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Amore mio

Iris a girl troubled by demons and has never known the love of a father finds love in a place which was where all problems started will she be able to overcome her demons and be happy with the one she loves. Alex, an alpha of the most powerful pack in the world has been waiting for his mate only to find her in a girl who was human or so he thought. Read and find out how Iris and Alex discover the truth and overcome all obstacles in their battle for love

Chapter 1 The begining

Iris pov

As I watched the jet land on the runway in the house, I felt nauseous knowing that I was going to spend my remaining year in high school in America more specifically in Las Vegas also known as "the Sin City" the place where my whole life was ruined. My cousin Edward had been at home for the past two weeks since he found out I was coming to Las Vegas and him being here is the only thing i am looking forward to in Las Vegas and hopefully with him here it will be better.

Iris, welcome home said Edward

This doesn't feel like home

Don't worry with me here you not going to miss Spain

I hope so

Come on you must be starving I've prepared your favorite foods and desert.

For the next two weeks I didn't leave the house because I was very nervous about going to school and Edward decided that I had to go to school the next day being Monday and we had a very long argument about which I lost. So tomorrow I am going back to school. Sorry I've been ranting without introducing myself my name is Elena Iris Valdez, my father is the richest man in Europe and one of the richest in the world so it is expected of me to be the best because my father is the best and I am mindful of my behavior so right from birth I was groomed to be the perfect heiress and I was the perfect heiress and daughter until the "incident" that changed my life forever.

Today is the day I go to school, Edward and I went to school and the moment I walked in to the school I felt so many eyes on me and I was nervous about the amount of attention I was getting which is weird because I was trained to be in the spotlight. Edward took me to the principals' office where his secretary gave me my schedule. I met Edward at his locker which was thankfully next to mine.

Hey, got your schedule?


What's wrong?


I know you

Fine i...

Hey Edward whos' the hot chick a blonde guy said

She's not a chick she's my cousin

Really then introduce us

Iris this Ben, Ben this Iris my cousin

Ben is a friend of mine

Nice to meet you Ben

Chapter Two

The pleasure is mine. So how do you like Demonco high school and being here in Vegas

If I am honest, I don't like Vegas hell I don't even like America.

Really most people like America

Well I'm not most people but don't worry I 'll survive

Well that's enough chit-chat Iris I have to get you to class so come on let's go.


Surprising, classes before lunch were uneventful apart from the occasional staring which was annoying, I had first period with Edward and third period with Ben but the rest of my classes before lunch were alone, but I was meeting them at the cafeteria. The moment I entered I spotted them at a table with four other people I think he (Edward) saw me because he walked towards me and dragged me to sit with them.

So, guys this is my cousin Iris

Iris this is Josh, Kale, Sarah and Bella

Its' nice to meet you all

Pleasure's ours

So, what do you want to have?


Nothing? What do you mean nothing?

I can't eat anything now


She's' on a diet Edward said

Are you a model? Sara asked

No. I am on a diet because I recently had a heart transplant

Oh, am sorry kale and the others said


Did it hurt? Bella asked

Did what hurt?

You know, the operation

Bella! Why would you ask that Ben said?

It's fine and no. I was sedated and was on painkillers.

We talked till it was time for classes. After school Edward dropped me off at home and left saying he had business to attended to.

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