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Billionaire's Maid (His Babies Mama)

Billionaire's Maid (His Babies Mama)

kathy silver


BLURB/SYNOPSIS Alexa Steven has always dreamt about her future, having the perfect man, having a grand wedding and most of all having the best children. Though she wasn't that perfect she still hoped for a perfect tomorrow until that fateful day. A day she will never forget, a day she lost everything she has and all her dream chatters, she no longer has a dream. She was just a body with no soul. Alan Bill was a very hardworking and intelligent man, he doesn't have time for relationships which spark different rumors all over the country. To everybody he was the perfect billionaire which was nicknamed "The City Bachelor", but underneath all these perfect lifestyles lies a fragile man who has been hunted by the past due to what he did. Alexa was able to secure a job as a maid in Alan's Mansion. Different secrets started to unravel after their meeting.

Chapter 1 Raped

Alexa was grinning happily as she walked into the school with her friend.

"I can't believe senior Blake we ask you to be his prom date, you are such a lucky girl" her friend Belle said.

"Was surprised too," she said, putting her hair behind her ear.

"I just don't feel too good about this, Blake is a very popular boy, he had a lot of girls running after him, I just don't know why he decided to choose you" Belle said.

"Are you looking down on me?" Alexa asks with a frown.

"No, I am not, but let be honest, no one knows we exist in this school, we were able to get in through scholarship, Blake is the son of a multimillionaire, so why will he decided to choose you when there are some prettier rich popular girls in school" Belle said.

"I can't believe my friend is saying all these to me, I think it is about time we stop looking down on ourselves, I will be in class " she said walking away, it was obvious she was angry.

"She wouldn't listen, " Belle groaned before running after her.





Immediately after the lecturer left the class, a junior came in. He was holding a paper. He handed it to Alexa before going out.

"Meet me in the lab, love" was written in the paper. She smiled cutely before going out.



She looks around and makes sure no one is watching before entering the lab. It seems empty, which makes her wonder if maybe she hasn't read the message well.

"I have been waiting" a voice said behind her and a hand wrapped around her. She blushed lightly.

"I came the moment I received the letter," she said.

"I just miss you and I can't wait for tonight's prom," he said with a smile.

"Me too" she said and he hugged her.

"So are you preparing?" He asked gently.

"Yes, my mom is buying my dress already," she said.

"You mom is buying your dress" he asked In disbelief.

"Yeah, she always bought all my dresses, she is a good stylist, " she said.

"Oh, I gotta go, see you tonight at 8pm" he said and pecked her.

"Can't you take your romance somewhere else, someone is trying to sleep " Alan said standing up from a table.

"Alan mind your business," Blake said, rolling his eyes.

"A junior huh" he mutters with an annoying smirk, he looks toward Alexa and chuckles when he sees her staring at the floor.

"AN innocent one" he said again before diverting his eyes from her, he walked out immediately.

"Don't mind Alan, he is sick" Blake said and she nodded gently.





Alexa's Apartment

"You look so good, I am sure your date wouldn't be able to look away, " her mother said.

She was sitting in front of the mirror while her mom doll up her face. She applied some make up which Alexa hasn't tried in her life.

"Don't be perfect," she said with a cute smile.

"Wow mom is this me" she said looking at herself, she was looking so different, she looked so hot in the red fitted gown that her mom bought for her.

"It you my princess, now go to the prom and come back as the prom queen" her mother said.

"That can never be possible, " she said.

"When is your date coming, it is almost 8pm" her mum said after checking the time.

"He might be busy, I am sure I will soon come," she muttered. They waited for more than thirty minutes but he wasn't coming.

"I don't think he is still coming, try calling him," her mother said.

"I have been calling him but his line is not going through" she said sadly. A text message entered her phone immediately and she smiled when she saw it was from him.

"Sorry darling, I have been busy, I can't take you with me, can you come please, the address we will be sent to," the message said.

"Okay" she texted sadly, she has always dreamt of her prom date carrying her in his car but it seems it is not coming true.

"That's so bad of him," her mom said with a scoff.

"He is not like that, he was just very busy, I will board a taxi" she said and the address was sent to her phone immediately.

"Take care" her mom said and peck her, she puts on her high heels and walks slowly out of the house.

"Don't walk too fast to avoid falling, " her mom yelled behind her.

"Okay mom" she yelled back and boarded a taxi showing him the address.





Diva's Club

The taxi stop in front of the club and she slowly came down, the club was bustling already and the noise coming from the student was distracting. She suddenly lost the conference to go in, the fact that they are her seniors was making her so afraid. She took in enough courage and walked inside the club. It was occupied by students because they book everywhere. She looks at everything going on, it is more like a clubbing rather than a prom. Some students are in the corner smooching so hard without caring about the world, she squeezes her face because of that.

"Holy Moly , who is that?" Mel, Alan's best friend said, which made him look in the direction. The alcohol he was about to drink stopped halfway as he stared at her.

"She is Blake's girl," he said, his eyes still looking at her.

"She looks so beautiful and confused," Mel said.

"Hot and innocent too," he said, sipping from his alcohol.

"Are you interested in her?" Mel asked with judging eyes.

"You know I don't do junior, " he said, finally looking away from her.

"Wait, what is going on, Blake actually came with Amelia, so why is she here?" Mel said with confusion.

"What do you mean?" Alan asked curiously.

"I think something interesting is going to happen and I can't wait for it," he said with a smile. Alan continues to watch her.

Alexa walks around the club looking for Blake, she keeps squeezing out among the drunk teenagers.

"Hey girl, why are you walking alone, you can come and have fun with me" a guy said grabbing hold of her hand.

"Not interested " she said trying to remove her hand but the man was holding tight.

"Why don't you just leave her, she said she is not interested " a voice said behind him. The guy turned back ready for a fight but calmed down when she saw Alan.

"Sorry man" he said, raising his hand in surrender before moving away from her.

"Thanks" she mutters gently.

"Quit walking around and find somewhere to sit," he said before leaving her. Her eyes suddenly went to Blake, he was sitting at a corner with his friend, he didn't see her. She walks toward him, he looks a little shocked when he sees her.

"Alexa you are here" he said checking her out.

"I have been looking for you, " she said with a pout.

"Sorry about that, you are looking so good " he said sincerely, he wasn't expecting her to look this good, he can see the way other guys are looking at her. She looks down with a blush.

"Blake" Amelia called, coming to them, she suddenly felt immense jealousy when she saw Alexa.

"Oh she is here, have you told her already baby" she said and Alexa looked at them in confusion. Blake did not say anything.

"Oh I see you haven't, I will tell her myself " she said and walked to a place where everyone could see her.

"Blake wasn't In Love with you, all the affection he showed was fake, it was actually a dare among us, we dared him to date you and bring you here and he did" she said with a wicked grin. A lot of people has started looking at her.

"Is that true?" She asked him.

"Alexa I am sorry," he apologized, while avoiding her eyes.

"So it's true " she said sadly and started going but Amelia's voice stopped her.

"He also tells us how your mom bought clothes for you, you are still a baby girl, grown up" she said and the student started laughing. She took to her heel running out of the club immediately.

"Alexa! Alexa!! I am sorry " he said, going after her but Amelia grabbed his hand.

"Are you trying to follow her?" She asked with a scoff but he kept quiet.

"You are so bad, I can't believe you take the dare seriously" his friend said with a chuckle. He gently sat down with mixed feelings.

"What was this feeling he was experiencing? He didn't know, maybe it was guilt but all he knows is that he is not proud of what he has done like he has expected himself to be.





Outside The Club

Alexa sat down on a bench,she remembered what had happened and cleaned the tears streaming out of her face.

Belle warned her about this but she was too blind to see, she couldn't imagine coming to school after the humiliation, she actually saw some student making videos, she was sure it would be all over the school by tomorrow.

"I hate myself for being too dumb," she said, crying more but she quickly clears the tears when she hears footsteps.

"Clean your tears, pretty Ladies don't cry, they aren't worth your tears" a voice said, he was in the darkness so she didn't know who the person was.

"It hurts so much," she said while sniffing.

"I know, but you don't have to show it, don't let people see your weakness, come in and act like nothing happened" the person said and threw a handkerchief at her before returning back to the club.

"Thanks" she mutters gently and stands up, she walks nervously into the club and all the attention turns to her but for a short period of time because everyone faces their business. She feel an eyes on her and looked toward it to see Alan looking at her, surprisingly he didn't look away even after their eyes met, he continued staring, making her uncomfortable.

"You went out to see her right? I know you are interested in her" Mel said beside him but he ignores.

An Hour Later

Alexa stood up and carried her stuff. The party was still going on but she knew she had to go home. The moment she came out of the club and started walking the dark corridor and a handkerchief was used to cover her nose from behind, she immediately fell down. She saw how two guys carried her but she couldn't even move a limb, she couldn't talk, she just watched as they took her to a room. She was placed on the bed. A lot was going on in her mind but she was too terrified to react. Drunk Alan was drag in, he was smiling and all his face red.

"I saw the way you have been staring at her, so here she is, do whatever you want with her '' Mel said before excusing himself, leaving only the two of them. Alan was too drunk to think, he walked closer and lied beside her, he started caressing her body, she tried to fight back but she couldn't move her body, she felt so helpless. He removed her clothes and she became naked to his lustful eyes. His clothes are gone within a few minutes. He climb on top of her and set his d**k to her s*x, he rammed in at once breaking her hymen.

He looked at her face and saw the tears trickling down her cheeks.


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