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Yesterday's Loved

Yesterday's Loved



"I can't stay still, walking back and forth. If only someone was with me now, I know their eyes would hurt watching me. I've been waiting for him since earlier, but he took so long to come. Feeling tired, I sat on the couch, but I stood up immediately as the front door opened, and he walked in. He's finally home. "Where have you been?" I asked my husband as he arrived late. Yes, I've been waiting for him. It's already 2:03 in the morning, and he just decided to come home now. Nothing new in his actions. I even get home earlier than him – from work, while he comes from his school. No emotion showed on his face, and he just continued walking without responding to me. "Lazel Hyrroz," I sternly uttered his name. I followed him into his room. He unbuttoned his uniform after casually dropping his backpack on the bed. "I'm tired. Don't bother me now," he said coldly, avoiding eye contact. "That's why I'm asking why you're only coming home now and where you've been at this hour," I questioned him firmly. He took off his white polo, leaving only his undershirt. "You know? You have a lot of roles in my life," he sarcastically remarked, facing me. His face remained emotionless, and the way he looked at me seemed indifferent. "You're not just a mother, sister, or brother. Now, your role is a strict father who waited for his son who didn't come home last night but decided to show up now," he added, grinning. "You've grown up, Lazel Hyrroz. Even if you're no longer under your parents' care, remember that there's still someone who cares about you," I stated. "You? Do you care about me? I'm just your husband on paper, and I never asked you to worry about me. I told you from the beginning not to interfere, and I'll do the same to you," he said sternly. That's just how he is – hard-hearted and indifferent to me or my feelings. "Lazel Hyrroz..." "If you have nothing else to say, leave, Lola," he insultingly called me Lola this time. I sighed, acknowledging his disrespectful behavior. I turned away as he removed his white undershirt. "You've seen my body. So, why are you still avoiding me? I know you liked what we did last night, didn't you? You took advantage of me while I was drunk," he insinuated, and those words felt like a slap. My chest tightened violently. "Before you sleep, take a bath or wash your body. If you haven't eaten, just heat the food that I cooked earlier," I said, hearing his mocking laugh and the creaking of the bed as a sign that he sat down. "Yes, Manang," he said mockingly, using another insult this time. I closed his room door gently, pausing for a moment before leaning against it. Tears threatened to spill, weighing heavily on my chest. Is this the reason he came home so late? Because in over a year, something happened between us only once? We were both drunk, and I can't remember anything about that night. I questioned myself. How long will we be like this, Lazel Hyrroz? *** When I wake up every morning, my uniform is neatly prepared on the sofa bed, and my black shoes are polished. In the kitchen, there's food ready, with a sticky note on the fridge. I took it and read the neat handwriting. Despite that, I still dislike it. "Don't forget to eat your breakfast before you go to school, Lazel Hyrroz." -Calysta After reading it, I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash bin. I opened the fridge, grabbed a cold water bottle, and finished its contents. I glanced at the prepared breakfast on the table, but as usual, I left it untouched. I entered the university with an empty stomach, but it's okay; Hanemira usually shares her food with me. That's where I usually have my breakfast. "You didn't have breakfast again, huh?" I just smiled at her question and slowly smiled. Simultaneously, she held my hand, handing me a spoon. She also had my lunch box. "I still cooked it." Her cooking wasn't the best, but I appreciated it because she's the girl I like. *** When I got home, I expected to find her in the living room, busy with her laptop, drinking coffee. "You didn't eat your breakfast again. You didn't even touch them," she greeted me. I raised the corner of my lips. I've memorized those words since she always says them to me. "Who told you to cook my breakfast?" I asked, hearing her sigh again. Honestly, I don't feel anything for her. I don't like her, and I will never love a woman ten years older than me. We only got married because she's wealthier than my family, and our company needed her. That's the only reason I endure living in this cramped house. That's what I feel. I ignored her and went upstairs, but before that, I stopped to ask her about this. "For you, what is love?" She furrowed her brows, confused by my question. "Why are you asking me that?" she asked back. "I just want to know your opinion. What does love mean to you?" I asked, genuinely interested in her perspective on love. "Love ruins a person's life." I raised an eyebrow at her statement. How does it r

Chapter 1 1

Calysta Daniella Calvantes' Point of View

I absentmindedly play with the pen in my fingers. Inside my office are Papa and Grandpa Ced, seated side by side while I relax on the single sofa.

Lolo Ced noisily sips his coffee latte, specially ordered from Starbucks through my secretary. Meanwhile, Papa occupies himself with reading a magazine. They've come to visit me right in the middle of my work.

"You'll be marrying one of the Valdiviño family's children, Calysta," my Papa says.

We've already discussed this at the mansion with Papa and Lolo Ced, but it seems they're reminding me once again. It's as if they're in a hurry.

They are the ones choosing the man I'll marry. I won't complain about their decision since they know I have no intention of settling down. I prioritize my company and work.

I don't have time to go on dates with men I have no interest in getting to know.

"How many children does the Valdiviño family have, Papa?" I ask him. Truth be told, I have no interest in that family.

According to what they told me, the Valdiviño company is not being run properly and is on the verge of sinking, like a ship in the midst of a strong storm or crisis.

Their business is on the brink of closure, which is also why they planned for our marriage – to help them navigate through the crisis in their lives.

"Three, but he's the eldest son," my father replies, and I glance at Lolo. Maybe he has something to add to my question.

"He's the eldest grandson, dear," Lolo Ced says with a smile. I nod and don't ask further. They've already said enough.

I don't care about the man they've chosen, especially not his appearance. Even if I don't know or haven't seen him, I have no interest. I'm not picky. I just don't have time to entertain suitors, especially those who still send me flowers and chocolates, a gesture I find irritating.

"Daddy insisted on a civil wedding first, Calysta. Your grand wedding day can wait," I simply nodded in response. I'll follow their wishes. As mentioned earlier, I won't complain. Besides, they wouldn't choose someone they dislike.

"Any questions about the man you're marrying, dear?" Grandpa asked me tenderly. I shrugged and casually shook my head.

"We'll be the ones to tell you, child. Your grandpa and I know you don't really care about a man's physical appearance. Do you know Valiant University?" Papa inquired. What does that school have to do with the Valdiviño family's child?

I'm familiar with Valiant University; I've seen it on TV, praising its beautiful environment.

"The university where the affluent study?" Instead of a direct answer, I countered with a question. I licked my lower lip and nodded gently. "I know it's beautiful there. So, is he a professor or the President of VU? Dean?" I asked them, and both of them shook their heads. "If not, what does he do there?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He's a student there, Calysta." I nodded again.

"A Master's Degree? If he were my age, he might be in medical school or law?" Now I was curious about his occupation.

"No," Grandpa quickly replied.

"If he's not in any of those mentioned, then what is his work? Don't tell me he's a security guard? You said their business is failing," I said unintentionally, these words just slipped out.

I'm not a snob; I help those in need. It's just the only job that came to mind for him at VU. But no, he's still studying.

"He's just in his first year of college, studying at the School of Engineering," my father said, raising my eyebrows. I accidentally dropped the pen I was holding, and before it could hit the floor, Papa caught it.

"First year college? That means he's younger than me," I remarked.

"His age?" I asked once again.

"He's 18 years old, Calysta."

I shift my gaze between them, unable to believe it. "18... really 18 years old?" I ask, my surprise evident in my voice, struggling to get over this revelation.

"Yes, Calysta. He's just a freshman at Valiant University," says Dad. I feel like I might go deaf from hearing Dad's voice repeating the same thing.

"Is he really the oldest son in their family? Don't you have any other choice besides... a kid?" I ask for confirmation. Maybe he has an older brother, right?

"One of his siblings is already married, so we didn't include him with your grandfather. In fact, he's the second child."

If he's 18 and I'm now 28... ten years. We have a ten-year age gap?!

God... I don't know how to handle it when we meet. It's shocking. The age gap is significant, and I almost want to back out immediately. I can't fathom marrying someone so much younger!

"Dad, Grandpa... Are you really sure about your decision to marry me to an 18-year-old VU student? Aren't you just surprised?" I ask, already feeling stressed.

"We're absolutely sure, Calysta." My jaw drops in disbelief.

"Oh, good God..." I mutter, feeling like anything could crawl into my mouth due to the enormity of this situation.

Calysta Daniella Carvantes, 28 years old. I was only 21 when Dad handed over his position as the president of Carva Home's Shopping. Our products include household items for any kind of mansion.

I am also Lolo Ced's only grandchild, so his company went to me. I manage everything smoothly, and they trust me despite being a woman because being a businessperson is in our blood. Lolo Ced had two children, but one died young due to heart disease. So, Papa became the one to give him a grandchild, and that's me.

And now... I'm going to marry an 18-year-old Valiant University student?! Isn't that like child abuse? But not really. He's of legal age.

But the fact remains! He's too young for me!


I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from the demands of the day. It's the first day of classes at Valiant University, but the professors have already piled a lot of work on us. I was hoping for a light day, maybe just an orientation, but that wasn't the case.

My younger sister, Yazel, knocked on my room door and peeked inside. "What?" I asked.

"Daddy wants to talk to you, Kuya. They're in the library with Mommy," she replied. I sighed heavily.

"Just go," I told her, and before heading to the library, I took a quick shower.

I knocked on the door three times before pushing it open, hearing Dad's voice inside. "Take a seat," he said calmly, and I obliged. My older brother, Kuya Kazel, was also present, indicating that this conversation held importance.

"Why, Dad?" I asked immediately.

"Do you know the current state of our company, Lazel?" he asked in return. I shook my head, having no idea.

All I knew was that we had a small family business established by Dad before he and Mom got married. Both of them came from humble beginnings, but through hard work and perseverance, they built a good life together. They established a business, and us, their children, benefited from it.

"If it is compared to a fruit and if it has been harvested for a long time, whether it has been disturbed or not, it will still rot. Just like our company, the longer it exists, the more it sinks like a ship at sea. Especially if its only foundation is about to be lost."

"What do you want to happen, Dad? Just tell me straight," I said, preferring directness to avoid confusion.

"That fruit, Lazel. We're looking for someone who can harvest it to prevent it from rotting on the tree. And to do that, we need you," Kuya Kazel answered, and I looked at him, raising an eyebrow because I still couldn't grasp their intended message. "Dad and I decided that our family should unite with the Carvantes family," he added, just as my mother walked into the library.

"I've already set a schedule to meet their family. Lazel, get ready to meet your fiancé," Mom said straightforwardly, confirming my expectations.

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