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The Rich Code

If life could start over, how would you choose? Compose your own laws, set your own rules. Life is short, only a few decades long. Either light yourself up or set the world on fire! Everyone loves Mr. Rich, and no one can live without him! ...

Chapter 1 The Beginning

"Do you found a job?"

Rich, who had just returned home after going out, looked at his girlfriend who was cooking and shook his head apologetically.

His girlfriend didn't seem disappointed or emotional, as if...... not finding a job was a normal thing.

Rich tried to avoid verbal communication as much as possible, fearing that this woman who slept next to him every day would notice something unusual about him.

His girlfriend walked over to the worn-out wooden table, holding a deformed frying pan, and placed a fried egg on a plate of minced meat before sitting down.

"Don't worry too much. I still have some money here. Maybe you'll find a job tomorrow. Let's eat first!"

Rich nodded and started eating the not-so-delicious dinner.

The fork pierced the slightly solidified outer layer of the egg, and the thick yolk flowed onto the minced meat, like a natural seasoning or some kind of sauce, making the meat more appealing.

He mechanically ate his food while his mind was thinking about other things.

He had traveled through time. He didn't know the scientific principles behind it or any other reasons, but one thing was certain - he had traveled through time.

Before the time travel, he had done many jobs: a deliveryman, an insurance salesman, a runner, a part-time cook...

In the thirty years before his time travel, he had done many insignificant jobs, and there had been a huge change after he turned thirty.

In his later words, he had accumulated experience in the first thirty years, and then he used that experience to succeed in moving the judge with his eloquent speech...

Then, after sleeping in that cramped room for the first time and planning to write an autobiography to recall his legendary life, he gradually fell into a daze and fell asleep, only to wake up in this world.

After the time travel, he appeared in this home, and the owner of this body happened to be named Rich as well, but this was another world unrelated to his "previous life."

Apart from a girlfriend, he had nothing.

Now, he resembled the kind of social scum that was the most failed, living off his girlfriend, relying on her for food and shelter. Apart from helping his girlfriend with some troubles at night, he was like a parasite.

For the past few days, he had been using the excuse of going out to find a job and exploring this world, which gave him a sense of novelty that he couldn't quite describe.

It felt like the 1940s or 1950s, or the period of technological explosion in the 1960s or 1970s. Technology wasn't very advanced, but it was also in a period of technological breakthroughs.

Many products kept appearing in front of the public, making it overwhelming. He saw a slogan on a propaganda poster in the street : "everyday, is a new day."

In his eyes, this world, this society, was full of money, and all he had to do was bend over and pick it up.

His blood was boiling slightly, and his heart became strong and powerful. Deep down, he had a desire. He firmly believed that there was a reason for his time travel.

Perhaps, something brought me here to leave behind my own legend!

"Go heat up some water. Let's take a shower today," his girlfriend said as she cleaned the dishes.

Rich nodded, stood up, and walked towards the nearby bathroom. As he walked, he casually asked, "We just showered yesterday..."

During his time since the time travel, he discovered that he and his girlfriend had very specific plans for their lives, not completely chaotic.

The weather now wasn't hot or cold, and if he didn't engage in intense physical activity, he wouldn't easily sweat, so they didn't need to shower every day.

It wasn't that people didn't want to clean their bodies every day, but it was because changing clothes and hot water required payment.

Rich people don't care about these small expenses. They even install a boiler in their house to provide heating and buy a washing machine to do laundry anytime, anywhere.

But for poor people, these are unnecessary expenses that they cannot afford, so their lives have to become regular. They carefully calculate every expense and live a disciplined life like a monk to save every penny. This is their life, not because they want it to be disciplined, but because of poverty.

They meticulously calculate every expenditure and live a disciplined life like monks to save every penny. This is their way of life.

It's not that they want to live this way, but it's mostly because of poverty.

Rich's girlfriend turned and walked to the sink, turning on the valve to wash the dishes. "After midnight, our hot water will be shut off. We'll pay next week to save some money."

Rich shrugged and walked into the bathroom, turning on the valve. After letting out the cold water in the front, hot steamy water flowed out of the pipes.

After taking a shower, the two of them lay on the narrow bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Rich's girlfriend works at a supermarket as a cashier, working ten hours a day, including one hour of break time.

She often brings back some expired or discounted groceries and household items from the supermarket. This is why they can survive with only one person working.

They were high school sweethearts who couldn't get into college. Rich worked as a laborer for a while but quit because the job was too tiring. Catherine, his girlfriend, found this job at the supermarket and has been holding onto it.

Catherine, who is his girlfriend, found this job at the supermarket and has been able to keep it.

This is a typical loser's family. Neither Rich nor Catherine knows how long they can sustain this kind of life.

Maybe they can hold on until they get married and continue to barely make ends meet.

But it's also possible that this fragile relationship and feeling could end anytime due to some sudden emotional outburst.

The next morning, Rich quickly freshened up, and Catherine had already left. There was a box of cereal and a bottle of milk left on the table.

He poured the milk into a pot and heated it, glancing at the expiration date. Not surprisingly, it was already two days past the expiration date.

Such milk would be discarded directly at the supermarket, but many supermarket employees endure long working hours and low wages just to have access to these free things.

The rich milk aroma was somewhat intoxicating. Rich was used to using hot milk to soak something, while Catherine and others were used to direct soaking, which didn't feel good.

After breakfast, he briefly tidied up his appearance and stopped at a street not far from where they rented.

These days, he hadn't done nothing, but of course, it didn't mean he was looking for a job. He was just considering where to get his first sum of money.

Although this world is completely different from another world, the development trajectory of some things can still be traced.

For example, you know that land is worth every inch of gold a hundred years later, you know that the price of artworks increases every year, and you know...

When everyone is in Rich's current position, they all feel ambitious because most of them can grasp the future's pulse.

But the problem is, most people's ambitions can only remain as ambitions. They won't become reality because now is not the future, and anything requires capital.

Where does capital come from?

This thing didn't fall from the sky, nor did it float in with the water. In fact, many people, even if given the opportunity to go back in the past, still wouldn't have the ability to change their lives.

Maybe there are some who can, but it's limited. They might just buy one or two more houses and then watch their assets double when they grow old, which is different from what they initially envisioned.

Some people are destined to make a difference, while others, even if given the chance, are powerless.

It is clear that Rich belongs to the former category. He already possesses all the qualities and has achieved success, which is the decisive factor.

He stands here, staring at the laundry shop across the street for most of the morning, writing and drawing in a notebook. He is earning his first bucket of gold.

When the crowd on the street starts to thin out around noon, two men in trench coats block their way. One of them has his hand inside the coat, seemingly holding something.

"Mr. Fox wants to see you, friend!"

These two men don't look like good people, but it's also possible that Rich is overthinking. He shows no fear at this moment, instead, a smile appears on his face. "I've been waiting for you guys for days. What are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

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Other books by liufulaiya

Happiness in the end of the world

Happiness in the end of the world



In the year 3012, the era of humans ruling the Earth as the top of the food chain had long ended. A thousand years ago, the sun's companion star, the Goddess of Revenge, swept across the Earth with her brilliant skirt, bringing war, plague, viruses, natural disasters, and ultimately ending the entire era of civilization. The gods, in their mysterious ways, finally showed favor to the innocent lives on Earth. The animals turned out to have natural immunity to the zombie virus, which prevented them from being infected. Instead, it spurred their evolution at an unimaginable speed and incorporated the perfect human genes into their cells. When the first male Siberian tiger transformed into a human form, a new era began on Earth. The only downside was that the natural law of survival of the fittest eliminated human females. In the new era of Earth, females returned to their primitive state and relied on strong males for survival. They didn't have to hunt or fight; their only task was to reproduce. In terms of reproductive ability, human females were far inferior to animals. The human genes they incorporated could only transform male fetuses from animal form to human form. This time, God created Adam but forgot to take out his rib to create Eve. After attaining higher intelligence and the most perfect human form, male animals had always yearned for their partners to one day evolve into the beautiful and enchanting women depicted in ancient scrolls. They made many efforts to inspire the intelligence of female animals, even directly injecting virus genes into them in an attempt to stimulate their evolution, but ultimately no one succeeded. Regardless of the species, sex has always been an eternal theme as long as reproductive organs are present. Male animals were born in human forms but could never embrace female animals in the same form or communicate with them through language. What a tragedy it was. At this moment, a kind-hearted 17-year-old Chinese orphan named Happiness from the 21st century accidentally traveled through time to this future world. who could only imagine how much fun she would have this time. She couldn't even begin to fathom how novel and fatally attractive her female body would be to these males!

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The Rich Code

Chapter 1 The Beginning



Chapter 2 Statement of Facts



Chapter 3 It's not your fault



Chapter 4 When you fail from the start, you have already lost the persistence



Chapter 5 Sometimes making money is easy



Chapter 6 The first step towards legend



Chapter 7 What causes darkness is not evil, but light



Chapter 8 We have our rules here



Chapter 9 Give him a taste of his own medicine



Chapter 10 Everyday a little new trick



Chapter 11 Standing in the first square, gazing at the eleventh square



Chapter 12 In a society intelligence can dominate everything



Chapter 13 The necessity of pain education during the growth process



Chapter 14 rules



Chapter 15 We lost last headline, have anyone seen it



Chapter 16 From today, be a law-abiding federal citizen



Chapter 17 The Cutting Edge of the Trend



Chapter 18 Hostage



Chapter 19 I am a straightforward person who doesn't lie



Chapter 20 The Light of Righteousness



Chapter 21 Walking in the World



Chapter 22 It's all for work



Chapter 23 Gentleman Alliance



Chapter 24 The birth of power often relies on a dominant force of violence



Chapter 25 Multi talented Young Man



Chapter 26 under progress



Chapter 27 Don't panic, call the police first



Chapter 28 One Small Tip Every Day 2



Chapter 29 Endless Reincarnation



Chapter 30 Stages of Life Changes



Chapter 31 Acting like you know when you don't know is the most dangerous thing



Chapter 32 Every family has a difficult Bible to read



Chapter 33 The past and the upcoming



Chapter 34 Attitude determines the future, don't make promises lightly



Chapter 35 The mouse dug a hole on the embankment



Chapter 36 Strained family relationships



Chapter 37 Some people have already pointed to us what's the right direction



Chapter 38 I is a way of thinking based on independent personality



Chapter 39 Hi, Ao Pu Le Si Sang Mu Wan Ying Tu Kai Ao Mi (✧∇✧)



Chapter 40 The struggle can be more vicious than physical fights
