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Inlove with the supposed enemy

Inlove with the supposed enemy

Claret Gwens


If her doom could just come happened to be her alter most desire. Living with a cruel aunt her life was subjected to hell. A slave in her own home, who was sent out of the house the night which happens to be the vampires last night of search. The search of the seventh human sacrifice. Layla was abducted as a victim, though their initial motive was using her as a sacrificial lamb, her courage, boldness and bravery made lord Duncan, the vampire's Lord also the Lord of the sun to have a change of mind. She was sent on a thirty days mission to detect. To detect the deadly secret which have kept lord Tyrrell the Wolf's lord over 290 years. Along the line, they fell for each other, just while their love blossomed, she appeared. The fire goddess, Tyrrell's betrothed from birth. It was a war between four worlds apart as layla happened to be the great goddess of the twelve great rivers, though unknown to her, also a hybrid. What happened when the four world crossed path? The vampire The wolfs Fire goddess( a strong deity) The river goddess (a hybrid)? Will their love ever continue?

Chapter 1 1

You have to go get that money and I care not how but you must provide the money and that in thirty minutes you worthless and useless id*t the voice thundered and she took three paces backwards in fright.

Tears formed in her eyes as her little lips vibrated seeking the right word to use, taking so long could not find her tongue, she stood motionless and stared at the aggressive face before her, waiting... Yea waiting for her doom.

Layla, aren't you the one am talking to?

You don't have to stand there.....Turn to wherever you're coming from and be back soon with the money The voice spoke again, this time more fierce and scary.

I'm...I... sorry.....erm.....am sorry anty, you know it's late and I can't find the money anywhere now, I promise to get you the money first thing tomorrow morning, Layla stuttered, tears rolling down her cheek.

Well till that tomorrow morning, the voice simmered slamming the door on her.

Anti...Please she wailed while she fell to the ground.

She's not surprised though, she's already accustomed to such but the pain she sees every day makes her wish she never existed.

Growing up as an orphan under the care of a cruel and mean aunt she has truly seen the real definition of suffering

And even as she walked down the lane with her trypan sobbing and wiping her tears with the edge of her torn and dirty gown, she already knew her fate.

Though it still saddens her that after fifteen years of staying with this woman, she is never tired of ill-treating her neither is she ever making plans to quit.






Layla, a teenage girl of seventeen, tall slim and beautiful, can be crazy but nature humbled her, her kind of life is what one will never wish an enemy, living with her one and only family who cared less about her existence.

A mean mother of three who subjects her to all kinds of painful life to provide a comfortable environment for her kids.

The children have gone to school while she was sent to go and hawk fresh oranges in the big market around. After a hectic day at the market, running and hopping in others to catch up with customers under the scorching sun and heavy rain,

she was so excited going home that afternoon hadn't sold up before her given time,

When she boomed on some girls dancing,

something she has ever loved to do, she stopped to learn one or two steps from them.

What caught her attention?

The girls seem to be of the same age and height as her also she loves dancing.

Their steps are amazing though not compared to mine....I think I should teach them some of mine. She thought within smiling broadly all to herself

Guess you love dancing? a voice came from behind

Yea, she answered nodding her head and not taking her eyes off the girls.

Then you can join them, the voice comes again

Really? She asked, turning to look at the voice for the first time.

her eyes wide open, she wasn't expecting that.

Sure you can, the girl shrugged smiling at her surprised look.

Am sure going to kill this beat she thought as she dropped off her traypan and her little black purse which contained all the money from the day's sales.

She jumped onto the stage, and swayed around, leaving everyone including the audience shocked.

with her amazing steps, most of the girls stopped to watch her, beaming with smiles and awarding her applauds as they cheered her performance while some who felt they were as good as she was or even better vowed to win her, as if it was a contest.

Thus her reasons to display her very best as she always said and believed "Layla no dey carry last"

So carried away with the fun and joy she hadn't experienced in a long time, that she forgot she was coming from the market.

At the end of the day, she discovered her money had been taken away.





After crying and pleading with the aunty who paid deaf ears she stood and staggered out of the compound, having no destination in mind and also no hope of paying her aunt money the next day.

There's this protest within her as all the spirits of hunger and thirst agreed on having their last annual meeting within her,

The people will ask when the rain dropped the next morning and that her tears as she wept uncontrollably


Another world

In a hall-like room was seen a mighty throne so high and was occupied by a dead-looking young man, handsome though with a terrifying smirk.

Situated around are his cabinets, observing the final meeting regarding the seventh human sacrifice.

My lord, the sacrifice is tomorrow and we are yet to find a human, the first voice spoke with a bow,

My lord, give us the power to invade the human world and fetch the seventh sacrifice, the second voice spoke also with a bow.

My lord......Enough the supposed lord cuts off the words of the third person.

We should be discussing more important things now than the sacrifice, he scoffed without raising his brow.

He has a deep masculine voice which has a way of silencing every other once it arrives.

But my Lord what is more important than the sacrifice now? Asked the first voice though not bold enough.

He shot him a wicked glare which was replaced by a sweet smile in a short while.

I never knew you could ask that, but I will answer you.


Another world.

A very beautiful garden, beaming with the colourful flowers around, the breeze was slow and sweet and I guess that's why lord Tyrrell is still sited out though it has passed his usual time outside.

He stared continually at a particular place, though one would think he watched the butterflies perching around but no he was lost in thought.

My lord, this was sent from the lord of the sun, a masculine voice said, he knew already it was liams his messenger.

Am sorry my Lord, I shouldn't have come now but the message is very urgent and important. The voice spoke again.

The Lord of the Sun has always sent one particular message, and am sure this isn't different, what's the message, lord Tyrrell said more like a whisper, is just been his style, he never speaks loud.

He informs the moon to get set for they're coming for war.....as usual lord Tyrrell cuts in, that have been the message since the demise of my find.

Turned to face liams, I am afraid, this person is far way stronger than us. He said with a facial expression depicting freight

But we are wolves.....And they are vampires, he cuts in again.

I need to rest, he said sitting conformably on his chair and it melted away including him.

Over the years, these vampires have been a threat, who will save us? Liam lamented before he transformed into a hawk and flew away.


She walked lost in thought on the lonely path which led to the market, the pedestrians were very few only motor drivers who drove recklessly occupied the road.

Soon one of the cars failed to break, tried so hard to control the speed but ended up on Layla who never noticed it despite the shouts and screams from passersby.


Her blood filled the road and parts of her hands were chopped off, she heard screams and cries from people but to her, that's the best.

She is happy she's dying at least finally free from bully.

I'm joining my lovely parents and for once will be cared for she concluded before she finally passed out.


Woke up on a foamy and soft bed, the environment sparkling.

Awwnn, this place looks finer than the earth, the lands of the dead, no wonder Mom and Dad were quick to join her, she thought immediately she woke to behold the beauty of the room in which she was.

I should just have a look around she thought again, stood from her bed and walked around feeling the smoothness of the hall with her hands.

Snake she shrieked immediately after she saw the snake hanging on the window,

Getting out she threw the bed lamp at the snake who made no move, instead the bed lamp was forced back to its place,

Jesus she yelped falling back to the bed,

You don't have to be afraid, am not here to hurt you the snake said crawling down

Snake talk? how possible is that she muttered her heart beats faster,

I am not a snake so don't call me one the snake said immediately it transformed into a teenage boy.

What???? Layla screamed feeling more perplexed, how did I get here,

That will be answered later but for now, come with me ......why?......why should I come with a snake human? is that how they act in the land of the dead she thought?

Are you a magician? Spoke out loud and the boy smiled.

I am not, and again, this is not the land of the dead, neither are your parents here, he answered still smiling.

Do you read mind also? Layla gasped, so many strange things here or should I say about you

Come with me he said ignoring the question while he walked towards the door, he stood, faced the door and it gave way

Again, Layla screamed before she ran past the boy

And where are you running to?

To where you're taking me of course.

I should lead the way,


I am the one directing you not the other way round.

Never, who knows the next mysterious thing you will be doing behind me, just keep saying, right, left, straight with that I will lead the way.

That's crazy the boy said as they continued.


8Master here is she, the boy spoke bowing before the lord(Duncan)

She isn't the one to take her back, the lord said

Never, she is not going back, she is not, she can become one please Layla begged to fall on her kneel.

I have suffered much as an orphan under a wicked aunt, please let me stay here and don't send me away please she begged.

Lord Duncan raised his brow and looked at her, he was impressed by her courage and so he figured that she could be of a better use than sacrifice.

Take her away,

Thank you she was saying while the boy held her hand and off they went.

Appeared in a beautiful place more like a zoo, she watched as the animals played with themselves

How did you do that?

Do you also fly?

That isn't flying, we teleported the boy replied..... Here have some food he said presenting a covered plate

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