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A Villain For The Ruthless Billionaire

A Villain For The Ruthless Billionaire



A Villian For The Ruthless Billionaire Hot Billionaire Series #4 They call her wicked, but she just wanted to be loved. Framed up and hated, she ran away. Not knowing the disaster she will face, can the villain in disguise make the billionaire fall in love?

Chapter 1 1

Lareina's POV:

I must tell you, youngster, that you genuinely do not have any shame! You look like such a pig! You are going to let that man destroy your life, right? Why will you destroy our image even further when you know it is already failing? My father shouted at me.

He exerted such force on me that I ended up falling to the ground. The forceful smack that he gave me produced a cut on my lip, and I could taste the blood that was seeping out of it.

I do not mean to tarnish your reputation in any way. I ask that you believe me. When I was younger, all I wanted was to gain Chadwick's affection. I had a deep affection for him, and I believed that our connection had a deeper significance at that time. Even at this moment, I am sorry about it. I sobbed, "I am truly sorry for what I have done."

The vases that we cherished were shattered as he laughed loudly. Aside from my mother, my sister Silka is not present. Also gone is Brother Lorcan, who has never left my side and has always been there to protect me.

"Lareina, you truly have a great deal of facial hair! When you've already been humiliated by your twin, now this!? You fuckingmotherfucky! Misfortune in the realm of hell! Dad let out a yell of horror.

An ahh! Oh, Dad, that's enough! I pleaded with myself to shed tears.

As he hauled me up the stairs, he yanked my hair and pushed it back. As a result of the anguish, I just found myself crying and screaming. I endured an excessive amount of humiliation. Including my own family, I was abused. The things that I have done in the past in particular. I was very oblivious and foolish.

Is it a sin to adore that? Are you the sort of person who enjoyed everything, but you forgot what you were doing together because you met someone who was far superior to you?

After forcing me into my room, he hurled a glass at me and then left. It struck my calf and then shattered on the ground. I have a leg that is fully swollen and in a lot of pain. However, despite the fact that I came dangerously close to passing away from the physical anguish, I endured considerably greater emotional suffering.

Even though it had been around five or four years since I had done what I did to Chadwick, Dad beat me because of what I had done to him. This happened after Dad had been gone for a considerable amount of time. When I arrested Chadwick and obtained the footage at that time, I was aware that I had committed a mistake. So, what options do I have? Chadwick wins my heart. However, at that time, I was aware that he loved me as well.

Only those who were close to us, including my parents, were able to see it. They treated me in a manner that was quite unjust.

The only thing I did was shake my head and make an attempt to get up after being hit on the floor. My body is in pain, and I am sick of hearing things that are unpleasant. That which I did was, without a doubt, a grave mistake. So, what options do I have? Just now, I did fall in love.

While I was sitting on the bed, I attempted to remove the bruises that were on my leg. I am feeling lightheaded as a result of both hunger and exhaustion. From the time I was a youngster with my impoverished parents till now, this is how my scene has always taken shape.

I immediately laid down because I was so frustrated that I couldn't get rid of the bruises that were on my leg. I couldn't help but smile as I wiped away my tears. Where do I stand right now? Because of the embarrassment, is it possible for me to still leave the house? Do I still have a chance to live?


You are in a horrible financial situation, my darling. Every time you go to the gym, your parents beat you. Someone spoke to me in a feeble voice and said, "They don't even feel sorry for you."

In spite of the fact that I was becoming drowsy and soft, I made an effort to wake up. When I looked up, I saw Nanna Lina, who is our assistant. Especially when my parents beat me like this, she is someone I consider to be very close to. On a regular basis, I wake up to discover her care for me.

"What time is it?" I inquired with Nanna Lina.

"My sweetheart, it is already late. A letter was left for you earlier by Ma'am Crish as a side note," Nanna Lina stated as she handed over an envelope to the recipient.

I cracked a grin when I noticed that the bandage was on my leg. It is a pleasure to meet Nanna Lina. She acts toward me as if I were her child. The way my parents treat me is like they are using me as a rag. The rag is seen to be even more useful by them than I am.

Please allow me to go down. With a grin on her face, Nanna Lina advised you to rest your wound.

She received a smile and a nod from me. I repositioned my place on the bed as soon as Nanna Lina emerged from the room. My entire body is still a little bit awkward. Furthermore, I was only discharged from the hospital a short while ago due to the fact that Chadwick had shot me.

Taking the envelope, I read the note that was contained within it. The recipient is Crish. Why didn't she just send me a text message?

"I want you to accompany us to Germany, Lareina. The things that your parents did to you were repeated to me by Nanna Lina. You are not deserving of it, you scumbag. As I read the message, I was instructed to "meet you at 8:00 pm behind your house."

I began to feel anxious as I crumpled up the paper, and I saw that my body was beginning to react. Is it okay if I go with Crish? What am I going to do? Because of the contentious nature of my decision, I am currently experiencing a great deal of anxiety.

In the event that I remain, I am aware that my father will take my life due to his rage. And even if I leave, he will still decide to kill me.

What should I do in this situation? Is it possible that I will steal away with Crish?

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