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Love when the sunset

Love when the sunset



Love is difficult to understand especially if the one you love is close to you but you can't reach them

Chapter 1 Friendship

The sound of engine could be heard from afar

"how on earth did I even miss the bus" Mirabelle panted as she watched the moving bus from a distance " this has to be a joke I woke up at exactly six a.m I guess ah this is frustrating what am I going to do now I am late for school"

A red car stopped beside her and horned the back window was rolled down and a teenage girl smiled at her " well if it isn't my best friend late for school again" Mirabelle sighed in happiness " you are a life saver Kyra this is why I love you " Kyra looked at through squinted eyes

" really just that" Mirabelle laughed sarcastically

" You know I love more than that right" " thought so get in" Mirabelle rushed in through the other side of the car door she got in and hugged Kyra after that she greeted the driver and the car stared moving " Mira why didn't your mom drop you off" "she had an emergency at the hospital so she couldn't take me to school" "see this is why you need a driver" " you know my mom won't employ one she is all on safety" Kyra shook her head . Soon they got to school and the name of the school was written in bold letters " starlight high school" they got down from the car and walked to the school's entrance there a boy was standing with ear phones in his ears while his eyes were closed both girls walked towards him Kyra tapped him and he opened his eyes Kyra folded her hands and looked at him " don't tell me you are actually sleeping while standing and listening to music"

he removed the ear phones from his ears " good morning" Kyra rolled her eyes and walked passed him Mirabelle smiled at him " good morning Felix how was your weekend" they started walking towards the school " it was" he paused for a while and continued" good" " are you sure you seem to be thinking about it a while ago" " yeah am fine" Mirabelle nodded her head there was silence between them Mirabelle thought why Kyra would be walking ahead of them instead of with them she literally has nothing to say to him then it hit her " Felix how is your planning on confessing to Kyra that you like her going" he suddenly stopped which made Mirabelle stopped too he turned towards her

" I don't like Kyra" she rolled her eyes " yeah sure like I don't see the way you look at her your eyes literally has hearts in them whenever you look no stare at her just confess already I mean you guys have been friends since childhood so things should be easy" " I really don't like her and besides she likes someone else" " you mean Christopher well yes but you might not know she might just like him because he helped at with some bullies she is still trying to thank him" " really that incident happened two years ago I think by now she would have thanked him enough don't you think" she wanted to reply but was cut short by him " well I think so if she likes someone let her like that person and no again I don't like her she is just my friend" " I understand but if .." Felix started walking away without letting her to continue " wait am not done yet" .

Mirabelle is currently in history class trying her best to focus on what the teacher is saying but it was to no avail she blames the teacher who is actually slow in his speech she decided to give up and turn her attention to something interesting which she doubts if there is in a history class but then she saw something more like someone and decided to pay close attention to the person she didn't know what made her find the person interesting to look at but she just found herself staring at him it non other than Felix she stared at him and wondered if he understood what the teacher was saying because he payed attention to the lesson going on unlike her she continued staring at him and didn't know when she started examining his features she thought to herself " wow no wonder he is chosen as the most handsome in the he school I mean look at him he could literally have anyone he likes but chose to be reserved and quiet and distant I wonder why people would have thought that with his looks and background he would be a playboy or something but no he chose to be mysterious and keep to himself I have known him for sometime now and he doesn't seem like the type that share much with those around he is weird but interesting at the same time too bad who he likes doesn't like him back he seems like a nice guy I mean I would be happy to date him" immediately she thought about it she was taken by surprise with what she just thought about Felix she shook her head " no no no no a big no Mirabelle what on earth are you thinking he is your friend which you just have mutual and non romantic feelings for so stop whatever you are thinking yeah stop I should probably focus on the class that is way more safer" she turned her attention back to the class. The bell rung and students started leaving the class without paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying Mirabelle went to Felix " Felix are you having lunch with me and Kyra today" " yeah"

" great then let's go am starving I didn't eat breakfast today and it's killing me because I used all my strength in chasing after a bus" she kept on talking without paying attention to the person beside her who was currently smiling while watching her rant . They got to the cafeteria and stood in line for their lunch she was glad that she goes to a private school where they actually serve good food they paid and went to take a sit " I wonder where Kyra is"

Then a chatter was heard and everyone's attention was turned to the scene where the sound came from it was a girl being bullied lunch was poured on her by some girls Mirabelle looked at the scene and felt pity for her but that was the way of this private school the rich and strong prey on the weak no matter even though you are rich Kyra joined them at the table Mirabelle asked her " where have you been" ' somewhere let's eat am hungry" Mirabelle would like to guess but she already know where or who she was with she only feels pity for the person beside her who is watching on from a distance she sighed and started eating.

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