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Legend of the unknown

Legend of the unknown

Queen R


Archie Lanes popularly known as AH is a very young billionaire infact he is the youngest billionaire in the city of America. He is twenty nine, already marry and have a daughter but his wife died in an accident which rendered his daughter mute. He had always done everything just for his daughter to talk again but all to no vein. One of this days at an amusement park, his daughter happen to talk when she see her, who is she? She's Hephzibah Black, a blind lady of twenty five, she lost her eyes sight when she was twelve and since then, her parents disown her calling her a cursed child. She had been living alone since then thriving alone even with blinded eyes. Hephzibah is a very special child who posses a power to talk to animals, she got herself a cat who she keep a companion but the cat is not just a cat. It is her guardian angel. Her life changed when she meet Evelyn, Archie's daughter who called her mom. Let's stop here for now and delve into the story.

Chapter 1 First meet


Inside a pink princess bedroom sat a little girl of five as she operate her tab without even glancing up to look at the maid who is talking to her.

"Miss, it's time for your night bath" the maid said frustratedly but the girl in front of her just turned a dead ear without looking at her just focus on her tab.

The door opened and a tall, handsome demi god walk in with a cold face on.

"Leave" he said to the maid who bow and left the room.

"Evelyn" he called and the girl looked up at her father while blinking her eyes repeatedly with a smile. She took her little writing board and write.

"Dad, you look tired" she write with a bright smile on and Archie smiled at her too.

"I'm fine little princess, just turned from the day work" Archie replied her and she nodded.

"I want you to bath me" she write again and Archie nodded. Anything for her anyways, he doesn't want her to feel the foil her mother left, and he doesn't want her to be feeling bad about the fact that she can't talk either.

"Right, come on princess, drop the tab and I will bath you" Archie said and Evelyn nodded with a smile. She dropped her tab and took away all her cloth. Archie wrapped a mini towel around her body and another one on her head.

"Did I look beautiful in this" she write.

"My daughter is always beautiful and pretty" Archie said as they walk to the bathroom.

As they entered the bathroom, Evelyn's eyes widened at the sight of the large, luxurious bathtub filled with warm, bubbly water. She giggled with excitement, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Archie carefully helped Evelyn into the bathtub, making sure she was comfortable. He grabbed a colorful rubber duck and handed it to her, which she happily held onto as the water surrounded her.

"Evelyn, would you like some bubbles?" Archie asked, reaching for a bottle of bubble bath. Evelyn nodded eagerly, her eyes filled with anticipation. Archie poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the water, creating a mountain of fluffy bubbles that made Evelyn squeal with delight.

As Archie began gently washing her hair, Evelyn closed her eyes, enjoying the soothing sensation. She trusted her father completely and felt safe in his loving hands. Archie carefully rinsed her hair, making sure not to get any water in her eyes.

Once her hair was washed and rinsed, Archie grabbed a soft sponge and began washing Evelyn's delicate skin. He made sure to be gentle, taking his time to ensure she felt comfortable and cared for. Evelyn giggled as the sponge tickled her, her laughter filling the bathroom.

While Archie continued to bathe her, Evelyn grabbed her little writing board again and wrote, "Dad, can we have a tea party after this?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes, her smile infectious.

Archie's heart melted at her request. He couldn't resist her adorable charm. "Of course, my princess," he replied with a smile. "We'll have a grand tea party with all your favorite treats."

After rinsing off the soap, Archie carefully lifted Evelyn out of the bathtub and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. He gently dried her off, making sure every inch of her was warm and dry.

Once they were finished, Evelyn wrapped her arms around Archie's neck and gave him a tight hug, expressing her gratitude and love without words. Archie held her close, feeling a surge of warmth and happiness in his heart.

As they exited the bathroom, they entered Evelyn's bedroom, transformed into a magical tea party wonderland. Colorful balloons adorned the room, and a table was set with dainty teacups and plates filled with delicious treats.

Evelyn's eyes lit up with excitement as she saw the beautifully decorated room. She couldn't wait to share this special moment with her father.

"Dad, when will mom be back?" Evelyn write and Archie raised his brow before smiling at her then,

"Don't worry, I will be your mom and dad" Archie assure and Evelyn smiled while sipping her tea and Archie stare at her with a worried look on.

He had always tried his best not to make her feel she doesn't have a mother, been a single father is such a stressful work but he just have to do it. It's his daughter anyways.

"Evelyn, I need to go for a conference meeting now, I will put you to bed" Archie said gently and Evelyn nodded with a smile. Archie carried her since she is in pajamas already, he lay her gently on the bed patting her hair and singing her a lullaby.

"Sleep tight princess" he muttered and kiss her forehead, she was already fast asleep when he was done with the lullaby. He sigh before silently walking out of the room. He went straight to his room and to his laptop which was on the dressing table. He sat and front of it and the meeting starts.



Archie wall into the company while holding his daughter with two guards following them, Evelyn smiled brightly as she followed her father. It's Saturday so she doesn't go to school, instead she insisted on going to the office with her father.

Archie and Evelyn get to his office floor and he was greeted by his personal assistant, Davina.

"Good morning Davina, what's my schedule for today" Archie asked without looking at the lady who was trying her best to make him notice her.

"Good morning, Mr. Archie," Davina greeted with a slight disappointment in her voice.

"Today, you have a meeting with the marketing team at 10 am to discuss the new product launch. Then, you have a lunch meeting with the potential investors at 12 pm. After that, you have a conference call with the international partners at 2 pm. And finally, you have a strategy session with the senior management team at 4 pm."

Archie glanced down at Evelyn, who was looking up at him with wide eyes. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not being able to spend more time with her.

"Davina, can you reschedule the strategy session for tomorrow morning?" Archie requested, trying to find a balance between work and his responsibilities as a father.

Davina hesitated for a moment, then nodded understandingly. "Of course, Mr. Archie. I will make the necessary arrangements. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Archie shook his head. "No, thank you, Davina. That will be all for now."

As Davina left the office, Archie looked down at Evelyn, who was still holding onto his hand. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy in having her by his side.

"Evelyn, Daddy needs to attend some meetings today. But I promise, as soon as they're over, we'll have some quality time together, okay?" Archie reassured her, his voice filled with love.

Evelyn smiled and nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She trusted her father to keep his promise, knowing that he always did his best to make her happy.

As Archie settled into his office chair, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his daughter's presence in his life. She was his motivation to work hard and succeed, not just for himself, but for the both of them.



Archie came of his office after the conference meeting with the international partner while hold Evelyn.

"Davina, I need to meet at the restaurant, can you take care of Evelyn for me, I will be back and take her along for lunch" Archie said and Davina nodded.

"Princess I will be back okay?" Archie said to Evelyn who nodded even though she was not happy. She went to Davina as Archie went out of the company with his guard.

"Girly, let's go for lunch" Davina said to Evelyn who just followed her without allowing her to hold her tiny hands.

They get to the company restaurant and while Davina was ordering food for them, Evelyn sighted a cat and went to it. It's cat actually look amazing to her because of it body colours. Evelyn bend to the act while smiling. The cat meow at her and started running away. Evelyn followed the cat and they went out of sight.

Davina was done ordering food but couldn't find Evelyn, she began to panic because she might lose her job. She began asking the people at the restaurant but none of them saw her.

"Gosh! I'm done for" Davina said and quickly went back to the office maybe she might have went back there but she didn't.


The cat stopped at the door stop of an abandoned house and meow for a while then the door opened as a very beautiful lady came out of it with a walking stick and a smile plastered on her face.

"Rainbow, is that you" she asked and Rainbow turned into a young girl smiling while her body shine.

"Yes, Hephzibah, I found you a companion" Rainbow said, that was when Evelyn got there, Rainbow quickly turned back to a cat and Evelyn smiled on seeing it.

"Who's there" Hephzibah asked while using her walking stick to rumble the floor. Evelyn looked up to her and smiled again.

"Mom" her voice came out and Hephzibah frowned.

"I can hear it in your voice, how old her you" Hephzibah said and bend down using her hand to go find Evelyn but Evelyn didn't talk because she could, she didn't know the woman in front of her couldn't see either. Evelyn write in her writing board and turned it to her.

"Little girl?" Hephzibah called but no reply.

"Are you gone already?" She asked sadly before wanting to go back in but Evelyn pull her cloth realizing she can't see.

"You are still there" Hephzibah said and took her in.

"Mom" Evelyn called again.


Back at the office, Archie came out of the elevator and meet Davina pacing in front of the office. Archie frowned, he looked around but didn't see any sign of Evelyn.

"Davina, where is Evelyn?" He asked and Davina froze on her spot.

"B...boss" she stuttered making him frown more.

"Where is my daughter?" He asked again coldly.

Archie's heart raced with worry as he awaited Davina's response. He couldn't bear the thought of something happening to Evelyn.

"I... I'm so sorry, Mr. Archie," Davina stammered, tears welling up in her eyes. "I lost sight of her at the company restaurant. I was ordering food and when I turned around, she was gone."

Archie's mind raced with panic, but he knew he needed to stay calm for Evelyn's sake. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed the security team.

"Lock down the building and search every inch of it," he ordered, his voice firm and determined. "We need to find my daughter immediately."


Minutes felt like hours as Archie paced anxiously in his office. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his precious daughter. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he answered it eagerly.

"Mr. Archie, we found her!" the security team member exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. "She was found in an abandoned house nearby. She's safe and unharmed."

Archie let out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight lift off his shoulders. He hurriedly thanked the security team and rushed out of his office, making his way to the abandoned house.

When he arrived, he was met with the sight of Evelyn standing outside, holding the hand of a beautiful woman. Tears streamed down Archie's face as he embraced his daughter tightly.

"Oh, Evelyn, I was so worried," he choked out, his voice filled with a mix of emotions. "I'm so glad you're safe."

Evelyn smiled up at her father, blissfully unaware of the fear she had caused. Archie turned to the woman who had been with her, gratitude filling his eyes.

"Thank you... thank you for taking care of her," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

The woman, Hephzibah, smiled warmly and gently touched Evelyn's cheek. "She's a remarkable and brave little girl," she said softly. "She found her way to me, and I couldn't resist helping her."

Archie nodded but could help but notice she was just looking at one direction. Evelyn took her writing board.

"Dad, she's blind" Evelyn write and Archie looked back at Hephzibah.

"Miss, can I know your name please?" Archie asked and Hephzibah smiled.

"Hephzibah, but you can call me Salvation" Hephzibah replied and Archie nodded.

"We will leave now" Archie said and Hephzibah nodded the smile not leaving her face. Archie took Evelyn hand while Evelyn resist.

"I want her to be my mom" Evelyn write and Archie's eyes widened in shock.

"Mom" Evelyn called which come as another shocker to Archie as he looked back at Hephzibah.

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