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Werewolves of Campbell Academy

Werewolves of Campbell Academy

Melah Chinwoke


In Panja City, Campbell Academy seems like an ordinary college but is hiding a wild secret. Most of the big shots there, from teachers to even the boss, are werewolves! Rosie, a top student, lives the high life as a former mayor's daughter with her boyfriend, Jude, the werewolf pack leader. Damon, a true alpha hiding his identity for some reason, moves to Panja City and joins Campbell Academy. Rosie, not liking Damon's smarts, thinks of a way to get him, hires him as her tutor. Jude perceives trouble, thinking something's fishy. Meanwhile, a mysterious new professor joins the chaos. As Rosie falls for Damon, Jude and Damon become enemies and Campbell Academy gets crazier by the minute. Twists, turns and a whole lot of secrets make this campus tale a suspenseful ride!

Chapter 1 Damon's

Standing in front of the whole class, my heart raced like a runaway horse. This environment was unfamiliar, and I couldn't bring myself to lift my head and meet everyone's gaze. I've spent my entire life with just my mom, far from this kind of crowd.

"Good morning, everyone," the teacher announced.

"Morning, ma," echoed through the class.

"How was your holiday?" she inquired.

"Fine, ma," came the collective response.

"It's good to have you all back for the new academic session. Hope you do even better than the last one," she continued. "As the Year 3 students stepping into your final year, you need to step up your game."

"Ok, ma," the class replied.

"This is Damon, the new student joining you," the teacher announced. As she spoke, my legs were already aching, and the desire to bolt from where I stood intensified.

"Introduce yourself," her voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

"My name is Damon Ramsey."

"Good, that was great. Welcome him," the teacher said. "So, the class representative should see me in my office immediately after I leave. But before I go, is there any vacant seat for Damon?" she inquired.

"Yes, ma," someone replied, and a beautiful girl sitting in the right front corner stood up.

"Okay, Linda, when is the space?" the teacher asked.

"The space of Astaroth. He's not resuming with us; we're told his parents have relocated to another state," Linda, the class representative, explained. She pointed to the seat at the back as my new spot.

I walked over without complaining, cleaned the seat, and took my place. The teacher left after ensuring I was settled. As the class coordinator exited, another teacher walked in. He introduced himself as the math teacher, Mr. Rajah.

Seated in the classroom, navigating this new world, I sensed a mix of unusual feelings. It might just be because I was new to this place. Glancing around, I realized there were all sorts of people in the room.

Suddenly, all eyes were on me. The math teacher stood with four students by his side attempting to solve a mathematical problem but struggling with it.

"Hey, you! You're the new student, right? Your face looks new here," he asked.

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"Alright, can you bail your classmates out by helping them solve this problem?"

After a moment of shock, I gathered some boldness and walked toward the board. As I stood there, observing the problem, the marker slipped from my hand, and the whole class burst into laughter. I picked up the marker and solved the problem.

"Good job, clap for him," Mr. Rajah said, and the entire class applauded. Heading back to my seat, I noticed some students looking at me with unfriendly eyes. Ignoring the stares, I took my seat.

After a lengthy class, Mr. Rajah left, and I pulled out my books to work on some questions related to the topic we covered. Suddenly, I sensed someone standing in front of me.

"Hey," I looked up to see one of the guys who stood by Mr. Rajah earlier, struggling with the questions, now standing in front of me.

"Hello," I replied.

"I'm one of the students you saved during Mr. Rajah's class. My name's Jackson, but you can call me Jack," he introduced himself.

"Okay," I said, keeping to myself.

"We're free now. If you don't mind, I can show you around," he offered.

"Thanks, I appreciate it, but I'm okay," I declined, not welcoming any unnecessary friendships. He left after seeing I didn't give him much attention.

I could see he wanted to help, but my mother's words echoed in my mind – "Avoid friendship with people you don't know; they might cause harm to you." After he left, my eyes caught sight of a bunch of guys at the back, messing around with a deck of cards. Their clothes were all over the place, like they didn't get the memo on proper dressing. You could tell they weren't the school's poster children for uniform standards. Faces scruffy, eyes sharp, making you wonder if they were up to no good. Cards slapped on the desk, laughter mixed with a bit of menace. They didn't give a hoot about classroom rules; their own set seemed to involve more shuffling and dealing than actual learning. It was like watching a bunch of rebels, deck in hand, turning the class into their private playing ground.

Amid their card game, a tall and handsome guy strolls into the class. The card shuffling halts, and they all stand up as he approaches. Once he takes a seat, they follow suit. It's pretty clear; he's their leader.

While I'm observing this little scene, our eyes lock. He glances at me and asks, "Who is he?"

"Damon," one of the guys responds.

He stands up and heads my way, but just as he's about to reach me, a voice interrupts. A girl rushes into the class, hugging him from behind.

"Jude, why didn't you attend the class?" she questions.

I glance at her face and recognize her as the girl I bumped into on my way to school this morning.

Jude turns to face the girl, Rosie.

"Rosie, I have some business to attend to; that's why," he explains.

"Okay," she replies. "I have something to show you." They both head out.

I recall my encounter with Rosie earlier when I was coming into the school this morning. The air is thick with intrigue, and I can't help but wonder what's going on with these two.

While observing them heading out, I notice the rest of the boys eyeing my direction.

"Hello, Damon," the class rep calls. I turn to see Linda, the class representative.

"Hey," I replied.

"I'm Linda, the class representative. I was told to show you around the school by our class coordinator," she informs me.

"Okay," I say, standing up and following her. The day's events unfold, and I find myself stepping into the unknown corridors of this new world.

As Linda guided me through the school, I took a good look around, and true to what I'd heard, Campbell Academy was something else.

The buildings stood tall and proud like they were telling stories of the many students who walked through their halls. The courtyard, a green haven with benches scattered around, invited a breather amidst the daily chaos.

Classrooms were not just rooms; they were learning sanctuaries with boards that held the wisdom of countless lessons. The library, a treasure trove of books, promised a quiet escape from the bustling hallways.

The sports field looked like a battlefield, not in chaos, but in the sense of spirited competition. The basketball court echoed with the cheers of victorious shots, while the track bore witness to countless races, each step telling a tale of determination.

Every corner seemed to have a story, and the whole place painted a picture of not just a school but a beautiful journey waiting to unfold.

After a lengthy stroll with Linda doing most of the talking, we finally come to a stop.

"Don't you talk?" she asks.

"I do," I responded.

"You've been silent. Which school are you from?" she inquires.

Just as I'm contemplating a response, the closing bell rings.

"Sorry, I've got to go," I say, leaving her behind and making my way to class to unload my belongings. The day's encounters leave me with a mix of curiosity and a need to find my own space in this new chapter of my life.

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