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The Billionaire's fragrance

The Billionaire's fragrance

neta scott


Feisty! I like that, can I at least have your number before I go or I could just give you mine and you'll call me later, I'll be available for you, I know you want me too" "You're kidding, I have no interest in you whatsoever, or did you think I agreed to let you stay here because I found you attractive? If you did, then you're deluded. I was only doing my job, so please get out of my workspace" She falls in love with a man she's yet to meet but unknowingly rejects his best friend countless times. She finds out they are best friends and decides to anonymously talk to the man of her dreams while hanging out with his best friend. Read to know what happens when they find out and who she chooses in the end.

Chapter 1 Prologue

'Hello, is anyone here?!'

I walked around trying to find my way through the mist. It was so thick I could use a knife to cut through it. Finally, it was starting to clear, and I could see a light ahead, and what's that sound? Music? But who's doing that?

I move faster to find out who else is here, but getting to where the light is I see no one but a black shirt hung on a chair. Maybe the person just left this place, but why would he or she just leave their shirt on a chair? What is the person wearing now? It'll be crazy to walk around this place without a shirt on, I'm fully clothed, yet I'm shivering from head to toe.

I move towards the chair and run my fingers on the shirt, it's silk. I love how silk feels on my fingers. I took the shirt and sniffed it and oh my goodness, it had the most wonderful smell. What perfume did the owner use? I couldn't get enough of it, I got lost in the smell and I started dancing to the music while sniffing the shirt and hugging it tightly. I started rubbing it all over my body, so I'd also smell like the shirt but it wasn't enough. I needed to know who owns it and so I started searching for the owner, still dancing with and sniffing the shirt.

After a while of searching, dancing and sniffing, I started feeling tired and I thought of giving up and settling for just the shirt, but I looked up ahead and saw the silhouette of a person looked like a man, a well-built one at that. I rushed to meet him but the more I ran, the further away he got, and the crazy thing is he wasn't moving at all, he was just standing there so how, and why was he getting so far away? I need to reach him at all costs, I need to know who he is. This shirt....the fragrance he used... I need to know him and what he used to smell so good.

I started running even faster now to meet him, and now I was finally starting to get closer and closer. I was nearly there, my heart was beating really fast in anticipation and excitement with the black silk shirt in my arms still held tightly to my chest. I was finally close enough to see his face, but there was a light shining from behind which made it hard to make out his face. He was shirtless, so this shirt had to be his.

I was so close, but then.....

I woke up.

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