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The Tainted Alpha

The Tainted Alpha



I struggle slightly with the terrible pain at my waist and my head. It shouldn't hurt after death but it did hurt. I force my eyes open just to meet with another pair of eyes. Silver ones that belong to an elderly woman. Not so elderly but she's obviously far older than I am."You tried to kill yourself." She smiles and presses a hot cloth on my head. I try to groan and yell out in pain but nothing comes out of my mouth. She presses the cloth on my legs as well and my waist. "Why would you want to kill yourself?" She asks, still pressing the hot cloth on my body. It hurts badly but even a sigh doesn't escape my lips. "Is she alright?" A tall broad man walks in. For a moment I didn't see his face, just his chest because he's way out of my line of sight but with every step he takes closer his face becomes more and more visible."She's still recovering. She's awake now but she's still In pain." The woman says to him. He stands not so far away with his gray eyes glued to me like he's studying me or something. I try to talk, to ask where I am and who they are but nothing comes out. With each attempt, I feel my body growing weaker.The plan was to die and not get rescued by strangers who do not look familiar at all. They aren't members of my pack but they could be of another pack. Why are they holding me?. "Make sure she recovers fast." The man says in a commanding tone and leaves. I stare at the woman who only wears a smile on her face. She dips the cloth in water and presses it softly on my thighs. It isn't as hot as it was. The little time she conversed with whoever that man was, made the water turn warm. "You really shouldn't take suicide as an option because it isn't." She utters. I try to speak but nothing comes fort. Like my vocal cord doesn't exist anymore or like I've lost my ability to even talk. A lot of questions are running through my mind and with each passing second, I feel more and more anxious. I look around the room we are in. It's a small room with barely anything, just the bed I lay on and a small chair and a table and a curtain blocking the rays of the sun from passing through the small window. What is this place? Why am I here? How did they find me? All I remember is letting myself fall and hitting the hard ground and I'm sure I passed out right after that. Everything else is a blur. ○○○○○ Running away from her dreadful uncle and dreadful pack, Hazel decides to end her life. Only to be saved by people from a pack. Soon she discovers her mate is the alpha of the pack but what she thought would be a life of bliss turns into her worst nightmare. Her mate constantly rejects her. After a near death experience and Kyle thought he would lose his mate Hazel, he decides to open up and tell her the reason why he chooses to resent her. Turns out, Kyle has played a major role in Hazel's life misery. Will she still choose him after everything and stand by his side to break the deal he has with a demon or will she leave him out of anger that she feels. ○○○○○ An exciting tale of Kyle's and Hazel's love story filled with bumps, fears, betrayals, obstacles. Will they overcome the fierceness that strives to break them or will they suffer in pain and agony?

Chapter 1 DEATH

The raindrops hit my skin angrily. Like it's passing a message of "You ain't supposed to walk under me" but then I can't care less.

My head spins around with thoughts of how sad life has become here.

Everything was once rosy but now, even a shit hole is better.

The cold drops serve as a way to cool my skin and maybe even cool my life and just make me feel at peace for once.

The road is deserted since everyone has taken shelter at the pack house for safety.

Except me.

I'm the only one with such gut to walk under the rain along this road that leads to the woods.

I'm quite aware I'm walking to my death but isn't it better?

To just die and leave all this behind.

I stride along the road with my hands in the pocket of the hoodie I have on.

The road is dark and lonely and who knows what lurking around it.

Maybe rogues or some vengeful wolf.

It doesn't take time before I get in the middle of the woods with tall trees surrounding me. I turn to look around, there's nothing in sight, just pure darkness. No normal wolf would be able to see in such darkness but I can.

I can do a lot more than a normal wolf but being a female, I've gotten a lot more discrimination than I can count.

No one even values me at least for my bloodline.

I walk further and further into the woods, with my feet pressing on leaves and even getting stained with mud.

The rain doesn't stop me. The harshness of its drops doesn't stop me.

I don't have a destination, but I'll keep walking. I plan to die today. No one will know when I die. I can die in peace and not face this hell of a life.

I get to the edge. Like a cliff very high from the ground. If I fall from this point there's not a chance I will survive and that's what I want. I want to die. Yes, I'm a coward for giving up so easily but having no one who believes in me or who serves as a friend or family, I would rather die.

I close my eyes, with memories of my life playing in my head. I take in deep breaths and take my right leg away from the ground to the open space where I would fall. If I move my second leg, I'll be off and dead.

Slowly, I move my second leg. With my eyes still closed, I feel my body falling and crashing harshly on the ground.


I struggle slightly with the terrible pain in my waist and my head. It shouldn't hurt after death but it did hurt.

I force my eyes open just to meet with another pair of eyes. Silver ones that belong to an elderly woman. Not so elderly but she's far older than I am."You tried to kill yourself." She smiles and presses a hot cloth on my head.

I try to groan and yell out in pain but nothing comes out of my mouth.

She presses the cloth on my legs as well as my waist.

"Why would you want to kill yourself?" She asks, still pressing the hot cloth on my body. It hurts badly but even a sigh doesn't escape my lips.

"Is she alright?" A tall broad man walks in. For a moment I didn't see his face, just his chest because he's way out of my line of sight but with every step he takes closer his face becomes more and more visible."She's still recovering. She's awake now but she's still In pain." The woman says to him.

He stands not so far away with his grey eyes glued to me like he's studying me or something.

I try to talk, to ask where I am and who they are but nothing comes out.

With each attempt, I feel my body growing weaker. The plan was to die and not get rescued by strangers who did not look familiar at all. They aren't members of my pack but they could be of another pack.

Why are they holding me?

"Make sure she recovers fast." The man says in a commanding tone and leaves.

I stare at the woman who only wears a smile on her face. She dips the cloth in water and presses it softly on my thighs. It isn't as hot as it was. The little time she conversed with whoever that man was, made the water turn warm.

"You really shouldn't take suicide as an option because it isn't." She utters.

I try to speak but nothing comes forth. Like my vocal cords don't exist anymore or like I've lost my ability to even talk.

A lot of questions are running through my mind and with each passing second, I feel more and more anxious.

I look around the room we are in. It's a small room with barely anything, just the bed I lay on a small chair and a table and a curtain blocking the rays of the sun from passing through the small window.

What is this place? Why am I here? How did they find me? All I remember is letting myself fall and hitting the hard ground and I'm sure I passed out right after that. Everything else is a blur. I can't remember a single thing. For some reason, I began to feel tired and sleepy. I let the sleep consume me since I can't fight it.


I got up forcefully. My body didn't ache anymore, at least not like before. Just that my elbow feels sore and that's it.

There's no one in the room but me and the only thing that comes to my mind is to escape. Run away.

I take tiny steps to the door and place my ear on it to try and hear anything from the other side. It's one of my abilities to be able to hear from a distance. I hear nothing like not even a soul lingering outside. Slowly, I turn the door knob and open the door. I shut it quietly trying to guess the right path to follow. There's not even a trace of scent in the hallways like the place is deserted. I walk as fast as I can away from the room and eventually out of the building. The building is large but old and a few pieces of it falling off.

I sniff the area for any scent but there's none and it's strange because before I passed out I saw two people. The woman and the man. Now there is not a single trace of anyone's scent. How?

"Trying to run?" A voice stops me dead in my tracks. I turn slowly to meet with the same pair of grey eyes. The same man who walked into the room earlier.

I tried to sniff his scent but I couldn't.

Have I lost my ability to smell?

"Where were you going?" He asks with a fake smile on his face. I don't reply, I just look away with conflicting thoughts in my head.

"Get back inside." He commands. I glare at him, staring at him with so much seriousness.

"Who are you?" I say after a long while of not being able to utter a word.

"Get back inside." He says again but I ignore him and try to run but get caught by some men who at the man's command take me back to my room.

"Let go of me" I yell struggling to break free from the grip of the two men beside me. Who am I kidding?

At this point, these men are far stronger than I am. I've not fully recovered and so, my strength hasn't been fully restored either.

The men dump me on the bed and shut the door. I hear some clicking sounds like they had locked the door before leaving.

Now I'm getting tense. I can't seem to understand why these people won't let me go. Why can't I sniff their scent or even hear them from a distance?

I look around the room for some sort of escape but there is none. Except for the window which has a strong iron burglary.

The doorknob begins to turn in a funny manner, so I return to the bed and sit innocently like I wasn't planning my escape a few seconds ago.

The man with the grey eyes comes in. This time his long gray hair catches my attention. For some reason, I can't remember him having such hair earlier but now, his head is fully adorned with long grey hair.

Another man comes through the door behind him and instantly, all I could feel was.....

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