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Wanted by the Rogue Alpha.

Wanted by the Rogue Alpha.



"Is that what you want, Terra? I wouldn't change my mind if you come crawling to me later for mercy." He spoke, his voice cold and sharp. I could see the threat and raw danger in his eyes. I wanted to change my mind, but then I remembered this man was notorious for having a long array of concubines. Even though I didn't fully understand what this mate bonding was all about, I knew it was very dangerous to commit myself fully to such a man. He was evil. We could never be together. With raw determination, I broke myself loose from his grip and spoke, my voice clear as day. "I, Terra, thereby reject you Alonso as my mate". And I spat on the ground in front of me. There was no use adding the "Alpha" title. Forbidden steamy romance between a hot headed female wolf and an arrogant rogue Alpha who's bent on having her at all cost even if it means breaking her and risking her hatred.

Chapter 1 Escaping.

Terra's POV.

"I hear he's approaching the East Coast. We need to run faster, your highness". Elda, our guard, urged urgently.

He was the only guard who had refused to sell his allegiance and had chosen to take the risk of escaping with us.

Even though he was gradually going, he was losing blood from virtually every part of his body sustained from the cuts and gunshots he had gotten while on our way, he still urged us to walk faster.

My name is Terra Rudolph. I am soon to be nineteen years old and the daughter of an Alpha.

My parents were the Alpha and Luna of the Sunset Bane pack.

Except that we had received news a few hours ago that my father had been murdered and the throne taken over, which makes me an ordinary wolf and citizen already.

What exactly were we running away from?

We were escaping from the rogue Alpha, Alpha Alonso.

A man whom the mention of his name alone sent able-bodied men hiding their genitals in fear and women screaming and running back to their shelters.

Alpha Alonso ruled the Southern, eastern, and northern kingdoms, while my father ruled over the western kingdom, the Sunset Bane pack.

He had been named by everyone as a ' rogue Alpha' for the unspeakable things he did, and imagine my parent's horrific reaction when he had suddenly declared his interest in me three years ago.

Well, it was my fault. I had rebelliously gone out hunting against my parent's warning and gotten discovered by the Alpha.

My father had immediately ordered that my mother take me far away from his reach, and that was how our endless escape of running from place to place had begun.

Just yesterday, he had visited my father's kingdom, murdered him and forcefully took over his throne while still on the wild goose hunt for me.

Well, I hadn't been so surprised by the news.

With the manner he had been buying over the royal guards and every wolf in my father's pack to his side, I knew it was only a matter of time before my father was murdered and his kingdom taken over.

"Mom, I'm feeling tired already. I don't think I can continue any longer." I yelled tiredly at my mother, slowing down my pace.

I was honestly so tired.

"Sorry, Terra, but you can't give up now. That wild monster would definitely catch up with us if we decide to take a moment to rest".

"Mom, even if it's just for a minute. I swear I can no longer-"

My speech was cut short by the loud groan of our guard behind us.

"What is it?". I asked in an alarmed tone, running towards his side.

"M-my princess..." He called breathlessly, his knees falling to the ground.

"Elda, please talk to me. What is it"? My mother joined us where we stood.

"I-I have just been shot with a poisonous arrow".

"Ah!". My mother and I screamed out in unison.

The poisonous arrow was a rare arrow only used by royalty and the royal guards. Once it hits its victim, it wouldn't take up to ten minutes before such a person would give up the ghost.

"S-so what do we do now? Do you want us to get treatment for you? We must do things quickly because this means they are not far from us any longer." My mother said in a shaky voice.

I could tell she was about to break into tears.

I wanted to hug her very tight and tell her everything was going to be okay, but I was feeling very exhausted and didn't believe things were going to be okay anytime soon.

We had been running for the past three years!

"M-my princess, your highness..." Elda stuttered, groaning painfully as he held the affected area he had been shot.

"Run very far away. Run without looking back. I'll be fine on my own and if it be the will of the moon goddess for me to die, so be it".

"Leave you alone here? The gods forbid it!". I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

"Listen to him, Terra. Your stubbornness was the one that put everyone in this situation in the first place." Asena, my wolf, warned in my heart.

"I'll be fine. Now r-run princess. May the moon goddess be with you".

And with that, his voice faded away, and his neck limped to the side. He was dead!

I screamed in agony and fell on his body, refusing to let go.

"Damn you! You rotten son of Lucifer!". I cursed, referring to the very own monster who had put us in this cruel situation.

"It's okay, Terra. We have to run along as he had said, or we'll be in serious danger. May his soul rest in peace." My mother consoled and pulled me up.

I took hold of myself a bit and began to run along, this time faster.

If only I had some supernatural powers, I swear I was not only going to destroy that damned Alpha; I was going to make every single blood of his alive pay...

I was fuming and cursing as I kept running along.

Who the hell did he think he was?

Some almighty who couldn't be touched or destroyed?

I glanced at my mom again and could tell she was getting tired already.

But she hadn't shown it all for me, all for my sake!

I caused all these happening! If only I had listened to my parent's warning.

Well, I had to get a hold of myself and keep running, if not for my sake, but for her sake.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp, piercing pain in my chest. It was as though my heart were being tugged at by some unknown forces.

I could no longer breath and fell to the ground.

"Asena.." I tried to communicate with my wolf to know what was going on, but it suddenly seemed like every form of communication between us had been disconnected. Like I couldn't just reach her, no matter how I tried.

"Mom...mom". I groaned painfully, holding my chest.

"Terra. What is it? What is going on?". My mother asked, full panic in her voice.

"I-I don't know. I can't explain. I feel like my heart is being pulled by some unknown force and I can no longer breath".

"By some unknown force?". My mother repeated.

"Y-yes, and I can no longer communicate with my wolf".

I could see a strange expression pass through my mother's eyes after I spoke...or was it my imagination?

"You can't give up now. Manage it and let's run faster." She urged pleadingly.

The pain grew instantly worse, and I suddenly felt like the unknown force was getting closer.

"N-no, I can't. I'm going to die." My voice began fading.

"Please, Terra. I can see them comin-" I heard my mother's voice calling in the distance.

Suddenly, there was a deafening sound.

Whether it was the sound of a gunshot or a bomb explosion, I couldn't tell.

Then a faint sound of my mother. It sounded like she was in terrible pains.

Was she dying also...?

And just before I gave up finally, I heard the deep masculine voice of someone.

I recognized it.

It was the voice of the one we had been escaping from all this while.

"Mate..." I heard his voice growl.

It sounded rough and possessive, but had a tinge of panic in them.

And with that, everything went completely dark.

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