woman as you say."

"You're still proud-."

I hit the table hard. They were surprised to turn to me.

"We are in front of the food. No respect." I said trembling. "Can't we eat peacefully? It's not just a fight. Every day, every night!" I stood up and took my bag. "I've lost my appetite, I'm leaving." I said disgustedly and left.

It's up to them!

It's better for me to leave than to see them fight. It hurts me, too much.

I just looked out the window in silence. I'm going to school now. I prefer to take a taxi.

"Stop bro!" I shocked the driver so he braked.

"Is there a problem ma'am?"

I didn't answer him because I was just looking at the reason why I stopped the taxi.

I smiled.

The man yesterday in court. He was wearing shades and leaning on his car. Looks like someone is waiting.

"Ma'am, is there a problem? If there isn't, we'll leave because there's already traffic." said the driver in disgust.

"S-sorry. alright, let's go." I said shyly.

'I'll take you to court tomorrow.' my mind screamed.

"You look happy, what's wrong?"

I frowned at what Tyra said.

"Nothing, why?"

"Your aura is beautiful when you enter, you're still smiling."

"Of course I'm smiling because I saw you, you're the reason I'm smiling." I promise. Actually it was because of the man.

"Let's go tomorrow." said Shiela to us. It's a miracle that he's here, because we can't spend much time with him. If we're together, it's always with Kyler.

"Game." others said at the same time.

"Pass." I said while chewing my food.

I raised an eyebrow at my friends because of the meaningful look they gave.


"When there's a walk, you're game, you don't hold back. It's a miracle and you can't. Why?" Kayla asked.

"I have things to do at home, a lot to fix." I said. Of course that's not true. I'm going to court what? I want to see the man.

"Well, if we help you, we can do what you do."

"Don't worry, I don't want you to get tired. Just continue wandering even without me."

"Just chase when you're done."

I smiled. "Sure."

I looked at my phone, mom is calling. What is the problem?

I sighed.

I stood up and apologized to my companions.

"Hello mom."

"Do you still have class?"

"It's gone."

"Can you come to the casino with me?"

"Why?" I said indifferently.

"Just come to me, now."

I held the phone tightly, annoyed. There must be a problem again that's why I'm being sent. I want to leave her alone but I can't do that, she's still my mother.

"Underage. Not possible." the guard blocking me.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Do I look like a child?" I said flatly. Good thing I hid my ID. "I'm already 25 years old. I just look like a kid." I lied just to get in.

The guard stepped aside. I made him hard before entering. I wouldn't have scolded him if I wasn't annoyed.

"Where's your atm card, hurry." mommy greeted me. I haven't even come close yet this one came close to me.

"Why is my ATM mommy? What are you going to do?"

"Don't ask, my speed." he said while grabbing my bag.


"Just give it okay, I don't want to get angry with you. I need to be able to pay. I might be sent to jail."

The h*ck!

"You lost?" I will ask. It's obvious that I'm angry.

"Yes, that's why I have to pay. I'll pay you too, son. I'll pay you next week. If only your daddy hadn't locked my card, it would have been okay. I wouldn't have bothered you."

I can't believe her!

"Give me."

I took my card from my wallet and handed it to him. "I'm leaving." I said.

He thanked me but I ignored him. When I turned back, my tears started to fall. I want to get lost, I want to yell at mommy but I don't want to embarrass her especially since there are so many people.

After I got out, I sat on the side and cried quietly. I sniffed more. I was just stunned when someone handed me a handkerchief.

"Everything will be fine." he said, that's a man.

I reached for it. "T-thank you." I said shyly.

I looked up to see who it was but he had already entered the car. I didn't even see his face. I looked back at the handkerchief, there were three carved separately."

What could that be?

To Be Continued...

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Other books by Casmiro

Boyfriend Pretending To Have Amnesia

Boyfriend Pretending To Have Amnesia



I was stunned while looking at the pregnancy test with two lines drawn on it. My heart beat faster. I don't know what to feel. I took a pregnancy test again and again and the result was the same. POSITIVE I AM PREGNANT. "SELENA? WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? ARE YOU OKAY?" I heard Lucas call me from outside. I took a deep breath then slowly stood up. "I'm going out!" I shouted back. I hid the pregnancy test in my mouth. Should I tell him? I sighed before I went out. Lucas immediately appeared to me with a phone number. I frowned. I took another deep breath when I decided to say it. "Lucas? I'm pre-" "I'm sorry Selena, I need to go back to America. Aunt Jhon called ma just now and he told me about Olivia's condition, it's taking her life, her illness is getting worse and she needs me so bad" What I should say is up in the air. I was surprised by what he said but eventually I returned to my trance. I couldn't speak after that. My throat is blocked. My chest was tight as I looked at him as if he was about to pack just to go to see Olivia. "I'm sorry...I try to ca--" "No.. it's ok... don't bother. Just focus on him first and please also look at him....he" I tried to make my voice normal and I succeeded even though it felt like my heart was breaking I. How about me Lucas? I need you too? I bowed down at the same time as a drop of tears fell and I just caught it with my palm. "I will..." I nodded slowly. I didn't look lucas in the eyes and I was afraid to see the contents of my eyes. The tightness in the chest while watching him get restless because he is so worried about Olivia.

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