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The missing father of my child

The missing father of my child



After 5 years, Bleu came back stronger and living the life of a hot, drop-dead gorgeous single mom of two children. It's not like it was intentional but she needs to fetch a drunk friend in the club where a memory she wanted to no longer exist took place. There she unexpectedly met the man she longed to forget; the man who caused her a great deal of pain, the man that she still has feelings for after all these years, the man named Zane Tobias Arden- her former professor. With Bleu's return is the new phase of his life. A life that has remained, return, loss and new coming will confuse him in his heart that he thought belonged and covered only by one person that he should have forgotten for a long time. Along with what will happen in his life is the search for a father who will love his two children. There are many fish around, who will he choose?

Chapter 1 1

Bleu's POV:

I sat on a long sofa while Daddy sat on the opposite sofa nf I was sitting on.

"Dad, you can't do this to me. I just got back.", I said in disbelief.

I just arrived from Bukidnon a few hours ago and then I had to put my two children to sleep just because Daddy was going to talk to me.

Imagine going back after being gone for 5 years and then you get a strange welcome back?

"You promised me that you won't complain as long as I follow your request 3 years ago.", he answered me.

I can't believe he told the truth and still remembered.

"I know, Dad. But I just arrived, that fast?"

He took a deep breath.

"I've talked about it with my partner even when you were still in Bukidnon. Just marry his son so you can help raise my grandchildren."

I was stunned by my senses. This is what he told me right after I got home, jusko.

It's not the first time that I've been set up to marry his friend's son, first I was set up with the eldest but then he got married, so now I'm set up with the youngest.

Me and my father made up after the huge fight that happened between us when I got pregnant. Why did we agree? His hard heart melted when I gave birth to Tobi, my youngest child.

I made a promise to him that I will do everything he wants just to grant me a wish, and that's the reason why he is teasing me now that he will meet next week his friend's son who is said to have just returned to the US we can get to know each other before proceeding with our engagement.

He told me that it would be good for our company and that I would have a partner in life. I don't know which telenovela I joined but I agreed because I was desperate at that time.

'What I asked him, 3 years ago... Is my eldest child.

It's to legally adopt Laine.

I promised to come back to get him and yes, I kept it. Kevin's parents are also old, his siblings can't watch Laine either because they can't agree with the child so I had to do something. I asked Dad to allow Laine to be my adopted daughter, he really didn't want to at first until he thought of the exchange for agreeing to my request.

We still visit Kevin's parents from time to time, I also visit Kevin with Laine and Tobi.

"Okay, okay. Just tell me where to meet him next week."

My plan is to make his partner's daughter a concubine, you know he doesn't want marriage either, right? If we both don't agree then it won't happen? I'm too old for this, I should have my own decisions, I'm only doing because I made a promise.

Let's change the subject because it's stressful to think about.

Me and my kids have our own place, everything is arranged before we get home. We just went straight to Dad's house because there are many things that need to be fixed in our house.

After Daddy and I finished talking, I went back upstairs to see my children. When I opened the room, I found Laine awake.

"What's wrong, darling? Why did you wake up?"

Laine can understand and can speak Tagalog by the way, she learned so fast.

I approached him and sat on the edge of the bed, he laid his head on my lap.

"Tobi is the one who sleeps mischievously, he hit my nose."

I laughed a little bit but I didn't show it because Laine is a curmudgeon, she would get annoyed right away hahaha.

"Sleep again, I know you're tired.", I said while parting his hair.

"Mom, why aren't you sleeping?"

I smiled.

"I will when you sleep back first."

He snorted.

"Okay.", he said softly with a yawn, he closed his eyes.

I looked at Tobi who was sound asleep.

He looks exactly like his father.

Right, I know who his father is.

Every day that he grows up I realize their resemblance.

Tobi was 2 years old when I realized that he was Zane's son. I've been fooled by that witch.

At that time, would I have been able to fight for Tobi's rights as Zane's son if my problems hadn't happened at the same time?

My children are still young but I made them aware of the truth right away because I don't want them to grow up with lies. I told Tobi that we broke up with his Father so it's not here, and Laine already knows what happened to Kevin.

They're both smart and mature for their very young age.

Tobi never once asked who and where his father was after I explained to him that Zane and I didn't work out.

Now I'm back here in Makati, I'm afraid of what will happen when Tobi and Zane meet, the world is small so I know that time will come.

To this day, I'm still thinking twice about telling Zane about Tobi because he already has a family and I'm getting married to a man I haven't met yet. What kind of messed up world am I living in?

When I noticed that Laine was sleeping soundly, I slowly lowered her head on the pillow so that I could stand up.

It was already afternoon when we got home and if I'm not mistaken it's already dark outside now, I have to prepare something to eat for these two because I know they'll be hungry when they wake up.

When I went to the kitchen, I found Manang Cynthia with two helpers that I didn't know, they were preparing dinner.

I approached Manang and hugged him from behind so he turned to me in surprise.

"How are you Manang?", I asked him with a smile.

He turned to me and hugged me.

"I thought you would ignore me.", he said in the middle of our hug.

"Why? Daddy talked to me immediately after I arrived, so I didn't approach you right away."

We let go of each other, he held me by both my arms and looked at me from head to toe.

"You've changed so much, you've gotten even better."

"Inherited hahaha"

Everyone will notice that hahaha

Manang told me that he would take care of dinner so I should rest first since I was really tired so I agreed.

I was about to go back to the room when my cell phone, which I had been holding, rang.

It's a good thing I brought it with me, I didn't keep it quiet, maybe Tobi and Laine woke up when I left it upstairs.

I answered the call with a frown when I saw Dave's name.

This guy, I texted him to come to my house because I got home earlier but there was no reply and then he will call now.

"Oh?", I answered the call.

I immediately put my cellphone away from my ear when I heard the loud ringing of the sound system coming from the other line.

Is he in the club again?

At the very beginning, I actually planned to marry the eldest son of his friend once I turned 21, they started planning it out when I was about to graduate, that's one of the reasons why he was so angry with me when he knew I was pregnant. Apparently, the eldest got married so I thought it wouldn't go on and then there is the youngest, that's an animal.

Let's change the subject because it's stressful to think about.

Is he in the club again?

"Hey! Where are you?"

[I'm on Zip8Open hahaha I just read your message.]

It was obvious from his voice that he was already drunk, so what? With Zip80pen? (read as zip-it-open-).

In that club...

"You broke up with your girlfriend again and you're there?"

Dave has a girlfriend, they have been together for 2 years. 2 years later separated situation, it's dizzying.

[I'm going to punish you, t-wait... Oh, lady hahaha I tripped hahaha]

Didn't even answer my question.

[I'll drive as fast as I can to get there quickly so don't worry... Where did I park my car? Wait...]

My eyes widened when he said,

"Hey! You're crazy! Don't move! Just stay put there, hey!"

[Go away! Why are you blocking the way? By the way!]

"Dave, don't make a mess!"

Before I could hear what would happen next on the other line, the call was cut off.

That's a stupid man.

It's not the first time that he got into a fight with someone in the club because of his drunkenness, it's a shame.

What should I do?

It's really a big perversion, jusko!

I ran upstairs to my room where Tobi and Laine were sleeping but I was slow and careful when I entered the room because my two children were fast asleep.

I took my car keys from the top of the side table of my bed and slowly left the room and then ran.

I went straight to the kitchen to tell Manang to text me immediately if my children woke up because I was going somewhere for a while.

After I got to the car and I drove my car straight away, while I was driving carefully, I called Dave's phone number but he didn't answer.

Last time when they had a fight, Dave went to Bukidnon and got drunk there, he got into a fight because of his drunkenness and then when I called his girlfriend he didn't answer.

I really don't like his girlfriend, but what can I do? He wants it.

Dave has not lost my side all these years, even though he is far away from Bukidnon, he always visits me there. He was also there when I gave birth to Tobi, that's why he was so jealous of me.

They fight a lot and I'm one of them, the only thing I don't know is what they fight every time Dave gets drunk.

I parked in front of the club.

I didn't go out right away, I looked outside from here in my car. There are a lot of people, nothing much has changed... Why am I nervous going inside? I didn't feel it when I was going here?

Before going out, I dialed Dave's girlfriend's number again but she still didn't answer, I dialed Dave's number and there was no response.

'When this man does something stupid again and I clean up his madness, he will really hate me.

When I came out, I suddenly looked at what I was wearing and then at what the people who entered the club were wearing, in my haste I didn't notice what I was wearing now, it's the same thing I was wearing when I got back here in the itch, it's just that.

I'm wearing a nude thin sleeveless top covered with a long brown coat, black skinny jeans and boots.

They will look at me because no doubt they will think I went to the wrong place.

They will look at me because no doubt they will think I went to the wrong place.

I didn't think about what other people would think, I was about to enter the club and on my way inside I bumped into something, I almost dropped my cellphone because I was calling Dave while on the way.

"What the.", I reacted angrily as I looked at the person who bumped into me, but he was just walking away as if he didn't bump into me.

It's like he's walking away and then it's like he's wiping his lips.

If you really look at it, there are many people who have a rude attitude, they have already collided and then an apology cannot be given.

I turned my attention back to the entrance of the club and put my cellphone back to my ear while listening to its ring on the other line.

Does that guy do it?


A cold deep tone of voice answered the phone and I knew it wasn't Dave because he was already drunk when he called me earlier, and his voice isn't this deep.

It's a familiar voice.

"Hello? Who is it?", I asked and entered the club.

I walked around looking for Dave and I guessed right that he would stare at me, am I wearing that weird?

[Are you the girlfriend of the owner of this cellphone?]

Question when answering the call. I was curious as to why he asked that, so I answered yes.

[Can you get him? He kinda fought with my brother, it's not that serious since I just arrived in time.]

I scratched the back of my neck while looking around, trying to catch Dave.

I continued walking.

"I'm actually at the club right now to get him, where are you guys?"

I spoke a little loudly because we didn't understand each other because of the loudness of the sounds.

I didn't get an answer from him so I wondered, didn't he hear me?

"Hello? Where are you? I'm actually at the club right now to get him."

[Y-yeah, we're in a table close to the bar counter.]

Counter? Where is the counter?

The outside of the club is still the same, but when I entered earlier, a lot had changed, so I don't know where the bar counter is now.

"What are you wearing?", I asked.

[I'm like... Just wearing a white sweater right now...]

While he was saying that, I saw a man standing with his back talking on a cellphone, he's wearing a turtle neck white sweater.

"And a black pants?", I asked uncertainly while describing the color of the pants of the man I see wearing a sweater.

[Yeah, that's right. How did you know?]

Maybe it thought I was a fortune teller hahahah.

"I think I found you, I'm behind you."

A sweater? Inside the club? We both seem out of place hahah

I glared at him so he bowed down for a moment.

"Come on, fix your walk but I'm going to cut off your legs.", I said softly so that only he could hear, I looked back at Zane and he was looking at us.

Our eyes were staring but my gaze fell on his hand...

He's wearing his wedding ring.

"We're first, thank you.", I informed.

Before Dave and I left there, I looked into his eyes for the last time...

Those eyes... The look of his eyes... It looks just as the same as the day we have last seen each other, in front of that restaurant.

His eyes seem to say a lot.

I carefully supported Dave in my car and while I was putting him in the backseat, I looked at a car parked not far from my car, there was a man leaning there... I couldn't see his face but he was familiar I'm the one he's wearing... It's that guy who bumped into me without even apologizing.

I saw that he looked at my behavior so I nodded and got into my car.

I looked at Dave from behind and he knocked out again, where am I going to take him home?

I started my car and carefully drove out of the parking area, when I passed right in front of the club, Zane was right out of the club... Our eyes met.

I held my chest while holding the steering wheel with one hand, the strength of my heart beating...

It's the first time after years, I thought my heart would never beat like this again but I'm wrong... It started beating again just like before and just like before... It only beats for the same person.


Author: Thank you for waiting for Chapter one of Book 2 of Pregnant with my Professor's Child, I hope you support it like you support PWMPC. Don't forget to leave some comments, vote, follow and share to support. Not edited yet.

Note: Please mind what you read since this story will be full of curses or other words that may not be appropriate for some readers under 18, so please be guided.

Guys if you read any cursing words like gago without an asterisk tell me T_T

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