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The Billionaireā€™s Fake Wife

The Billionaire's Fake Wife



In other to please his mother and gain full heritage of his father's company, james makes a deal with emily .


Rain drummed against the large windows of the Sterling mansion, mirroring the storm brewing within its walls. Alexander Sterling stood in his father's grand study, the walls adorned with accolades and memories of the Sterling legacy. The scent of aged leather and polished wood lingered in the air as he contemplated the weight of his impending responsibilities.

His father, Richard Sterling, entered the room, a seasoned executive with a distinguished air about him. The lines on his face told tales of a life dedicated to building a corporate empire.

"Alexander, the time has come for me to step down and pass on the reins of Sterling Corporation," Richard declared, his voice carrying the wisdom of years in the business world.

Alexander's eyes widened in surprise. "But Dad, you've built this company. I'm not sure I'm ready."

"You are more than ready, my son," Richard reassured, placing a firm hand on Alexander's shoulder. "However, there's a storm on the horizon. Your step-brother, Stephen, is a formidable opponent and of course a nuisance and as my eldest and legal child I want and know you will do well but it would be so unfair and unreasonable to just hand over the company to you. And also to run a company one must be wise and matured so I have come up with the conclusion that whosoever gets married first and proves to be responsible i shall hand over the company. I have discussed with your brother and he has expressed his willingness to settle down but I fear he cannot handle the company well and it would crumble under his rule.

'Get married' that was nearly impossible for Alex. Since he found out that his girlfriend Rihanna was cheating on him with his step brother, he vowed never to fall in love ever again. But then he hated his brother so much that he was not ready to lose the company to him even though he was already financially independent. So in that dimly lit study,Alexander unfolded a strategy involving a strategic alliance, a marriage to strengthen the company's position. But still he hesitated, absorbing the gravity of the proposal.

"Dad, marriage? I never imagined it would come to this," Alexander confessed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Richard nodded solemnly. "This is not a decision taken lightly, Alex. It's about securing the future, not just for you but for the generations that will follow. We need someone who can stand with you, someone who won't buckle under the pressure."

The following day, Alexander discussed the plan with his mother, Eleanor, whose determination to protect the family legacy mirrored his father's. The search for a suitable candidate began.

Later that week, Alexander sought solace and advice from his best friend, William. They sat in the dimly lit bar, glasses clinking as the weight of the proposal hung in the air.

"Will, my father wants me to marry to secure the company," Alexander confessed, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid in his glass.

William leaned forward, concern etched on his face. "Marriage? Alex, are you sure about this? It's a huge commitment, not just for the company but for you personally."

"I know, Will. But it's the only way to protect what Dad has built and besides i can't let my stupid excuse of a brother get the company over me Stephen won't hesitate to destroy everything," Alexander replied, frustration evident in his voice.

'I must do something about it will I am going to get my self a wife'

' marriage is not a business deal that can be secured in matter of minutes Alex, it takes time I don't want you to jump into something you are not ready for' Will advised

'No worries i know exactly what to do '

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