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Sound of her voice

A poor girl,saved a dying son of a wealthy man,by the sound of her voice.

Chapter 1 Life

Prince Aziza the son of king kubana of ogbogolo community,a very handsome and well behaved man who has never stepped his foot outside his fathers compound,the compound is heavily guarded and king kubana has ordered his guards never to allow his only son Aziza out of the compound,Aziza had everything he wanted in the compound and what they do not have was always delivered to him.on Aziza's 25th birthday king Kubana has made all nessesary arrangements in making it the best prince Aziza has ever had,Aziza had dress up like a slave and left the compound for the first time in his life.

Prince Aziza was amazed seeing the love people share in the community and their tradition, the way they dress the way they talk and he was mostly impressed by the way they dance.

For once in his entire life he was very exited,he decided to see the market,when he bomb into a very beautiful girl who was in trouble in the hands of the market men,Aziza went close and asked please what is her crime,the men said in reply that she had stolen some fruit and bread, and that the law is to cut off one of her hand for stealing.Aziza had no money with him so he played a trick on them and said hey look the prince is coming and they all turned to look, immediately aziza held the girl by her hand and started running, he managed to get rid of the men in pursuit and took the girl to a safe place, then he asked why would a beautiful girl like you steal fruit and bread,she was about to talk when he said there's never enough reason for you to steal please don't steal anymore to keep your hands because they are lovely and soft and you will need them someday, he was about to live when she said wait please what is your name?and he answered Aziza and then he left in a hurry.

On his way home,he was bitten by a snake very close to his fathers gate and was carried in by a guard who saw him from the gate,king Kubana was very upset he fired all the workers and employ new workers but Aziza the prince was in coma for seven days, the king has called all the best doctors but yet none could cure the prince and so he made a public announcement that whosoever can bring his son to life will share with him half of his property.

On the 10th day king kubana's compound was totally crowded with people trying to help prince Aziza but none seem to have any solution to the problem,the girl Aziza saved in the market heard the news about the sudden Illness of the prince but she was not interested in helping until her old grandma mentioned that the name of the prince is Aziza and so when recalled her helper in the market.

She decided to visit the palace getting there she came out with a loud voice saying i wish to have a moment with the prince maybe i could bring him back to life,everyone started laughing some who knew her started calling her a thief, the guards were just about to push her away when they heard the voice of king kubana saying,she wants to try, let her try, go on my daughter he said. And she went to the carpet where prince Aziza was laid held his hand and started singing,

See me as your brother

See me as your sister

Two are better than one

Because they have rewards for there labour

If two are together they have heat

So how can one be warm alone

See me as your brother

See me as your sister

God didn't create a man to stand on his own

A friend loveth at all times

A brother is born for treasures

A student who's perfectly train will end up being a teacher covenant relationship covenant partnership so see me as your lover.

And immediately Aziza the prince woke up and saw her singing with tears on her eyes and he held her up and said thank you.

The hole crowd were amazed,king kubana got up and thank you please tell me what do you want apart from the property i have promised tell me anything and i will do it for you, and she said i want nothing from you my king.

With shock Aziza asked her for her name and she said my name is Life.

Prince Aziza help her in front of his father and asked for his father's blessings that he wants to marry Life.

His father the king turned to her and ask her if she will marry his son the prince and she said yes.

So he asked them to bow and then he gave them his blessings with his hands on them both.

The community has heard all about what had happened in the kings palace and it was a shocking but most romantic day,so the news went into the hears of life's grandma and when she heard that her daughter was to be the wife of the kings only son she was totally happy overwhelm with joy with tears on her eyes and so she started dancing,after some time she sat down and started to think of the times when life her grand daughter will always bring bad news and trouble to the house one after the other and she will cry and beg the people for forgiveness,and them she started thinking of life's parents burst into deep tears and asked herself were are they now,i wish they were here to see what glory there daughter has brought back home after all this years of hardship and suffering, case were life her grand daughter has to go out to steal food before they could eat even as she did not like what life was doing to provide food she could not stop her because it was the only way they could survive at that moment,she heard a knock on the door and went to open it and she saw life,prince Aziza and king Kubana and she rushed and hug life.

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Sound of her voice

Chapter 1 Life
