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The Hottest Night

The Hottest Night



I'm here right now outside the office, I'm just standing there because I'm nervous about what the result of my confession will be. What if he doesn't accept it, what if he doesn't like it, what about me? I do not know what to do. Until I decided to knock. "Come in." He said it was cold. That's what I'm afraid of. When I entered, I found him busy signing the papers placed on his table. "What are you bringing here?" He said without emotion so I got nervous. It's like I just want to go out and get away to avoid the anxiety I feel, I don't know how to tell him why I'm here. "Because I have something to say." I stuttered so he looked at me. Look at the papers again. What do you want to say? Please hurry, because I'm busy." He promised me coldly, so I sighed before daring to tell him. "W-because A-what B-I'm pregnant." I said with a stutter so he stopped signing and looked at me with no emotion. "So? What are you expecting from me?" He said that made me cry which I quickly wiped away. I'm nervous about what might happen next. "Because you are its father!" Courage I promise. Even the truth is weakening me. "Then abort it." He promised no emotion so I quickly approached him and slapped him. His face is thick enough to abort his own child. Is he "Are you stupid? You will kill your own son" I shouted at him. After I slapped him. "Are you sure? It was mine?" He said so I was confused. 'What does he mean by his question' I said in my mind, that's why I loaded because I didn't get what he wanted to convey. "Ohhhh look at you. You are not sure about that? So sad, what if it wasn't mine you're working at the bar, what if you use you're own child to get some money from me, you know what more woman come here with the same reason!! Stop pretending how much do you want?" He insulted me for a long time so I just kept quiet. I'm sure this child in my womb belongs to him. "Name the price, make it fast I have something important to do" he promised. "What do you think of me looking like money, my son doesn't need your money." I promise. "Then what do you want from me?" He asked with surprise. Does he not yet know what I want to convey? "I'm responsible!" I promise without hesitation even though I'm afraid of what he might answer. "What? Hell no!" He shouted so I got angry. He likes it and then he hates it, what about my son? "No way, I have a girlfriend and I love her." He promised. Does he mean he can't hold me accountable? "How about me? even the child please, I'm begging you" I promised. I don't want my child to grow up without a father. "I dont care about you and youre f"cking son, just leave my f*cking office or else I call my body guard to drag you out" He said so I knelt in front of him. "Please, I'm begging you, this is your son" I promised. I know I look desperate but I'm doing this so that my child can have a father. "Are you deaf i said---" he couldn't finish what he wanted to say when a beautiful voice cut him off. "Hi babe, im here" said the beautiful girl. When he got close to his girlfriend, he looked at her with surprise "Sorry who are you? And why are you kneeling in my boyfriend?" he asked, I didn't have the courage to answer his question. What can I say that I am begging her animal boyfriend to hold me accountable. "Nothing babe, she's just my employer and she kneeling me beause she had a mistake" lied Mr. Chavilier with girlfriend. I was about to speak when Mr. Chavilier looked at me evilly, if he only looked at me like death, I would probably be a cold corpse. "Babe, don't be wrath in you're employer" His girlfriend said while helping me stand up. I looked at Mr. Chavilier does he still think badly of me? "You can leave now be, careful next time" His girlfriend said. I would have liked to speak of Mr.'s threat to me. Chavilier way he looked at me. Even against my will, I did not leave his office but before that I looked at Dedrick and said the word.

Chapter 1 Party

Chapter 1

"What if they are poor and rich?" I said with a hint of annoyance. It's not about being bitter, but nothing really lasts forever.

"You know you're bitter, as long as I make myself look better, you know maybe one of Sir Adrian's friends will notice me, and I'll become a billionaire immediately," he said, making me shake my head.

"Are you going, besh?" he asked. If I go, I won't have anything nice to wear and of course I won't have anything to give as a gift.

"Maybe not Besh, you know my situation," I said. He was sad.

"But Sir Adrian said we should be there, he said we have school, but he says he's just enjoying himself and it's only now, please agree." he says. So I didn't do anything I didn't agree to, even if I didn't want to.

When we finished chatting, I was going home. But before I go home, I first pass by Aling Presing's cafe, because this is the only cafe open even at dawn.

After I bought it, I walked, not because I didn't have any fares, but I just really had to save money, especially since the expenses at home are already big.

When I got home I heard the conversation between Jessica and Jesean.

"Sister, do you think sister Jeaneia will leave us like mom?" My youngest brother said.

"Maybe not the youngest, sister Jeaneia loves us," said my second brother.

"Why does mom say she loves us too," Jesean answered. If you ask where our parents are, they are gone. When our father died, our mother left us and went with another man, so I became the mother and father to my siblings.

"I'm here and I have a welcome!" I said that they looked at me at the same time. They stood up to kiss me.

Just one kiss from them instantly took away my tiredness.

After they kissed me, Jessica took my plastic bag containing the dish to prepare it on the dining table. When it was over, we ate. I hurried to get myself ready, because I still have a job to go to, not just being a waitress at a bar is my income.

I was also working as a vendor in the market, but this time I was with my younger brother.

When I was done cleaning, I also cleaned Jesean, Jesean was not in school yet while Jessica was in school, so I had to do double scrubbing.

When we got to the market I started selling

"Pampano, that's fresh ma'am," I said to the woman looking at Pampano. So he came to me.

"How much is a kilo, miss?" he asked. While shopping for Pampano.

"That's 350 a kilo ma'am fresh," I promised. He just kept on choosing.

"Two kilos, miss." He said after he finished shopping. So I handed him the rag for him to wipe on his hand.

"Ma'am, this is too much, is it okay? It's 2.4 kilos, ma'am," I said, she just nodded. That's why I pasted it.

"All 840, ma'am," I promised. So he gave me a thousand. I will pay him 160 pesos. I'm really happy now because a lot of people are buying from me.

It didn't take long for me to run out and I'm very thankful for that because we ran out early. Before we went home, we went to the chicken market to buy something for dinner. While we were walking I noticed that my youngest brother was looking at the toys we were passing so I asked him.

"Do you want that, little one?" I will ask. But he just shook his head.

"Not anymore sister, it's a pity it's not important," he said. I know he really wants a toy like his friends.

So even though I don't have enough money, I want to buy her so she can experience what Jessica and I haven't experienced yet. I pulled him inside my toys where you can see all kinds of toys. You will really be amazed at the quality of the toys, but you will also be amazed at the price they have.

After we left the toy store, I immediately gave it to Jesean. I could see in his eyes that he was really happy, we went straight to the chicken market because that was really our goal. After we finished buying chicken, we decided to go home.

While we were walking, my cell phone suddenly rang, it was Sicily calling.

"What the hell? Are you ready, I'm going there." he promised. So I suddenly remembered that today is Sir Adrian's birthday, I don't know what I'm going to do.

"What's the matter besh, what's the matter, what's the matter? Because that's like what?" I really don't know what I'm going to sneak to Sicily.

"You said you haven't settled yet, Am I right?" He promised. So I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"Yes, Besh, I haven't gotten ready yet and I don't have nice clothes to wear, so I won't go, I'll take care of explaining to Sir Adrian," I promised. So that my two brothers and I can bond, even if it's just for one day.

"I'll take care of what you wear, as long as I get there, you should have taken a shower." he promised. I can't do anything but agree because as I said, I have no objection when it comes to Sicily.

We started walking home.

When we arrived, Jessica wasn't there yet, so I arranged what I was going to cook.

I first washed the chicken and cut the ingredients, I was satisfied to cook the chicken, when I finished cooking I took a shower.

After I took a shower right after Sicily arrived.

He has a box with him. I can say that Sicily is beautiful white, has a sharp nose and has a perfect face shape.

He looks even better now.

"Hey, my dear, I know I'm beautiful now, it's wrong every day," He said, making me laugh. He just looked at me badly.

"Come on, I'll fix you," He said and made me sit on the chair. I started to wipe everything from my face.

It didn't take long for him to finish fixing my face and he handed me the paper bag so I accepted it and went to the room to measure the dress he brought.

When I put it on I can say it's beautiful because it's very busty and fits me well.

I'm shy to go out because it might not suit me.

"Wow, I'm really good at choosing what suits you," He said and repeatedly mentioned that it suits me.

Jessica arrived later.

"Jessica, you will take care of Jesean first," I promised my brother

"Yes sister. Be careful, you two, where are you going and why are you so organized?" Jessica asked.

"Ah because it's our boss's birthday today and we have to be there, I really don't want to come so we can bond like Sicily." I promise.

"It's okay sister, as long as you enjoy yourself there, don't think about us anymore. I'll take care of Jesean." He promised. So I nodded and hugged them both because we were leaving, we might be late for Sir Adrián's party, we weren't important yet.

When we got out, we got into Sicily's car, I don't know about this woman, why are they still working?

SICILY KHALLEX REYES is my only friend, if I were to describe her, she's pretty, clever, mild and strategical, she has it all.

His story to me is that he wants to be independent so, according to him, he works.

When we arrived, a large number of people greeted us and played loudly. When we finally entered, my eyes caught the group of men and I could tell that Sir Adrian was really handsome, especially in his polo gray and black pants. I looked at a friend of Sir Adrian's and he was also looking at me so I looked away.

I know them all because they seem to be mouths to my coworkers, especially Sicily, she has a crush on Sir Reid.

First of all, Sir Adrian said that he likes women so he built his own bar, he is also the oldest of their friends, he is 26 years old and he has another business.

Second, Sir Ethan is a good doctor, but when he is obsessed with something, he will take it, he is also from a rich family, he is also 26 years old, he and Sir Adrian are the same.

Third, is Sir Reid not Red, he is a famous actor, many people admire him whether it's a woman or a man, Sicily is one, because of his acting skills, he's 25 years old.

And lastly, Sir Dedrick is a famous Business man in the whole country, many people are afraid of him because of the coldness with which he treats everyone, but despite his terrifying treatment, there are many women and girls who are obsessed with him.

Sicily suddenly took wine from a passing waitress and gave me one.

"Besh, I don't want to. I don't drink," I said because I really don't want to drink. I admit that I am weak to alcohol so I might not be able to handle its effect on me.

"What are you doing right now and do you know that this wine is the most expensive here in this club so let's try it while it's free," he said. He is right, this is the most expensive wine here.

There was nothing wrong with me trying it, so I accepted it and drank it. Sh*t tastes bitter!

It's like it's so bitter I can't paint my face because it tastes so bad.

"It's delicious, besh, I want more." Sicily promised. How delicious is that bitter bitter taste, this girl is really crazy.


"HELLO EVERYONE THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY PARTY ESPECIALLY FROM MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS AND TO ALL OF YOU, THANK YOU! ENJOY THE NIGHT?!" Sir Adrian spoke long English so we all applauded. The gay speaker said a lot more but I didn't listen.

I didn't realize that I drank too much, I was already dizzy. I sensed that someone had been watching me for a while, so I looked around but there was nothing, maybe it was just my imagination. When I felt that I was si-cr I said goodbye to Sicily.

"Besh, I'll just restroom" I said so he just nodded and I stood up. I almost fell but I was still balanced, I went to the restroom. While I was walking, I felt so dizzy that I was holding my head.

I lost my balance so I closed my eyes and waited for my fall. Fortunately, someone grabbed my waist and I felt it lift me up. I didn't pay attention to him anymore and completely fell asleep.

I know you will still read this even though there is a warning, please, whatever you read here will stay here, think before you act, enjoy reading!

"Ugghh..." I moaned as I felt something sucking on my crown. I couldn't help but bite my lower lip as he gently nibbled while he lightly massaged the other side. The daring lips of the stranger gradually beat until it reached my neck. It was sucking and biting one after the other as if he was marking me. I tried to open my eyes but it was blurry. All I know is that there is a man sitting on top of me and desecrating my body.

"Damn! You look good in my bed babe." It had a deep and enticing manner in my mouth before it bit. He left from laying on me but I could feel his kiss on my legs, going to my thigh. He licked it before deciding to spread my two thighs. I was still shocked when he touched my womanhood.

"What a beautiful gem." He was amazed before I felt his hot tongue start to touch my womanhood.

"Aahhh...ughhh..." I shook my head. I tried to move my body but I could only move my head. I feel so weak as if I have no strength. "F*ck!" It's still cheap. Before inserting his tongue inside me again and again, even though I'm in this situation, I feel like I'm going crazy with what he's doing. This is the first time I have had such a dream.

My toe clenched and my body trembled at the same time. I kept my eyes closed and thought that this indecent dream would end there but I was stunned when his heavy body rested on me again and it rubbed against a hard object in my vagina.

I choked as he slowly inserted it.

Why? Why do I feel like this is real and not a dream? What is happening to my body?

I couldn't help but cry while closing my eyes because of the pain. I felt the man sitting on top of me kiss me on the lips before he whispered to me.

"Shh babe, the pain will go away, just bear with it." I was immediately stunned by his sudden appearance. I feel like I'm broken, like I'm split in the middle. I cried while closing my eyes while I heard him cursing harshly before slowly moving inside me, I gradually weakened, as if this stranger was taking my strength. I don't know what happened because I suddenly lost consciousness again even though I knew I was sleeping.

THIRD PERSON (Point of View)

The young man couldn't help but stare at the innocent girl, while happily talking to his friend.

When the young man noticed the girl standing up, he couldn't stop himself from following her.

The young man approached the girl just right because I almost fell, but the young man did not catch the girl. The young man was very surprised when the drunk girl kissed him. Suddenly the young man felt body heat caused by the young woman kissing the young man. So, the young man did not help himself carry the young woman out of the bar and put her in his car, the young man could not stop glancing at the young woman sleeping soundly. The young man took the girl to a famous and expensive hotel near the bar they came from.

To Be Continued...

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Other books by Maglimut

The Billionaire's Whore

The Billionaire's Whore



Jessa turned to the wall to ceiling glass window on her side. View of the ocean from there. The crashing of the waves on the beach. The mixed orange and red colors of the setting sun, as well as the birds flying in the sky. It's calming and beautiful. But he couldn't appreciate what he was seeing. Because he has a big problem! He woke up in a room he didn't know whose, and where he was. He didn't remember that they went outing! The last thing he remembers is that he was just buying siopao at 7/Eleven when suddenly two men in black bonnets approached him and forced him into a van. He fought. Kicked, scratched, and pulled out but he was made to smell a very smelly chemical that made him lose consciousness. When he woke up, he was here. He heard the door lock move. He immediately snuggled up against the headboard of the bed. It opened and a man appeared with a tray of steaming food. He was wearing Hawaiian board shorts and a polo shirt with all the buttons open, so his broad and muscular chest was clearly visible. He looked down at her taste buds-- it was wrong, wrong, erase. She shouldn't fantasize about this man even if he stabs her body with pleasure and seems to promise eternal happiness! Sh*yt! He forced his eyes to look up at her face. His blood suddenly boiled when he saw her smiling lips. Looks like a demon! But even if it looks like a demon, you will surely worship its body. He entered completely and was about to step closer to her when he threw a pillow at her. It shook quickly, but because of its shaking, the contents of the tray it was holding spilled. "F*ckkk!!" it screamed loudly that almost shook the whole room. He bit his lip hard. He immediately regretted the act, especially when he saw that he had completely transformed into a monster. His eyes were glazed over while panting as if from a marathon. Just a little smoke coming out of its nose and this bull is about to pass by wanting to call. He stepped closer to him. His butt rose. It snapped its neck and took another step. He jumped to the floor from the bed. It's the end of him! He was sure he wouldn't revive her based on the anger he could see in her eyes. He has nowhere to run! No matter where he goes, he will surely catch up with him. He looked at the glass window then at the angry man approaching him then at the glass window again. I will not be late for life! he shouted in his mind. That's why when he was only a few steps away from her, he ran without thinking twice and crashed his body into the glass window. A moment later... he fell to the floor and saw stars twinkling in his eyes! Turns out he can't handle the glass window! Why is it that in movies, glass windows are easily broken when the heroes bump into them? Why did he only get lumps and body pain? "Working?" he asked stupidly while looking at her. He really wanted to scratch her face but his vision was slowly getting darker. "Don't run away because I don't let my possessions be lost, p*ssy doll..." he heard her say before the darkness engulfed her completely.

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