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My Secret Desire

My Secret Desire

Don Ebuks


The flamboyant heir to the Xi group, Xavier Clashkov, becomes caught up in a web of personal conflict and family expectations in the buzzing city where ambition and desperation mix. Xavier finds himself on a dangerous path as his fiancée Melissa turns out to be an inappropriate match as the pressure to marry grows. A ticking clock and disapproving parents force him to consider an unusual solution: a contract marriage. Chloe Rosett is a strong young lady whose life took an unexpected turn after her family was destroyed in a car accident. Juggling several jobs to provide for her sister and mother who was subjected to a wheelchair. She unexpectedly crosses Xavier's path, and the two set out on a voyage filled with deceit, intrigue, and possibly even unexpected love. Chloe soon learns that her father-in-law was the one who caused her father's untimely death. Will she seek revenge for all the pains the Clashkov family has caused her? Will she succumb to the love she feels for Xavier?

Chapter 1 1

****Chloe POV****

"Please I'll take the job, regardless of the pay" I pleaded, looking into the owner's eyes with desperation. The owner of the restaurant, Mr Brown glanced at me, before heaving a reply. " I wish I could help you, but we only accept College graduates. Your resĂșmĂ© clearly states that you're not qualified for the job."

I pursed my lips together as I clenched my fist in annoyance. "But sir, don't you have another role available? I really need this job" "My hands are tied child" he said to me. And with that, I sauntered away. Back into the streets, on a quest for a new job. My mother was confined to a wheelchair from a ghastly car crash. When i was thirteen years old, my family embarked on a road trip to Utah for a family vacation. Suddenly the brake system to my Dad's car failed, causing it to plunge into a ditch. I and my little sister, Amelia, were lucky to survive the crash unhurt. However, my Dad died in the crash and my mother, paralyzed from the waist down.

I thought about my life and the challenges that were before me. I looked to the ground, and kicked an innocent rock. "What a shitty life" I muttered under my breath whilst taking out a piece of paper from my pocket. "There goes my last stop." I said, crossing the name of the restaurant. I was already working two jobs. I worked as a florist down town during the day and as an assistant at a grocery store in the evening.

I looked down at my phone and smiled, seeing a photo of my mother and sister. My mother was the reason why I was working multiple jobs right now. I was the breadwinner of the family as my sister was still a minor.

I smiled upon seeing a "hiring" sign down the street after hours of walking. However i quickly halted when my phone rang.

I answered, without looking at the call ID.


"Hello" Amelia said in a worried tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my heart skipped a beat.

"It's mum. She just suddenly collapsed."

"Calm down, have you called the hospital?"

"I called already. We are heading to the hospital now in an ambulance." Amelia replied. Her voice drained of emotions.

"I'm on my way." I cursed under my breath.

I booked a taxi, which took me straight to the hospital. I raced up the flight of stairs, as I approached the nurse on duty.

" Good day ma. I'm here for Mrs. Rosemary Rossett." i said, beaming a smile at the nurse on duty. "Go down the hallway, then take the first turn by your left." the lady replied.

"I'm here," . As I opened the curtain to my mother's bed. We couldn't afford to pay for a private room, which left me feeling furious. My mother was hooked to an IV. Amelia was seated beside her.

"Sis, you made it." Amelia rushed me into a hug.

"How is her condition? What did the doctor say?" I asked.

With a weary look, Amelia replied. "It's terrible sis. We need a miracle for mother to get better. I'll go get the doctor now."

I sat on the bed, beside my mother, holding her hands into mine as my thoughts ruminated all over.

"Chloe" came the Doctor's voice which pulled me from my reverie. "Good day Doctor Lennox." I greeted." I see your mother is still asleep, although her condition is more stable now. The result from the test shows she's diabetic and her blood pressure is high."

I felt a wave of anxiety and trepidation wash over me as I gulped. My mother's condition was only getting bad by the day and I needed to find a solution quickly.

"Okay Doctor, what do we need to get mum feeling better" I said, holding back a pool of tears in my eyes. Amelia noticed it and dabbed my face.

Doctor Lennox nodded his head and brought out a paper. "In here, is the total cost and the required forms of treatment for your mother." he said, handing the paper over to me. I took it with shaky hands.

"200,000 thousand Dollars?". My eyes widened in shock at the staggering amount that was needed. "Where are we going to possibly get that kind of money from?" Amelia asked, hugging my side as she sobbed. I felt my stomach twist into a knot. "Okay Doctor. When do we get started?" I asked. As I bit my lips, without a clue as to how I would raise the money.

"As soon as possible Chloe" Doctor Lennox smiled at me. And with that, he spun around and left.

"We don't have that kind of money sis. What are we going to do?" Amelia asked with teary eyes.

"Don't cry, I've got some savings. That should get us started with mum's treatment while I look for the rest." I assured her. My voice laced with confidence. "Here take this," pulling out a $50 bill. Use it to buy some food for yourself and mum when she wakes up. It's almost time for my evening shift." I pulled Amelia into a hug and kissed her hair. She had sapphire colored eyes, chestnut hair with a charming smile, just like our Dad.

"Hey girl" Zoe snapped her fingers in my face. I was lost in my thoughts as I had zoned out. "What's wrong Chloe? What are you always thinking of?" her voice laced with concern. Zoe was my childhood friend.

"I'm fine, It's nothing." I lied. Trying to avoid more questions from her. Zoe was always curious. I guess, that trait earned her the moniker "Brainy."

"Don't try lying to me Chloe" She said, cupping my cheeks into her hands. With a grin across her face. "I know you've been through a lot lately, just know that everything is going to be okay."

"Thanks love." I sighed. I really needed those words of encouragement. Whenever I felt low, Zoe was always there.

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