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Fire and Ice the Saga of the Seventh Daughter

Fire and Ice the Saga of the Seventh Daughter



A young woman is thrust into a world of magic sexual desires and tyranny. Will she be able to fulfill he destiny and overthrow her dark warlord fathers tyrannical rule? Will her twin brother follow in his father's footstep? Or will she win the hearts of her fated mates and overcome free the people her father enslaved?

Chapter 1 The beginning

The night was dark and stormy, the winds howled; ice and rain battered the castle and

surrounding area with a ferocity never seen before. Queen Vivienne labored in her chambers as the midwife and servants rushed about. The queen's sister threw the door to her chamber open and stormed to the side of the bed. "It will be soon the child will be born this night." The servant said. "And the queen's fate will be upon her." The solemn servant said glancing down at the ground.

The king had handed down a death sentence for the queen if she bore yet another daughter and

not a male heir to the throne. Six daughters have already been born to the king and queen, the king was furious at this outcome and raged at his wife that her life would be forfeit if no heir were born this time.

The queen's sister Lady Alesia was the head midwife serving her for all the previous births. In

the kingdom of Aldar woman born of the mystic powers where enslaved. Only men of the mystic powers were allowed to live privileged lives of high rank and power. The queen had been born the seventh daughter of the noble house of Callister. She was the strongest of her sisters and the most beautiful. With long golden hair flowing to her waist, bright blue eyes that sparked with power, and skin as fair as snow. What the king did not know though was the prophecy of the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. And the fact terrified the queen and her sister. Lady Alesia had used her powers on her sister early in the pregnancy and confirmed that there were in fact two babies, one girl and one boy. A fact that they kept to themselves. They had a plan, and it was crucial that they succeed or not only will the queen's life be forfeit but also the girl child as well. As the labor progressed and the pain intensified lady Alesia made a tonic to ease the pain. But before she handed it to the queen, she tapped the rim of the glass with ring on her finger and a secret compartment in the ring opened and a white powder poured into the tonic this had to work it was their only hope.

"Drink this down dear sister it will ease the labor pains." Lady Alesia said. Queen Viviene quickly drank the mixture down and prayed her sister was right and this plan would work their very lives depended on it. The pain soon lessened.

"Thank You dear sister, it is working very well." Queen Viviene exclaimed.

"The first baby is almost here dear sister it is time to push." Lady Alesia said. Within several minutes the first child was born. It was a boy as Lady Alesia had said it would be. The other midwives grabbed the baby up, cleaned him off and rushed him to the king to confirm that an heir was born. As the boy child was rushed out of the room and brought before the king, Queen Viviene began to give birth to her second child. The seventh daughter of a seventh daughter.

As the servants rushed the wailing child to King Dracon, all the court bared witness as they presented him with the boy. "Test him now minister, Let the whole court bear witness to the mystic powers that will bless our dear heir." The minister quickly stepped up to the wailing infant and rested his hand upon the infant's head. A fire shone brightly in the infant's eyes; as the minister removed his hand the light faded, and the infant cried again.

"Your majesty the prince is gifted

with the fire powers and is of a very high level." Minister Jove exclaimed.

"Your majesty the prince will be feared and respected by all and bring great fortune and prosperity to our lands." Minister Jove added to his proclamation. All the witnesses of the court

cheered in celebration for the good fortune their future ruler will bring upon the kingdom.

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