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Laurel's Lover

Laurel's Lover



Laurel's Lover takes place in Tuscany where Laurel Rossetti has moved from Millers Creek, North Carolina and flown cross-country to Tuscany, she inherits her grandmother's estate and the family business, and lives with her cousin and best friend. Laurel keeps having dreams of an Italian man that totally drives her insane with lust. Little did Laurel know this man, this man she keeps dreaming about, is real, and he truly was the man of her dreams.

Chapter 1 Laurel

Laurel lived in the countryside of Tuscany where she owned a winery, her Mediterranean house was beautiful it was made of stone with a cute white picket fence that went around the whole house and the roof was made of terracotta, it had big spacious rooms with Italian Barbara marble throughout, a huge kitchen, a large living room, and big rooms upstairs with on suite bathrooms. Her property was amazing, her driveway was lined with cedar trees, she had olive trees, an orchard of every fruit, and she even had almond trees.

Laurel couldn't believe she was living in Italy and owning her own slice of heaven and now she is doing it! What choice did she have? Why was she going to stay in loveless, abusive marriage, no matter what she tried to make the marriage work, or how much she tried to make it work, or how much therapy, counseling, she went by herself with her ex-husband it didn't matter anything was going to fix the hurt, pain, scars, or damage that was done to her. She had enough of his cheating she felt totally betrayed and lost all trust in him. Their marriage was doomed from the start, and they married way too young and straight out of high school and their tempers didn't mix, he was stubborn, and she was Italian, and they both tried to make it work with gifts, trips, and date night, it just wasn't meant to be. The last and final straw for her was when Lorelei went to visit her ex at work and found banging his secretary on his desk Lorelei was so angry, she picked a stapler on his desk and threw at his head, luckily, she missed, and it went flying out the office window! The next day she took all his clothes and belongings and put them into the fire pit and burned them to nothing, she packed all her clothes and belongings and left him and stayed at her parents' until she figured out what to do next, about two weeks later she files for divorce and takes Lucas for everything he owns, the mansion, his money, his cars, and their vacation house in Maui, and all the stocks he owned. Lucas was broke, homeless, and he had no cars. She knew that Lucas would bounce back from this whole mess and go crawling back to his rich snooty parents for money, after selling their mansion, his cars, and his stocks, she kept the mansion in Maui for herself, she decided to pack up all her clothes that she could fit in her suitcases and booked a flight to Italy. Her grandma just passed away and Lorelei inherited the house and the winery. She was very excited about her new life, it was a new beginning, and she couldn't wait to start her life in Italy.

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