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Christy Salvatore is twenty five years old and has been living alone since she was seventeen , her mother Left her at the orphanage when she was five years old to remarry a rich man. One day she met Adam who happens to be the secretary of Daniel Wright , they became friends and he told her how Daniel treats him and she felt pity for him. She found out that she mixed up his order she decided to take it to him she didn't want him losing his job because of her clumsiness. She didn't know her life would take a new turn when she spilled the coffee on Daniel Wright. Daniel needed a wife,she needed money for college, they made a deal.

Chapter 1 Daniel Wright


Daniel's POV

My day has been hectic but it's nothing compared to the result that would be gotten when this contract is given to my company.

Ainston is a construction company and my life dream to be able to take over the company fully from my Dad.

"Sir your father is here to see you."My secretary Adam said

"Let him in already."Daniel said sitting up

"I know you already visited James Dad , so what else do you want to know it's not related to the company."Daniel said

"Daniel you don't always have to be mean to me anytime we meet ."Theo said

"I don't think am being mean am just stating the obvious."Daniel said with a frown.

"Okay no need for all this , your mom miss you son please make time to visit."Theo said getting up from his seat

"Tell Mom I would see her when I get back from my business trip ."Daniel said

"Thanks Daniel your mom would be glad."Theo said leaving the office


"Sir you called."Adam said

"Yes, get the jet ready we would be leaving in an hour ."Daniel said

"But..."Adam tried saying

"No buts, and make sure my Dad doesn't find out."Daniel said with stern voice

"Okay sir, where are we going so that I would get everything ready."Adam asked slowly

"Spain and inform Natasha ."Daniel said

I would be taking a quick weekend holiday in Spain with one of my numerous girlfriend Natasha, she knows her work very well and she's paid for it.

Adam knows how to handle everything,my Dad is going to think am on a busy trip blah blah blah..

Adam's POV

Have been working with Daniel since he was made the CEO and he's really good at his job, he has won more contract for the company and the company is at the top .

Daniel's Playboy attitude is the only problem he has his father has been trying to get him married but Daniel's stubborn he even stopped visiting his mom because of the issue.

That green snake James is trying to become the CEO and he's Daniel's big time enemy.

I was still standing outside waiting for Mr Wright and Daniel to finish their discussion more like quarrelling.

" I want a report before the end of the day."Mr Wright said before leaving

did I forget to add the fact that am a pawn in this game .

"Adam!."Daniel's calling for me

Sir you called."Adam said

"Yes, get the jet ready we would be leaving in an hour ."Daniel said

"But..."Adam tried saying

"No buts, and make sure my Dad doesn't find out."Daniel said with stern voice

"Okay sir, where are we going so that I would get everything ready."Adam asked slowly

"Spain and inform Natasha ."Daniel said

This is what am talking about , in Spain he has Natasha and every other place comes with a different girl and I have a clean the mess if necessary.

Working with Daniel has been the best thing that has ever happened to me I earn well and have many opportunities as well.

Daniel POV

This is the pilot speaking please return to your seats and buckle up your seat belts we are about to land."The pilot Rogers said

"Welcome to Spain." Daniel told himself

"Sir have booked you a room for the night ."Adam said clicking something on his pad

"That's why you are the best Adam we would be visiting the branch office tomorrow it's a surprise visit."Daniel said .

Christy's POV

Today has been very stressful because it's weekends and our coffee shop sells the best around here not bragging it's just the truth.

Been working here for three years and I love working with Tom he's kind and accommodating .

I would never forget how I begged him for this job, I was starving and needed money to eat and pay for my rents because I was recently fired at a bar where I worked as a waitress.

Well I have been taking care of myself since I left the orphanage on my seventeenth years birthday,my Mom abandoned me at the orphanage when I was five years old I always hoped she would come back and take me home with her but for years now I haven't seen her I don't even care anymore I have Tom and his wife They have been like my parents even their son Ricky his like a brother to me.

"Christy you know you have to take that exam,who knows you might get in."Ricky said

Right now Ricky is trying to persuade me to write a scholarship exam because he knows how much I want to go to college.back at the orphanage I was privileged to be among those who went to highschool.

"Maybe I'll try Ricky and besides I haven't saved enough maybe I will try next year."Christy said

"See that isn't an excuse why don't you want to do it you have been waiting for the forms since and now you are giving up."Ricky said frowning

"What if I don't get in ."Christy said sighing

"Seriously are you scared ."Ricky said laughing

"Kinda, it's not easy they would be like a thousand applicants and..."Christy tried saying before Ricky cut her off

"You are very intelligent and am sure you would get in ,so we are getting the forms today no arguments."Ricky said

"Yes sir."Christy Said smiling

"You have used up my break now you are going to pay by taking me out for drinks when you get in."Ricky said

"Really you used my break too Ricky this isn't fair ."Christy said

"And don't even think of failing to avoid getting me a drink."Ricky said

"I was thinking of doing that , would be a nice plan though ."Christy said laughing

Ricky was her confidant , brother and Best friend people think they are in a relationship because of their closeness.

She wouldn't have survived without this family in her life she would forever remain grateful for the love They showed her

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