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The story is about love, trust, royalty and submission in dating and marriages

Chapter 1 Empty Promise.


Episode 01.

Tell me what you understand by love, trust, royalty and submission?

Tell me what you know about pain, betrayal, anger, trauma and lies?

Is there any another word you can use to qualify any of this feelings?

I'm watching my life fades away everyday and I'm yet to understand why...just why me?

Is a common question that people ask when they don't understand why bad thing happened to them

When you have been good all your life and expects good in returns but suddenly all your expectations and hopes are dashed like a broken Calabash that can not be mended again.

If I could change the hand of time, I will go back to the day I met Tony.

Yes, I will go back to that day and remain at home. I'm willing to stay home, mob the whole house, cook food for all my Kinsmen, weed a wide land acres covered with thorn bushes, I'm ready to do anything just to avoid meeting Tony.

There are house chores I hate to do but I will be so happy if that's what I have to do to avoid setting my eyes on him.

People say divorce is not an option.

They told me that Tony was my cross to bear but for how long do I supposed to live like this? Is this what marriage is all about? Is this what the over hype word on marriage is really all about?

Well if so, I don't want to be married in my next world. I want to live and be happy with myself or can't I be happy without getting married?

Let me tell you how it all started. I can remember so clearly how I met Tony and got married to my suppose prince in a shining armor.

It started in May 13 2007. I remember so vividly. That was the day it all began.

I have finished late with a board meeting with my company where my boss had concluded the meeting with my transfer letter to Jalingo, just for me to go and foresee our branch over there.

That day I was angry, bitter and sad that my boss concluded so fast and did not give me much options or choice. He did not even care to know if I'm ready for such task or not.

I protested and kept sending email to my boss not to transfer me. I even told him that I was a lady and many harm could come to me during the cause of my transfer.

Their were many other staffs to send but he kept insisting that he found me worthy for the job in Jalingo. i will be made the regional manager which comes with lots of benefits.

I even went to him the day he came to the office since he was not always around. I went to him pleading and giving different excuses on why I can't go to Jalingo but my boss do not want to hear of it.

He said a good accommodation, salary increase and a calm working environment is attached to the offer but I was still not ready and was willing to turn it all down.

At the end, I did not have much choice rather than to go.

Is either to resign or to relocate for the main time to Jalingo. I choose rather to go than resign.

Is been over five years that I have been working for my company.

After I finished from university I joined them and later went for my Masters degree programme. It was after masters that I was given the post of a regional manager.

I thought of Isreal and how he will take the news of my transfer. And just like I predicted it did not go down well.

But sometimes his opinion doesn't really count to me. I like him a lot and we have been in a relationship for sometime.

He wasn't in my league or levels but I choose to be with him and remind him of that anytime he misbehave.

Isreal loves me with his life. He apologise both when I'm wrong and when he is wrong. He was a great cook and does all my biddings.

He practically worships me which is well expected. I'm beautiful, classy and rich. Coolvalstories I'm also a Lekki big girl. I mingle with my class even my friends knows that.

Some wonder why I'm dating Somebody like Isreal. Only Diane supports me and encourages me not to leave Isreal because the guy was a nice guy and very rare.

I'm of a high league while Isreal is just a HND holder who works in a common bank as a teller.

His salary is not even up to my wardrobe or traveling allowance.

Isreal was willing to share his salary into two and give me the largest part.

He cooks most weekends and bring to my house in Lekki. He buys gifts, foodstuffs and bring to me.

I'm not much of a cook but my fridge is always stalked up with different food prepared by Isreal. This are more reasons why I love him and decided to keep him.

He was good looking but his level wasn't close to mine and no matter what he does I always find reason to disqualify him.

I wish he was of same league with mine but he wasn't and I feel ashamed to introduce him as my man to people.

I love Isreal for many reasons.

I watch him breakdown after I told him I was moving to Jalingo.

I promised him that we will keep in touch always and I will find time to travel down to see him. I promised him that I will never hurt him. He begged me to remember every of my promises to him and I assured him that I will.

I parked up that early morning with Isreal's help, he made sure I had enough food that will last me all through my journey. He took the whole night to cook and stored in foodflask for me. I kissed him goodbye that morning. He wiped a tear and asked me to remember my promises and I told him I will.

I entered my car and drove off hoping to keep my promise to Isreal.

And that was how my journey began, i have to leave Israel. the man i was in a relationship with, i have to leave my Lekki big girls club where i had lots of friends, i have to leave my comfortable house to Jalingo.


Episode 02.

My first week in Jalingo was far from been cool. I try to cope even though I do not have a choice than to do that.

The house was okay, I have a gate man in my staff quarters but he does not speak good English but only understand few. He picks as his English so slow. He was a typical Hausa with yellow colored teeth.

I used my first week to tour round Jalingo. I located where the gas station is, the local market, restaurants, a spar, a salon, supermarkets and many other places.

I resumed work and was welcomed by the staffs in Jalingo. They really try to make me feel welcome. Despite all this I was still missing Lagos.

I and Israel kept in touch. He calls me almost every second to know how I'm doing and he reminds me that I'm always in his prayers.

I wasn't much of a praying type but I was happy to have somebody like Israel who is always looking out for me.

I told him how much I miss his cooking and how much I missed all the things he use to do for me. he told me to invite him over then he will come and spend one week and with that he will be able to cook and fill my fridge with different foods.

I waved the idea of inviting him over but I promised him that I will do that soon. Let me first settle down with the state and it's weather and environment.

The people in Jalingo were very nice but majority of them speaks in their local dialect except for the educated one.

Some days I will start wishing that I'm back to Lagos, chilling in my Lekki apartment. Having my girls around me.

Diane was my close friend. We all stay in Lekki together. She was equally a big girl.

Diane was dating a rich and famous guy who was very handsome. Sometimes I just imagine that I'm Diane dating such a nice looking young and rich man.

I wish I'm the one that has such a fine man instead of what I have. Israel did not belong at all in my league. Some of my friends wonder why I was even dating him. Although he was good looking but not up to the standard of the kind of men I move with.

Most of my friends said I should dump him and look for my class to date, only Diane was against such.

She will advise me not to leave Israel because he was a nice man and very rare.

Diane said I I should stop looking for class and league and focus on the good side of Israel.

Diane will be giving me advice that she can not take. She was comfortable with her handsome rich boyfriend and she is asking me to stick to my wretched man who is not upto my standard.

But sometime I think Diane has a point while many other time I assume she was all wrong. She says all that matters is that Israel was a good man who loves me and was ready to do anything for me. well, I believe that Diane was right. Israel is ready to do anything for me all he needs me to do was to just open my mouth and say It and it will be done.

I was not much of a cook. I can make delicious noodles. That was the best thing I cook so well. I don't even like cooking. Cooking is not my hobby and I hate to indulge in such task.

My nails will get ruined and a lot of things can go wrong within the time I'm in the kitchen.

Israel use to make food for me but here I am in Jalingo. Israel was far from me so I have to find a way to survive.

I asked my colleagues at work to help me find a good cook and a cleaner. Someone that knows how to speak English fluently or even if is pidgin but she must be a good cook and they promised to do that.

One day I drove down to a supermarket to get something. As I came down from my car I saw this fine man coming down from his own car too. He was very handsome and his car was so classic.

I watch him from where I stand and as he tries to look at my direction I quickly looked away.

He entered the supermarket and I followed him. I decided to pick things from the shelf close to where this handsome man was standing and checking out fine perfumes.

After picking what he came to buy he moved to the counter and paid up.

All this while I was after him, wishing he will just say hello to me. I stood behind him and waited patiently.

After he was done paying he walked out.

I asked the cashier to hurry up and pack my things. I just wanted to catch up with the stranger before he drives off. But before I will step out he was gone.

I was very angry as I went home.

Israel called to check up on me and I became mad at him. I took out my whole frustration on Israel who did not know what he did wrong.

"Ava, what have I done this time? Honey please whatever it maybe I'm sorry. I hate it when you are sad. Please...don't be sad again.

Israel try all he could but I was raging as if he was the cause of my problem.

Even me, I did not understand why I was so mad. I know is meeting the fine man at the supermarket who did not respond to me and drove off even before I will rushed outside. It was all because of him that I was so angry. Israel had nothing to do with it but he was always the escape goat.

I even refused to talk to Israel for two days but i later resumed again and accepted his apology even though he was innocent.

I began to go to the supermarket often and that was how I met the man the second time but he only gave me a smile which was far better than nothing at all.

It was during our third meeting in the supermarket that I decided to approach him.

Just like a bolt of lightning, unexpectedly, everything started changing the moment I met him the third time


Episode 03.

" Hey, you again. If not that is a supermarket I could have asked " why are you stalking me?" I said to him with a bumming smile on my face. He smiled back at me and moved closer to where I stood.

" I can become your lifetime stalker if you will let me. You are so beautiful and I was a little shy to say hello on the first and second day that I set my eyes on you"...

I blushed and looked away before I will faint under his gaze.

He was good with words and definitely knows how to use it.

He swept me off my feet with his every word and actions.

I looked away and tries to control my tumbling heart.

" You are an epitome of beauty, endowed with so much finest. You can be mistaken for a goddess. I think I'm the luckiest man alive to behold your elegance. Your mother must be the Queen of her kingdom to have birthed a fine wine as you..."

I was enjoying the moment and did not want him to stop showering me with praises. I was melting gently under his strong romantic voice and his overdose cuteness.

"...I wish to know you more princess. My name is Tony and I'm single looking for who to mingle with. What is your beautiful name...?"

" Avala. That's my name."

He smiled at me, expressing his fine set of teeth.

" What a beautiful princess with a beautiful name. I feel so lucky to meet you." He said with his hands stretched out dramatically.

" is a pleasure to meet you too Tony.

We spoke for sometime, exchange contacts and went on our way.

That was how Tony stepped into my life like a prince in a shining armour.

We both agreed to go on our first date. I was so excited and took enough time to select my clothes and makeup.

He was around just in time and had to wait for me to round up.

When I stepped out he couldn't look away as he marvels at my beautiful appearance.

He took me to one of the best and expensive restaurant in Jalingo.

He ordered for wine and all sort of dish.

We ate to our satisfaction and when the waiter brought our total bills to us.

It was quiet huge, he fumble in his pockets as if he was searching for something.

I silently looked on, wondering what he was searching for.

I ended up asking

" is everything okay... did you misplaced anything?"

He looked up at me wearing a shock face. I was almost worried and wondered what could be the problem not until he said.

" Baby...I just misplaced my credit card. The only card i planned to pay with. I...don't know how it disappear from me. Shit...this is really terrible. How am i going to pay for all this now?. What we ate and the wine we took...how do I pay now that my card is missing..."

It was quiet sad but it was not a big deal like he was making it seem.

" Maybe it fell into the car. It probably dropped in the car without you knowing. Why not go and check for it there...I mean later. Don't worry about the bills, I got it covered.

He looks at me with shock as I brought out my Mastercard and pay up the bill.

We left and as he got into the car he checked round, I even joined him to search for his missing credit card but we found nothing.

We relaxed back and just believed that the card is probably lost. He said he will call his account officer to block the card and issue him another one.

Tony later took my hands into his and said.

" Baby...I don't know what I will do without you. You compliment me in everything. Thank you for taking care of the bills...I will make it up to you. Is quiet embarrassing that my card got missing at the wrong time but I'm so relieved to have someone like you. I adore you Avala....I love you from my inside out and I promised to always make you smile. I promised you that baby....

I smile while listening to him.

As he speaks, all I wanted to do was to bury myself in his strong arms. Tony was handsome and I was seriously tripping for his cuteness.

" Hey Tony...that's nothing. Really! I know if not for your missing card you would have paid up...I don't really count it as anything. Believe me when I say that is absolutely nothing.

He gave a satisfying smile before bending over to kiss me on the lips.

I enjoyed the kiss and even wish is more.

He took me to many other sight seeing places and I paid for all the entry fees, bought many other things we had.

We both had a great time before he drove me back home. I asked him to come in but he said he will do that next time. He promised to come over by the following weekend and we will have a great time together. And by then we will also get to know each other better.

I looked forward to having him again, Tony makes me happy. I know his level is far higher than Israel.

Israel called me that night after me and Tony's outing. I felt irritated seeing his calls again.

He was calling earlier when I was out with Tony during the day but I silent his call and turn my phone into silent mood. And seeing his call again that night disgust me.

I allowed my phone to ring and stop. after three missed calls, on the fourth one I picked up.

" yes Israel. What is it. Why do you keep calling me none stop...

"Ava, what is my offence this time. What did I do wrong. I'm sorry honey, whatever it maybe that is annoying you please forgive me as always. I was so worried about you. I haven't been myself ever since I couldn't reach you. You know that you are my happiness, hearing from you and knowing that you are alright makes me very happy."

I gave a heavy sigh, rolled my eyes at his long talk before saying.

" Israel, you have to learn how to respect my privacy. I don't enjoy this continues calls from you. I'm a very busy person you should know that. I need to go to bed now."

He later said with a broken voice.

" I'm so sorry honey. Alright goodnight my Love. Sleep well...you are always in my prayers and I love you dearly."

I could have reply but I chose to ignore. I ended the call and went to bed.

All I wanted that night was to dream of Tony. Israel is not a problem to me. I know how to handle him. Tony is all that matters and he is beginning to occupy every part of my heart.

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