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Born To Be A Slave

Born To Be A Slave

Naomi Mayomi


The fate of the diamond eyed being changed cunningly, results to them dying two days after birth and only the oak tree in the palace could save them, but in return they have to be a sex slave to the crown prince, Arthur Blackwood, the first son of Philip Blackwood, thr king of Veeral Dynasty. Our female lead Marisa being of the diamond eyed falls a victim of being a sex slave too. It's not a matter of choice but compulsiveness. Arthur seeks interst in her, lusting after her too, he wants more of her body and more taste of her too. Things get complicated when his brother Alexander falls for Marisa too. Who gets her at the end? Is love going to win or lust? Will Marisa love Alexander in return? Who is behind the change of the fate of the diamond eyed? Will it be truncated? Now the question is will love win at the end? Dig in to know more.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Theophilus could be see pacing up and down. His wife had been in labour for five days now and still the baby is not showing any single sign of coming out.

He turned around immediately when he heard footsteps. It was one of the midwife's helping hand, Loretta.

"How is my wife doing? How is Marianne doing? I can't lose her please help me." He pleaded almost crying.

Loretta sighed before explaining some things to him. "Theophilus crying won't solve your problems, you don't have to panic. Everything is under control. You just have to find the oak tree leaf for the diamond eyed and bring it here."

The look on Theophilus face changed to a more worried one. "Loretta, are you serious about what you're saying right now?"

"If course I am." She shook her head and sighed. "Your wife gave birth to a diamond eyed girl."


"So we need the oak leaf to prepare a concoction for the baby, if not she does within the space of two days so you have to be snappy, Theo. Find it as soon soon as possible. Your daughter's life is important." Loretta said and left shortly after.

Theophilus sat down started crying. The oak tree only grows in the royal palace and if he wants it that means his daughter will be a slave to the royal crown Prince after nineteen years.

He and his wife had been waiting for this child for years and now that they've gotten her she turns out to be a diamond eyed?

What a big loss!

He wouldn't even benefit from the child, he's just going to waste his money and resources on her and after 19 years, they would come for her.

But it doesn't matter, she's still his daughter and his blood runs in her veins. Would he watch her die just because she's a diamond eyed? No he won't!

He stood up and dusted his butt .

"I have no choice. I just have to do this."


One of the guards announced Theo's presence to the King. The ruler of Veeral Dynasty, King Philip. He is known as the almighty fierce and merciless one and so is his son, Prince Arthur.

He's the first son and he's the heir to the throne. The Crown Prince.

"What business does a commoner like you have here in the palace?" King Philip asked in his ever stern voice.

"Your Majesty, I know I'm not worthy to even step a foot in your gracious palace. I'm a nobody, I know but your help is what I need." Theophilus' voice was shaky all along. He dare not be rude to the king or else he'll have his balls cut right in his face and afterwards he'll be fed to the king's lions .

That's the rules for you.

"What help can King Philip the greatest king on earth offer to you, commoner?" Pholp cast a disgusting look at Theophilus. It's true that he's the greatest King ones earth. Power, riches, glory , authority and majesty sleeps and wakes up with his fucking self.

"My wife gave birth to a diamond eyed baby girl and without the oak tree she does within two days. Please help me, your majesty." Theophilus fell on his face, bowing his head on the floor.

"Well well well.... The King is willing to help you cause anyways I'm not doiyit freely. You know after I help you she'll be a sex slave to my beloved son Arthur, right?"

"Y...yes my king. I know that." Theo stuttered.

"Okay you'll have the oak leaf now. I hope you'll stick to the agreement or else you'll pay dearly for it. You know what I'm capable of doing or should I start telling you about myself?" Philip asked, placing his leg on Theophilus head, pinning him with his golden shoe.

"I.. I would stick to the agreement, Your Majesty. I will." Theophilus managed to say cause his neck was hurting already.

The king summoned one of the guards and he came right away.

"Your Majesty." The later said and bowed before him.

"Take this man to the Royal Garden and give him a leaf of the Oak tree. I guess you know what would be done after 29 years?"

"Yes Your Highness, I do."

Philip waved him away. "You can leave."

"Yes my King." The guard said and left with Theophilus after he thanked the King nonstop.

"Another sex slave, father?" Came the voice of Arthur who was smirking.

"Yes my son. You'll have her 19 years from now."

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