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Ti Amor (I Love You)

Ti Amor (I Love You)



After Ashley's boyfriend broke up with her, she left to cool off her head, but bumped into Tristan Thompson, a young handsome billionaire who has also came to the park to clear his head too. Their first meeting wasn't pleasant one and the two prayed to never cross path again. But what happened when fate has planned out their lives? What happened when Ashley found herself stuck with the icy billionaire?

Chapter 1 Heart break

Chapter one

Exploring the dreamland, the loud bang on the door jolted me back from my deep slumber, and forcing my eyes open, I realized that it was already daybreak.

"Only heaven knows how you always manage to sleep this long. I remember you told me to wake you up by 5am, that you'll be having an interview? Aren't you going for it again?" That's my best friend, Ruby.

I groaned tiredly, sitting up on the bed tiredly. I wished she could just let me get some more sleep, but hell no! My crazy friend won't just let me sleep. Dragging myself out of the bed, I dragged myself sleepily into the bathroom and banged the door hard behind me, frowning my face deeply. I had a quick bath.

It's my boyfriend's birthday today, that was why I asked Ruby to wake me up, but I lied to her that I was going for an interview. Heaven knows that she wouldn't have bothered to wake me up if she gets to know that I was going to see Jayden. Well, Jayden and I have been together for three years, and trust me when I say that I love him, I do badly. For some reason best known to Ruby, she doesn't like my handsome boyfriend, no matter how much I have tried to convince her that Jayden is a good guy. I don't know why she hates her so much, but not that I care though. What matters is that we love each other, so other people's opinions don't matters.

Stepping into the room, I met Ruby typing away her time on the computer. I wonder if she ever gets tired of typing, I mean I feel for her fingers. Just so you know, Ruby is a novel writer and has written many books, and trust me when I say she's talented, she really is. She is earning pretty well from her novel writing. I always wished that I have the same talent that can earn me money, but it's not my fault that I was born a dummy, right?

"Have you made food already?" I asked, walking over to the mirror and sitting down on the dressing chair.

"What normal human being does is to say good morning when they wake up, and not the other way round. Have you greeted me this morning?" She asked, not sparing me a glance and her fingers never stopped moving on the keyboards, as they clicked on the buttons speedily. I wonder how she manages to type so fast and accurately, well what can I say? She's gifted.

"Oh please, don't lecture me. It's too early for that. Where's my food, please?" I rolled my eyes, and I heard her scoff while shaking her head.

"Check the kitchen, I left some food there for you," She said, throwing a glance at me and taking her attention back to her laptop, while I just rolled my eyes. After I was done applying lotion to my skin carefully, I finally walked over to my closet and threw it open, revealing my clothes which were neatly arranged inside it. I ran my eyes through them, but heck! None of them seem to catch my attention.

"Mind helping me out with choosing something to wear?" I turned to her and asked. She sighed, looking frustrated. One thing I have noticed about her is that when she is writing her novel, she hates distraction, and too bad she can't avoid that with me around.

"I thought you were going to an interview and not some special occasion? Why not just select your usual cooperate dress and leave me the hell alone, Ashley? You're getting me distracted, girl. I told you that I have a deadline to meet," She groaned frustratingly and I rolled my eyes. After searching the closet for a few more minutes, I finally settled on a pair of blue long jeans trousers and a white T-shirt, after which I picked a pair of white sneakers to match the dress. A few minutes later, I was all dressed for my boyfriend's birthday.

"How do I look?" I asked Ruby, checking myself out in the mirror.

"You look as beautiful as always, so can you leave me alone now?" She replied, not sparing me a glance.

"Alright, I'll be on my way now, see you later," I said, picking up my handbag which was laying on the dressing table. Of course, I already have a gift prepared inside it for Jayden. I'm just going to give him a surprise visit.

"Good luck with your interview," I heard her say as I exited the room.

My name is Ashley Roxanne, the only child of my poor parents, they're both late though. I'm a school dropout, I couldn't continue school because I had no money to sponsor myself. I have no family, except for my best friend that took me in to leave with her. This is how I've been living my life for years now. Ruby rented and pays for the house we both live in, she takes care of my bills, and feeds me, because I haven't gotten a job yet. I don't know if I had done anything wrong, but the rate at which I was rejected by companies, even to work as a cleaner, is alarming.

Stepping out of our apartment, I strode down the road before stopping a cab, which took me straight to Jayden's house. After paying the cabby, I stepped out of the car and brought out the wrapped gift I had bought for him, it was a wristwatch. A smile laced up my lips, and I headed straight to his apartment. Jayden lives alone in his apartment. Unlike me, Jayden is from a wealthy home, his parents are wealthy and gave him everything. I wonder why he had decided to live alone.

Placing a soft knock on the door, I got no reply so I pushed it open and walked inside.

"Where's he?" I asked no one in particular, before heading to the staircase, making my way to his room. Stopping in front of his room, I smiled at the wristwatch before pushing the door open without knocking but froze on my spot at the sight I beheld. There was the man I love with everything in me, making out with another woman. I wanted to surprise him but turns out that I was the one that was surprised.

"Jayden!" I called shockingly, my hands dropping beside me as tears welled up in my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and I couldn't help the scoff that tore through my throat. He didn't look like he felt remorseful for what he had done.

"How dare you, Jayden!" I yelled angrily, as the tears in my eyes finally found their way out.

"Please, Ashley, this is my house, you have no right whatsoever to come here and yell at me," He said, standing up from the bed, while the bitch he was making out with, sat shamelessly on the bed with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Jay...Jayden..." I called with my shaky voice and he scoffed.

"I thought you said you loved me?" I managed to ask, and he burst into laughter.

"Wait! Don't tell me you believed that? Oh my God! That's crazy. Even if I told you that, you shouldn't have believed me. Look at me, Ashley..., does it look like you're my type? We're from two different worlds, and we'll never work out. I can never have a pauper..." I couldn't hold it anymore, so I sent a slap across his face.

"I hate you!" I spat on his face and threw the wristwatch on his body.

"Happy birthday," I said and pushed him away before running out of the room. I can't believe he did this to me, I should've known that he never loved me, I should've listened to Ruby when she told me that he was a jerk.

Stopping a cab, I hopped in and told the cabby my destination. I just need to clear my head and going home won't help me a bit. All through the drive, I couldn't help the tears that keeps flooding down my cheeks, each time his words rang in my head.

"We're here, ma'am," The cabby's voice brought me back to reality.

"Thank you," I said, stepping out of the car after paying him and he zoomed off. I sighed softly, walked over to the bench that was at the park, and let my weight down it. The park was as calm and cool as always, perfect for my mood.

Staring into space, I couldn't help the scoff that keeps tearing through my throat as the thought of Jayden filled my mind. The sound of my ringing phone pulled my attention and bringing it out of my pocket, it turned out that it was a strange number that was calling me. I picked up the call, but couldn't hear the person, and standing up to get reception around, I bashed into someone and our phones fell on the floor.

"Are you blind or something?" I flared up angrily whoever it was, bending down and picking up my phone.

"You were the one that bashed into me," I heard a masculine voice, and raising my gaze to check who it was, I was welcomed by a pair of deep blue eyes, glaring hard at me...

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