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Drops of Love on the Wedding

Drops of Love on the Wedding



"In the midst of a family that runs an Islamic boarding school, Farah and Ustadz Arif face an unexpected test when their offspring have not yet arrived after several years of marriage. To maintain the continuity of the Islamic boarding school, Father Arif proposes an unexpected solution-marrying Farah's best friend, Zara. However, between responsibilities against boarding school and the values of love, this difficult decision shakes the foundation of their marriage. In a story filled with moral conflict, will love and faith be enough to carry them through a trial involving great sacrifice? Find the answer in this heart-moving story about love, responsibility and faith."

Chapter 1 A bright blue sky

A bright blue sky welcomed Ustadz Arif and Farah's wedding in a beautiful mosque. Ustadz Arif, with his neat beard and sharp eyes, looked elegant in his white robe. Meanwhile, Farah, dressed in a pure white dress, smiled happily, waiting for the special moment of their proposal.

The story begins when Ustadz Arif enters the mosque, accompanied by his friends who carry prayer beads and white roses. Farah, with her family, waited at the altar which was decorated with fresh flowers and beautiful gold decorations.

After Friday prayers, Ustadz Arif delivered a short sermon about love in Islam. The coolness of the ablution water and the sound of gently gurgling raindrops give a romantic feel. After the sermon, Ustadz Arif walked confidently down the aisle to put the ring on Farah's ring finger.

Ustadz Arif: "Farah, with Allah's permission and His blessing, I, Arif, promise to always look after and guide you with true love. I will be the imam in our family, inviting us both to the path that is approved by Allah. Will you be my life partner , Farah?"

Farah smiled happily and sincerely answered, "With pleasure, I accept your proposal, Ustadz Arif. I am willing to be your wife, study together, and fight towards His heaven."

Ustadz Arif put a white diamond ring on Farah's finger, while the family and guests present gave a standing ovation. Tears of emotion could be seen in the eyes of most of the attendees.

They continued the event with a joint prayer, followed by providing delicious food and dishes to the guests. An atmosphere full of happiness radiated on the faces of Ustadz Arif and Farah, while the beautiful mosque was a silent witness to a blessed marriage.

The love story of Ustadz Arif and Farah was an inspiration for many people present. The two of them, together, built a strong household, under the guidance and blessing of Allah SWT.

After the proposal ceremony was over, Ustadz Arif and Farah chose to hold a simple reception in the mosque courtyard. The sky was still bright, but the clouds were moving in providing cool shade.

Ustadz Arif and Farah sat on the aisle smiling happily. Guests filled the place, laughter and boisterous voices could be heard from the crowd. Several guests began to congratulate the bridal couple.

One of the guests: "Congratulations, Ustadz Arif and Farah! May Allah bless your marriage and become heaven on earth for the two of you."

Farah: "Thank you very much, I hope all your prayers will be a blessing for us."

Islamic dance and music performances filled the reception atmosphere. Ustadz Arif and Farah even performed nasyid together, giving a religious touch to the event. Excitement and warmth enveloped every corner of the mosque.

A friend of Ustadz Arif: "Ustadz Arif, what is your message to young couples like you?"

Ustadz Arif smiled wisely, "Know that every marriage is a test and a gift. Continue to support each other, communicate well, and don't forget to always ask Allah for guidance at every step."

When night fell, the reception ended. Ustadz Arif and Farah said goodbye to the guests present with gentle smiles on their faces.

Ustadz Arif: "Thank you for your prayers and presence. Hopefully this marriage will be the first step towards a life full of blessings. Let's build an Islamic family together and inspire each other to achieve perfection in this world and the hereafter."

They left the mosque, together starting their new life journey with steps full of love, trust and steadfastness of faith. The marriage of Ustadz Arif and Farah is a reflection for many people of the beauty and blessings of a marriage that is carried out sincerely and full of responsibility.

Several months after their marriage, Ustadz Arif and Farah continued to sail the ship of their household with patience and love. They live their days as a couple who respect and support each other in everything.

One sunny morning, Ustadz Arif sat in the living room reading the Koran, while Farah was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Farah: "Ustadz Arif, there is something I want to talk about."

Ustadz Arif turned with a warm smile, "Of course, Farah. What do you want to say?"

Farah sat next to Ustadz Arif, "I want us to continue to improve the quality of our worship together. What if we start holding small studies at home to strengthen our spiritual ties?"

Ustadz Arif smiled in agreement, "Good idea, Farah. We can share Islamic knowledge and deepen our understanding together. Come on, let's plan together."

From there, Ustadz Arif and Farah started holding small studies in their home. They not only deepen their religious knowledge but also share experiences and provide moral support to each other. This activity not only enriches their spirituality but also makes their home a place full of peace and blessings.

One day, Ustadz Arif returned from the mosque with a cheerful smile on his face. "Farah, the mosque needs help to hold educational programs for local children. Can we volunteer to teach them Islamic values?"

Farah enthusiastically answered, "Of course, Ustadz Arif. This is a good opportunity to contribute to society and educate the younger generation."

The two of them were also involved in social activities at the mosque and in the surrounding community. Every step they take is always accompanied by prayers and good intentions to benefit others.

The story of Ustadz Arif and Farah's journey is not only an inspiration for other young couples, but also shows that the success of a marriage does not only lie in the love between husband and wife, but also in togetherness in building a meaningful spiritual and social life.

In the previous story, there was no information about Farah's pregnancy or how long they had been waiting for their baby to arrive. To incorporate those elements into the story, let's add a few touches:

After a year of marriage, Ustadz Arif and Farah have not yet been blessed with children. They both have undergone various medical examinations and tried every means permitted in their religion. However, every month passed without success making the outrage occupy every corner of their house.

Ustadz Arif: "Farah, be patient. This is all a test from Allah, and we believe that everything happens with His permission."

Farah tried to smile, but a shadow of disappointment was visible in her eyes. "I know, Ustadz Arif. However, it's hard not to feel sad every time we see our friends who already have children."

Ustadz Arif held Farah's hand lovingly, "We will continue to try, Farah, and ask Allah to give us blessings at the right time."

As time passed, their struggle in longing for the presence of their baby continued. They found support in each other in prayer, undergoing treatment, and maintaining a positive spirit amidst these trials.

Hopefully this touch adds a new dimension to the story and reflects the courage and strength of a couple who faced their trials with confidence and compassion.

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