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Everyman has a home and the beauty of it is to come back and meet it in one piece. Home is a safe heaven and seeing a roof over ones head is enough blessing.

Chapter 1 Safety first

My home is a blessing. I grew up as a child of grace knowing God is a big deal and ability to fear the goodness of God goes along way to speak about my personality as an individual. God is good and when you see what he has done in your life and the lives of others around you, you will marvel and praise his name everyday of your life.

My story of safety started when I was about going to see dad. I was hit by a friend and this gave me a deep scar on my face and I know I need to carry this badge and explain to as many people as possible about what has happened to my face. Currently dad is late but trying to look pass the days when he was present I really enjoyed his company and all he has thought me to become a better person. After his death I got to understand that he was a man of ultimate values and responsibilities. From a Nigeria point of view "e no easy to be a man". This phrase has made me strong and to value what's inside of my self as a child with too many wisdom and my abilities only need to be tapped in other to have enough space to vent my feelings and my intellect to the world to see. After classes I went for break and realized all my friends were not willing to speak out what they had passed through in the hands of their fathers. This was contrary to how I was raised and realized as a child we all have feelings and thoughts and our thinking processes goes a long way to show we are all humans roaming the world with our various smiles and hurt. My friends ones told me how their dad doesn't give them food stuffs and provisions to take to school. At first on hearing this I thought to myself how careless some parents could be about the lives of their kids knowing that this could lead them to steal from their friends which I am no exception to this. I felt like crying on hearing this things from my three best friends who were so much enthusiastic about the future and what it brings but since there dads were acting strange they were of the opinion to surprise their parents by being great.

Any man who grew up in my type of setting will have to understand that parents come first in everything we do. Being our role models and those who made us learn numbers and languages from childhood before schools and classes came into the picture. Excited to learn a new language as a child was a big deal and learning to seat, crawl and move our legs as a child is one feeling I have grown to understand why valuing one's parents is a special thing.

My parents thought me why safety first is the most important thing in the life of any child. I was taught to protect my siblings being the first child. Raising them as though my dad was not alive. This doesn't mean I was fully responsible for their upkeep and welfare but acting as a protector when dad was not there. Being the first child in a traditional African setting means huge responsibility has been placed on your shoulder and you must be ready to take up the job at all cost. Dad trusted me with his children he often said "what if I am no more what will you do differently"? I thought to myself how I am not lazy and how I will be able to match up alot of kids especially my peer groups and seniors in the Real world despite not knowing what the future holds. I have been an optimistic child and I preach it in any where I find myself most especially around those who have more time and experience than me.

My second box of safety first started when I was told to use the first aid box. This was new to me but I was proud of the way I handled it when called upon to practicalize what I've learnt on a dying child who had a cut on his leg and blood was gushing out profusely. I immediately ran to my nearest first aid box to help save the boys life. Now I am proud of myself to have saved this boys life as he is grown now to become a professional doctor who always values people's life before his.

My level of experience is second to non and I'm confident in my skills and what I can do. My world has been peaceful and has all the goodies of a better life in it. Being a muslim in Nigeria you are taught about how to fear your maker, Allah. When ever I am tempted I think about Allah and his blessings and punishment in the year after and with just this feeling I remember all of his mercies in my life.

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