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 “Mr. Smith, my savior “

"Mr. Smith, my savior "



The day after her first wedding anniversary, Linda discovered that her husband and childhood best friend have plotted against her to steal her legacy and family's company. From a CEO to an unfortunate, Linda will be stand by Riley Smith, the CEO of Luxurious. But in return, he proposed her a wedding deal for seven months in order to save his position of CEO and calm his grandmother down. At her utter astonishment, Linda found out that Riley was crushing on her since their childhood. When love has started sparkling between them, Samantha, Riley's sister-in-law who had always crushed on him will be a nightmare for Linda. Will she gain her legacies back ? Will she survive when everything seems against her ? Will she finally live a true love story ? Read on to find out !

Chapter 1 Confused

Today is my 1st wedding anniversary . But I'm restless as I sit in the first-class cabin on a flight home from Italy. Just before losing cell service, I got an anonymous message that's been weighing heavily in my mind. •Unknown number • «Mrs. McKenzie , your husband James is in the room 1230 at Westbridge Hotel. With a woman.» As I mindlessly flip through a magazine , I overhear two young ladies chatting across the aisle from me. "Did you see the new issue of NB ?" "No, not yet. I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet.

Why ?" I glance briefly at the magazine the woman is holding to see a perfect 10 hot man on the cover. "Check out the cover. This guy is Riley Smith, he is like the most eligible bachelor in the world , right now. He comes from a family with a vast business empire that includes aviation, tourism, hotels , you name it." "Wow, that's impressive !" "Well, what he takes most price in is Luxurious , the women clothing business he founded from scratch, which is what got him the cover of NB !" "But how could this guy still single ? I mean at this age and he's so captivating." The more I look at the person the more he becomes familiar. It seems like he is not just someone from TV. Oh my goodness ! Did he come to my wedding? "Well, there are all these rumors about his exes. Apparently, two ex- girlfriends ended up in comas." "Wait , wait ? Two ? I mean one would be weird enough, but two ?" "I guess that is the price you pay for dating a billionaire like him . It must be difficult to enter into that society life as an outsider." "Yeah, I mean , I thought the worst thing in the world was my ex cheating on me, but ending up in a coma beats that one hands down." I let out a long sigh, taking in their conversation and applying to my own situation. And I'm in that society. After, my parents accidental car crash , I became the sole heir of Memorata Enterprise at 234 billion . Things are happening at an overwhelming pace. During that period, tears stained my face daily . Fortunately , my grandmother has always been by my side. She is the only pillar supported me through those dark times. I carried the responsibility of taking care of my family and managing the company my parents built from scratch. For the past four years, I've been more than diligently running it. It was during this time James became my reliable assistant. As fate would have it, we fell in love. The day I promoted him as my COO, he proposed to me. Our one year marriage was happy overall. However... he remained an indifferent attitude towards me, especially in bed. So here I thought I was going to surprise James at our special day, but now that text. I'm surprised that I actually start to waver because of the message, and I'd been imagining all the ways to bust them in the act. If it's true, I'll kick him out of my company and my life at once. Few hours later... I rush to that hotel right after I got off the plane , ready to see the truth with my own eyes. When I arrive at that room, I find the door slightly ajar, the room . The little light there is alluring. Why wouldn't he close the door ? Unless he just ran down the hall to escape or something. I push the door open and am hit with the heavy scent of fragrant intenses as my gaze sweeps the room. I don't detect any movement, but someone could be in the bathroom. I cross the room and pause outside the open bathroom door . A grand bathtub is filled with water, and delicate rose petals float atop with more scatter around the tub like a romantic invitation. "James, stop playing hide and seek !" No one responds , but I spot an ivory card, folded neatly, with my name scrawled across it in my husband's handwriting : My dear , please enjoy everything I've prepared for you. -J An abundant arrangement of vivid, dew-kissed roses is placed by the side, setting the mood just right. "Oh my gosh ! I let that message get to me, but all he wanted to do was surprise me. He knows how stressed out I've been lately." A waves of excitement sends tingles down my spine, followed by curiosity mixed with anticipation. My gaze continues to roam my surroundings until I spot something that makes my head skip a beat. Several sets of sexy lingerie have been meticulously laid out, as if each piece had been specifically chosen for Me. "Oh my... come to mama." I grab a seductive red one . The fabric skims my body like a whispered promise. "Oh James , it's about time." Without warning , a surge of dizziness washes over me , and my vision blurring as the room spins before I lose consciousness. "What's happen-" I have no idea how much time has passed... until a warm body stirs beside me and soft lips with a hint of scruff gently nuzzle behind my ear. "Mmmm, that's nice." My body feels heavier than normal, and I fight a sleep that threatens to pull me under again. His body carries a potent lily notes, unfamiliar yet immensely comforting. "James ?" I asks. I sense him pause for a moment, as if hesitating, before footsteps recede and the door opens and closes. Early morning sun casts the room in a soft glow. And I'm finally awakened by a sudden rush of quick footsteps outside the door. I rub my eyes, trying to piece where I am. The events of last night slowly come back to me. "Here ! Room 1230." Someone shouts behind the door. I'm startled awake by a loud racket and bolt upright to find my hotel room door open and pack of reporters swarming in. "Why are you here, Linda ? Who were you meeting?" One of the reporters asks. "Is your marriage falling apart ? Why would you betray your husband ?" Another one asks. I stare at them unable to grasp what is happening or even what to say. What the hell is going on here ? And why are they accusing me for silly things ? "I don't even know what is happening right now but my marriage is my business!" I answer. "So, are you saying you are having an affair ?" "I didn't say that. You did ." "As CEO of Memorata Enterprise , don't your shareholders have a right to know ?" "I've said it a thousand times already I don't know why you are here. I'm calling James right now!" I say in a cold voice. As I am looking for my phone, James strides into the room. "Linda !" "Oh , thank God you are here. Please tell them-" But instead of coming to my rescue, he hurls a stack of photos at me. "If I hadn't gotten these photos I wouldn't have realized you were having a secret affair here last night. You liar and cheater !" I gather the photos and stare at them, shocked and confused. What the hell ? This is my room but who's on earth is this man ? "This is crazy ! I have no clue at all about that person. Look, I truly don't understand. How did someone get into my room without me knowing? And where were you?" James turns away from me without answering to face the gaggle of reporters. He appears overly confident as if he has been expecting the arrival of this question. "I was working late at the office last night. Little did I know my wife was having a secret meeting here. On our anniversary !" "Someone told me you were here, and you also wrote me a surprise note ! I can explain, the situation is completely different of what you are picturing." "Quit your acting, Linda ! Did I just mention this is a live TV ? Employees from our company, clients and even your grandma might be watching ." Then I notice James a phone in his hand , displaying a real-time video of me panicked! Countless comments drift across the screen.... Hold on, live - streaming ? How did he accurately predict a man leaving my room and even bring reporters ?

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